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Kathy Williams: Sexy Mom Abundant Life

Kathy Williams: Sexy Mom Abundant Life

Kathy Williams Sexy Mom Abundant Life OMTimes Radio

Kathy Williams is the Host of Sexy Mom Abundant Life which aires every Thursday at 5:00 PM EST/2:00 PM PST on OMTimes Radio.

OMTimes Radio Host Spotlight – Interview with Kathy Williams – Sexy Mom Abundant Life



Sexy Mom Abundant Life is not only a show but a philosophy to help you tap into the support of the Universe and access the abundance that’s available in all areas of our lives. So often the messages we receive when we are young lead us to think there is not enough and that we have to struggle. Yet the only thing that can really cut us off from the natural support of the Universe is believing in lack and believing in the need to struggle. Listen in for conversations and tools to create more ease, joy, and possibility with family, relationships, business, money, and creation.

OMTimes: What is “your message” and why is it important? 

Kathy Williams: You can have what you want. The Universe is an abundant place, and you’re part of that. I truly believe the universe supports us in every way. It conspires with us to bring us our desires, as long as we aren’t too fixated on them showing up in a certain way. As we are creating our lives, we think the past, other people, or lack of money, time, or information can stop us, when really truly the only thing that can stop you is you. Society is filled with messages that we are not enough, or that life is hard, and it’s hard to get what you want. I’m not saying that you won’t have to take action, but when you’re taking inspired action, the actions are much less effortful because you’re working with your own inner wisdom and tapping into the wisdom of the Universe.


OMTimes:  How do you start your life as Expert Life Coach and Transformational agent?

Kathy Williams: My career has been a journey in which one thing has organically lead to another. I began as a professional ballerina and started taking yoga to alleviate my knee pain. I became fascinated by why yoga made me feel better, not only physically, but also mentally and emotionally, so I attended teacher training in the year 2000. Once I started working with students one on one, I quickly realized the need for more tools for mental and emotional healing, so I studied and started to integrate guided meditation and imagery, NLP exercises, tapping, Pranic Healing, and Reiki into my sessions. Years as an intern with a Hawaiian Shaman fine-tuned my intuitive and energy healing skills, and Michael Neill helped me become the expert coach I am today. Over the years, I have taught and practiced almost 20 energy modalities with clients all over the planet, and it’s been an awe-inspiring journey. I love traveling around the world, facilitating classes. Now what I teach, and use is a culmination of all that I’ve practiced over the years and additional information that comes through.


OMTimes: What are the specialized services you offer to your audience?

Kathy Williams: I have a signature course called Radical Abundance that continues to awe me because it really amplifies participants’ ability to manifest. I literally sat down one day, wrote the manual, and didn’t get up until it was complete. I run a Free Radical Abundance Challenge several times a year.  On my website, I have powerful “energetic exercises” that help you pull in more money, and expand your ability to receive, to connect with Light Beings and Guides, and more. I also have a class called Conspiring with the Universe to Receive Your Desires which is being made into a book.


OMTimes: Do you offer private courses, mentoring or coaching, 101 bases?

Kathy Williams: Yes. I’ve enjoyed coaching one on one since 2005. I offer workshops, Radical Abundance retreats, silent retreats on Maui, private coaching and healing sessions (in-person and distance), and small group masterminds.


OMTimes: Do you offer a followed-up consultation for those that wish to have a consultation with a professional like yourself?

Kathy Williams: Yes. I’ve found often the way for people to make the fastest progress is either 1 on 1 or in a small group session.


OMTimes: Do you use any techniques to inspire & motivate and build strength for yourself?

Kathy Williams: Meditation is a primary tool I use to reconnect inward. I have several different guided imagery and energetic practices to help me disconnect from other thoughts, feelings, and emotions and other outside influences so I can really tap into what’s true for me. I’ve found that asking questions of myself, others, and the Universe is a great way to invite new information and ideas to come through. What also inspires me is nature. I live near the beach, and Maui has several great hiking areas that I love to retreat into. In a really challenging moment, I might tap into the teachings of Sri. Karunamayi, Auraya Magdalyn author Michael Neill, Paul Selig, or Mel Robbins – or turn to one of my friends or coaches!

See Also
Robyn Fritz


OMTimes: How do you fare with concepts that have to do with fear, courage, and resilience? Do they interfere in your life?

Kathy Williams:  Whenever we desire something that’s beyond our comfort zone, the better job, the talk on stage, asking someone out, there can be fear (and we sometimes misinterpret excitement as fear; just breathe deeper to change it)! The thing is if we don’t move through the fear, it becomes our limitation, keeping us from expanding into the life we truly desire. Our comfort zone is the known, what we know is safe, and it’s so life-expanding to move through the fear that keeps confined in that zone. In the past, I’ve created a challenge for myself: I realized at one point that I hated hearing “no,” so I took on a challenge to have people tell me no. If I heard no, I succeeded! It’s amazing to realize that asking for things and hearing no or being rejected is not a big deal. And sometimes when I set out to fail, I actually succeeded – like in asking someone to write a song for me!


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