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Flat Earth Theory and the New Dark Ages

Flat Earth Theory and the New Dark Ages

Flat Earth OMTimes

Despite the fact that a Greek scholar named Eratosthenes first calculated the Earth’s circumference over 2200 years ago (not to mention all the NASA photos), a modern-day belief in a Flat Earth has been growing.

Or How Did Belief In a Flat Earth Become a Thing Again?



Astonishingly, there has been a movement that has been gaining strength in recent years called the Flat Earth Movement.  Yes. Some people claim that the Earth is flat: an undeniable, nostalgic, and medieval mindset.  Many have questioned whether Flat Earth is a movement or a conspiracy theory, but, in fact, it is both.

It is possible to have a belief in both God and Science.  They are not mutually exclusive.  Even with the separation between science and faith (God), we need not ignore scientific facts and discoveries relating to our own origin, to support a metaphysical and theological line of thought for the source of all creation and life on this planet. In fact, maintaining the balance between what is plausible, and keeping our mind open to mysteries of faith is essential to bringing us closer to the truth. Evidential Science is not a matter of opinion, it is a matter of facts.

It is important to understand that the Flat-Earthers are not just skeptical of the facts surrounding spherical earth, they refuse scientific methods and evidence because they are only inclined to accept “facts” that may confirm their theories, a classic case of confirmation bias.

What is puzzling is that, how is it possible in the 21st century that there are still people doubting such an undeniable truth, and what does this have to do with spirituality, light, and darkness? At first, we may think that it is only ignorance, in a sense a lack of knowledge, but behind these visions concealed by lack of knowledge, we find darkness and strange interests.

I will not bother to expose the obvious here, that is, I will not present arguments that prove that the Earth is not flat, that is, in fact, a sphere, a globe, so as not to mock the intelligence of the reader nor to waste our time. The idea is to understand the evil forces that feed on man’s spiritual unconsciousness and ignorance, as a warning to the importance of liberation through knowledge. Also, to point out that God will never be defeated by science, and that science can and should be an ally in understanding the truth and the mysteries surrounding our existence.


The Documentary “Behind the Curve”

In 2018 Netflix released a documentary called “Behind the Curve” that dealt with this theme. In it, we can take a closer look at the people who support the theory that the earth is flat and the explanations they insist on providing as evidence. But why do they believe this? It is the first question that comes to mind.

In the documentary, a common trait among Flat Earth supporters is a distrust of the entire system. It is something of a new trend everywhere, the “infectious” claims of several current conspiracy theories have been seeding distrust, suspicion, and rivalries among all segments of modern society, both in our country and abroad. This wave of distrust reaches our moral values, ethical choices, and our institutions.

The documentary also talks about the relation between the Flat Earthers and mental health.


Seeded Fear and Otherhood

All the conspiracy theories’ goal is to create division, separation, and, ultimately, implement a society based on fear of the Other. How do they do that? They achieve this by casting doubt upon what we, as human society, believe to be the truth:  scientific advancement, in the medical field, in the discovery of natural laws, in new technologies, and even in the basic predispositions we have as human beings living in a naturally diverse world.

Regretfully, this is not only an American phenomenon. These are disenfranchised people, with a little higher education or culture, few possibilities, and not only feel harmed by the system but tend to doubt scientific concepts. They unite around easily verifiable facts, and in this union, in their worship, they find the support and recognition they cannot achieve in other aspects of life.  In doing so, they find relevance. There they finally find some power.


Flat Earth and the Vast Array of Supportive Conspiracies

Flat-Earthers believe that their perception of life is only what their eyes can perceive.  They believe this mindset is more valid than a more technical scientific understanding. Typically, Flat Earth is not the only absurd theory they endorse: all sorts of conspiracy are part of this network, from the certainty that man has never stepped on the moon, gravity as a lie, vaccines are dangerous, the Deep State, mass shootings are False Flag attacks…the list of absurdities goes on and on.

“Three Things Cannot Be Hidden for Long: The Sun, The Moon, And The Truth.”

~ Buddha


Undoubtedly, movements like these are proof that we are failing as a society. We allow people to feel so needy, suspicious, and uneducated that they feel isolated and lonely to the point of clinging to such an ignorant and unscientific theory. Ridiculing them only increases their strength: the more a liminary group (fringe of society) is pushed back on, the more they identify themselves as part of a real movement.

There is some controversy about whether Flat-earthers are growing in number or not, there. They may just be noisier, but nevertheless, there is a considerable danger in this movement. They are not as harmless as sympathy for them tries to induce. In addition to the terrible misinformation they are spreading, along with it comes another issue that is of prime concern to human life: global warming.

Believing the Earth is flat means adopting creationism as the genesis of life, which clashes directly with the reality of global warming. It’s important to say that being a Creationist is very different from believing in God. Creationism essentially implies going against unquestionable scientific facts which, in no way, oppose the divine idea, such as contesting that the earth is billions of years old and, instead of evolution, we are descended directly from Adam and Eve.

“Know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

~ Jesus


The adherents of this theory deny global warming because it does not fit in with their earthly and creationist logic. That is a danger, especially when we have certain political leaders from different countries helping to bring down scientific and undisputed facts. More people must become aware that the lifestyle we have adopted is destroying the possibility of life on earth, not the other way around. The denial of science is very dangerous to humanity at this critical time for the world.


Ignorance of What Doesn’t Fit Established Preconceptions

The most curious thing is that Flat Earth movement uses “science” to prove their theory, even with all the discredit with which they treat it. This makes them a “no salvation” case, as they are not looking for the truth but for proof of what they already believe, thus, there is no possible argument against this blind faith.

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Who Profits from this Conspiracy?

Flat or round, there has always been hate in the world.

~ Tanith Lee


Ignorance always matters to someone. In these critical times of Planetary Transition, we daresay that it matters to many. The Flat Earth Theory matters to the dark side. In physical, material terms, it is not news to anyone that control happens through ignorance and division.

Political leaders and Heads of State have known this since ancient times.  We learned at school about “bread and circus” politics as a way of alienating the population, maintaining order, and gaining support. For those at the top of power, it matters little whether people think the earth is flat or that global warming is a lie, as long as they stay in power and profit from it. The ignorance of the people is a blessing to those who govern and control the flow of Earth’s resources.

This is not only a matter of one political system, but this is also about the perpetuation of power: over Earth and over Humanity. Behind the manipulation of minds, there is darkness and a new way to facilitate the “brokerage” of power among a “New World Order” which, in truth, is as old as time and expresses the same disregard for human life and the life of this planet.

Spiritual and mental illumination should be goals we must pursue as a race because only in this way can we can actually bring enlightenment that removes one from the imprisonment of then ignorance that allows the system to renew itself and continue. Education, information, and the sharing of knowledge can bring life to wisdom, and only wisdom can fight Darkness efficiently.

The Flat Earth Theory and the darkness behind it is a reality. The regression of science matters to Darkness. Human ignorance is the pillar of darkness. Our unconsciousness and ignorance are essential to distancing ourselves from the Light. His Holiness, the Dalai Lama says: “Ignorance is a weapon of mass destruction.”

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About the Author

Creatrix from Sirius. Fairly Odd Mother of Saints (Bernards). Fish Tank aficionado by day, ninja by night. Liane Buck is also the Editor-in-Chief of OMTimes Magazine, Co-Founder of Humanity Healing International and Humanity Healing Network, and a Board Member of Saint Lazarus Relief Fund.

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