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Can Crystals Help Absent Healing?

Can Crystals Help Absent Healing?

Absent Healing Crystal OMTimes

Many energetic Healers regularly perform Absent Healing, also called Distant Healing. Crystals are commonly used to amplify and direct energy.

Absent Healing with Crystals



How Does Crystal Healing Work?

Stones and crystals can function as energy amplifiers, their main strength is the ability to amplify and direct our own energies and frequencies. Therefore, the most important thing when dealing with stones and crystals is to be able to tune our vibrations with those stones, improving and enhancing our resources.

We may bring to our benefit the internalizing the vibrational characteristics of the stones and crystals we are needing by constantly working with them. The importance of knowing them is that they help us become aware of our internal processes, thereby participating more consciously, achieving more balance, harmony, and inner fulfillment.

We know that the diversity of conflicts, imbalances, and problematic situations in our daily lives is immense. Sometimes external aid is the support we need to turn this moment of crisis into one of learning and evolution. Holistic Therapy offers us this help with its stones and crystals. A path of balance between our inner truth, our essence, and our personality.

This type of therapy’s goal is to be aware of the things that are important to our “Higher Self”, things that bring soul satisfaction, as well as help us deal with family conflicts, eliminate hurts and anger, soften moments of insecurity, offer an extra dose of self-love and self-confidence, bring more mental tranquility and clarity of vision.

Several techniques of holistic therapy make use of stones and crystals to work on deep, delicate and difficult issues, such as Reiki, Puncture (Crystalopuncture), Massage Therapy and Energy Harmonization (with stones and crystals in the Chakras). Each of these techniques is special and extremely effective.

The choice of the “best” technique is made through a good analysis by the part of the professional Therapist to identify the energy imbalances that are currently acting and in which fields (energetic, emotional, mental and physical). Only then, it can be decided which technique would work most effectively on a particular person. That is, there is a better technique for one person at a given time, but there is no better technique than another.

Stones and crystals can be used in various ways daily. They can also be used to facilitate absence healing. The type of use depends on the person, but the easiest and most effective way to work with this therapy is to place the stones and crystals in the chakra.

On specific occasions, you can also carry the stone in your pocket or purse, hold it when you need it most, have it close to where you spend the most time (office, headboard, etc.) or wear an accessory with it. So, choose the way you will actually use it, and that will most help you connect with the energy and intention you need.



Crystal Cleaning

When it comes to cleanliness, it is always wise to use common sense. If you found, won or bought a stone or crystal, the first thing to do is clean it! When we find these gifts in nature, there are certain materials stuck to them. When buying or winning a stone or crystal, imagine how many hands and places it has gone through in the last millennia.

The “traditional” cleaning of any stone has always been done in a very simple way, by the most diverse cultures and peoples. That is, just leave the stones exposed to the sun for a few hours, either for personal or professional use. To remove dirt or materials stuck to the stone, use a cotton cloth or soft bristle brush. Water cleaning is recommended for higher density stones and crystals, i.e., those that do not dissolve easily. If so, use running water – the more natural, the better.

After that, do the energizing that most closely attune your stone to you.



The energization of stones and crystals can be done by using sunlight or moonlight; or fire, earth, storm, rain, waterfall or sea, etc. The best form of energization will depend on the type of energy most suited to the stones and/or the work that will be carried out with them.

For example, to deal with apathy, it would be appropriate to place the stone to be used close to the fire or even, depending on the stone, to burn it for a few seconds. If this is not possible, leave the stone absorbing sunlight for a few hours. If the search is for greater receptivity, it is appropriate to use moonlight, a symbol of the feminine/receptive. Now if the goal is to create a stabilizer, anchoring, and safety, nothing better than leaving the stone in direct contact with the earth.

Using these associations, along with the knowledge of stones, your therapeutic work with stones and crystals becomes more efficient and appropriate to the needs of the moment.


See Also

Distant Healing Using Crystals

A crystal grid is an effective way to send energy healing to someone that is not present in your practice.

Preparing the Crystal Grid

Have your materials ready. I mat or grid space, the crystals you would like to use for the grid based on the needs of the intention. Choose two kinds of crystals. One a master crystal and the others should be the same for the outer circle. Have a crystal wand or crystal point to trace the light energy.

1. Hold all the same crystals at heart level and allow the transfer of your heart energy, the positive energy you wish to convey into your crystals. You may use an affirmation or words of intention to “program” these crystals for a purpose. This can take anywhere from 2-5 minutes, depending on your guidance.

2. Then take your master crystal in your hands (this is the crystal that is different from the others). Hold this crystal at heart level and ask the Universe to have the full power of the Reiki energy flow through you as you empower your stone to heal with love and light.

3. Create an affirmation to do this. It can be something like: “I empower this grid to heal, with love, with compassion, no judgment and, with pure energy and light.” repeat these three times as you connect the grid lines moving counterclockwise around the grid. Positive intention is the greatest process when using any healing technique.

4. Laying of stone. Place the same color or similar stones into your grid pattern. (Choose your pattern from the healing grids in the front of the book). These crystals go on the outside of the grid with the master crystal in the center. Now you have a pattern on your surface that will serve you.

5. Connecting the stones with Reiki Energy. To connect the grid lines, start by pointing a crystal wand or crystal point toward the central crystal holding it a few inches above the grid. When you feel the energy flow move the crystal wand up to the crystal at the top of the grid drawing a line of energy, then move diagonally to the crystal on the left, then back to the center, then retrace the line you just drew, then move to the next crystal on the left. Go back to center and then retrace that line you just drew, then continue around the grid as you say your affirmation.

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