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Danielle MacKinnon: Animal Lessons

Danielle MacKinnon: Animal Lessons

Danielle MacKinnon Animal Lessons OMTimes


Sandra Sedgbeer: Danielle, can we learn to communicate with every animal species? Are they all open to doing it?

Danielle MacKinnon: In my experience, yes. Now have I spoken with every animal species? No, but the big picture that the animals have given me is that this is why they’re here. They’re here to connect with us, to communicate with us and to help us grow and master unconditional love. So, while I haven’t spoken to every single species out there, it wouldn’t make sense to me that some species would be like, “no, we’re not talking to you.” I know they want to do everything in their power to help us. So, my answer would be yes.


Sandra Sedgbeer: Well, have you ever seen the documentary, the octopus in my house?

Danielle MacKinnon: No.


Sandra Sedgbeer: I watched it a couple of weeks ago about a scientist in Alaska who specializes in studying octopus. And he decided to have one in his home, one of the local species. He had a big tank installed and they actually this and discovered how intelligent these octopuses. When the man’s daughter used to come and sit down in that room to watch television, the octopus would go to one end of its tank where it had the perfect view of the television and watch with her. You know, it made me think about animal communication because I mean this man was just besotted with this octopus and it brought so much into his life, and just really opened up a whole new avenue of thinking about animals and intelligence, and our ability to communicate and bond with them.

Danielle MacKinnon: I will absolutely watch that. I have a hard time watching, um, movies or TV shows or even the news when animals come up because I can connect them at three-level. A lot of animals in our lives right now on earth are uncomfortable. There’s something at the soul level, they’re not, but I can feel that 3D suffering levels, so I tend to stay away. But that one sounds like something I could completely and totally do.


Sandra Sedgbeer: About animal communication, your presenting in-person courses, um, and training. You also have an online study course. Tell us about your online course.

Danielle MacKinnon: My instant access course. It’s actually pretty cool. It’s video-based, and you can basically take it whenever you want, and there’s one lesson a week delivered for six weeks. Then there’s homework in there, and I basically take you through the whole process of learning. Start with the energy management piece, which we talked about before. Putting yourself in that position where you’re most primed and ready to be able to receive the information. And then I take people through my technique for connecting intuitively with the animal by the second class, the second lesson. That’s when they actually do their first communication, which is really, really fun. And then, um, there’s another course after that. And then I actually certify people to become animal communicators. They are called soul level animal communicators and help them start their businesses. Cause so many people want to help animals.

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Sandra Sedgbeer: Danielle MacKinnon, Thank you. I really enjoyed your book and thank you for joining us today.


Connect with Danielle MacKinnon

Animal Lessons – Discovering Your Spiritual Connection with Animals by Danielle MacKinnon is published by Llewellyn publications. For more information about the book and Daniel’s courses, visit She’s got a course coming up in November at the Kripalu Center in Massachusetts and also check out her youtube channel, which features many short videos and series of very interesting topics.

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