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Lisa Berry: Light On Living

Lisa Berry: Light On Living

Lisa Berry Light On Living OMTimes

Lisa Berry is the Host of Light On Living which aires every Monday at 12:00 PM EST/9:00 AM PST on OMTimes Radio, the iOM Radio Network.

OMTimes Radio Host Spotlight – Interview with Lisa Berry – Light On Living



Lisa Berry is an expert in breathing life into the dreams of those wanting to live vibrantly, energetically, happy, and fulfilled while standing confidently and strongly rooted in their personal power. As a soul beaming with light and celebrating life with others, Lisa recognizes her mission to find, help and connect with those who need and want to shine. She knows that having clarity of a big dream, dissolving the blocks that stop it from becoming a reality and mastering personal creation are the ways to an incredible, happy, confident, and successful life!

Enthusiastically and optimistically Lisa begins each conversation by offering a safe place to dream, share, believe, and create and invites you to connect with her.

Lisa Berry is an International Radio Show Host, a Published Author, a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, and a Certified Life Coach.

Light On Living Show truly lightens a load of life’s challenges by clearing all the extras and bringing you just the winning acts that make the biggest difference.


Interview with Lisa Berry, Host of Light On Living

OMTimes: How and to whom do you believe your Radio show, Light On Living can bring beneficial results to?

Lisa Berry: The internet literally saved my life 10 years ago. The connection I found from listening to show hosts and their guests allowed me to build a world, even if it was just in my head and heart at the time, that supported, guided and taught me ways that I needed to create a life in the physical world that I wanted to live. Life was full of meaning, value, and joy.

I knew that one day I too would be a friend, a mentor, and an uplifter to those who felt as lonely, lost and sad as I did, and I would do it through creating a show and writing books where people would have access to what they needed to build their world and a life they wanted as well.

The benefits I hope that listeners will receive are knowing that they are never alone, that self-love is the first place to start and that connecting to others is always possible. That healing and forgiving can be fun, and joy and happiness are always present, we just have cloudy periods.


OMTimes: Why is it important to the Conscious/Spiritual/Holistic community to keep themselves connected with their inherited gifts?

Lisa Berry: This brings about the question of the importance to stay connected with our inherited gifts. I always know when I’m connected with my gifts because I feel good. Feeling good to me means that things flow, that I have curiosity and interest and that things make me smile.

Feeling good is never feeling lonely when I’m alone. Connecting and having fun, playing with everything from a thought to an animal to people.

Feeling good is my telltale sign that I’m on the right track for my purpose, my passion, and that I’m choosing experiences that support my expansion. Being in alignment with our inherited gifts doesn’t mean we don’t have challenges and know all the answers. It means that we trust ourselves and that what shows up in the world is for us, and supporting our evolution.


OMTimes: We live in a world of content overload. How can people break through and reach their desired audience?

Lisa Berry: A LOT can definitely show up. An example of how we all might experience this is content overload, whether it’s coming at you or you’re trying to break through the noise with your own message and content. For me, the value of saying yes or no is my superpower! I know I have the right to choose. It’s my decision, and I have to practice that decision. So when content is flying at me from every direction, sound, sight, thoughts, and vibration I use my check-in point of “do I feel good?” to get to my yes or no.

It really is a practice though because I use to think I felt good and would say yes to things, but when I really tuned in to my emotions, I felt good because I pleased another not because it enriched my soul. This is also the “formula” I personally use when broadcasting my message. I make sure my content and my voice feel, to me first then I put it out there with a full backup belief that the aligned ears, eyes and heart will receive it.


OMTimes: How do you fare with concepts that have to do with fear, courage, and resilience? How are they interfere in your life?

Lisa Berry: I decided years and years ago that I would only listen to fear long enough to get the message that I had to re-connect with myself.

Sure we get emotionally pushed around, but it’s the willingness and the ability to always come back to a stable spot that represents resilience to me.

I grew up with a daily “fear” of my mom almost dying. A monthly fear of wondering what the next disease, ailment, or organ failing would be. Three decades of this wore on me, and I had to figure a way to cope.

So I would numb the fear, but in reality, it was still there. During those same decades I entered into more than a few abusive relationships and again lived with that “fear” of death, but a magical shift happened one particular day.

I realized that through everything, my mom and I were still alive. We didn’t die. Something transformed my “fear into “invincibility.”

I transmuted the fear of dying into resilience and from that moment on I stood with a calm, strong and trusting knowing that fear would

no longer be in the lead, but courage and love would be how I lead my life and would encourage and support others to do the same. The day came when my mom did

pass, and it was a beautiful, connected, loving experience without fear.


OMTimes: What is “your message” and why is it important?

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Lisa Berry: What I strive for in all that I do, be it Light On Living, Podcast Prosperity, speaking engagements, interviews, writings, music, any form of expression, I commit to “unity.” I commit to love, and acceptance and I commit to supporting the growth in everyone’s journey.

My light shines the brightest when I’m life coaching and when I’m shining the spotlight on an other’s experience. I ask these questions:

How do we connect with ourselves so confident that when we’re shaken we rise?

How do we offer forgiveness to the toughest of situations ESPECIALLY our own?

How do we say yes and commit to our dreams and wake each day to feel good?

To experience passion and enthusiasm?

I listen for the answers as I meditate, as I review my own created world, as I coach my clients, as I interview authors, and as I help others create their own shows and write their own books and chapters.


OMTimes: Do you offer private courses, mentoring or coaching, 101 bases?

Lisa Berry: I am thankful and love that I have had this opportunity to share with you a bit of my story and more importantly my “now.”

I am extending an invitation for you to connect with me for the sole purpose of reaching for a space to feel better. Id love to help you in building your dream world than in creating that life.

Perhaps you are a person looking for a connection, a grounded and happy place on this earth, an author looking to share your story, a person desiring your own show? Id love to hear from you all


Connect With Lisa Berry

Listen to Lisa Berry, LIVE on Light On Living which aires every Monday at 12:00 PM EST/9:00 AM PST on OMTimes Radio, the iOM Radio Network.

You can connect with her on her website  or on Facebook

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