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The Heart of the Sakshibhav Meditation

The Heart of the Sakshibhav Meditation

Sakshibhav Meditation OMTimes

Many of us are feeling a lot of anxiety surrounding the environmental climate crisis and the current state of political unrest in our world.  Through Sakshibhav Meditation, or witnessing meditation, we can learn to move past this fear and into space where we can center ourselves within and then be more helpful to the situation. Sakshi means the witnessing mind and Bhav means the feeling heart. We need both to transcend the material world and truly embrace a spiritual life.

Sakshibhav Meditation: Mindfulness and Heartfulness for a Peaceful, Happy World



Nothing Happens in the World Accidentally

Many of us are feeling a lot of anxiety surrounding the environmental climate crisis and the current state of political unrest in our world.  How do we move past this fear and into space where we can be helpful to the situation?

Anything that happens in an individual or collective life at any point in time and space has its own purpose, which is ordained by a higher intelligence. Nothing happens in the world accidentally. If we read through the pages of the history of mankind and the world we will see that we have always passed through great upheavals and suffering, wars and bloodshed. There was never a time when everything was perfect. What is happening now globally is no exception to what happened in the past.

However, what we see now more than ever is the most damaging influence of the human mind’s increasing greed and selfishness, the erosion of all moral and ethical values. This pollution of the collective mind of humanity is causing all the crises in the world. Political or environmental, whatever is causing the fear and anxieties to the sensitive populations of countries around the world needs to be addressed at the root.  It is collective unconsciousness. Unless people are educated in the art of true spiritual values and are inspired to practice mindfulness, heartfulness, meditation, and a simpler life, it will be difficult for all of us to survive longer on this planet. Greed is eating us up. We all know, yet the diabolic forces are so strong that it is overpowering every small effort for a better tomorrow.


The Night is Darkest Before the Dawn

But be assured of the reality that night is the darkest before the dawn. All these crises that humankind is creating will come back to demand a price. Then humans will awaken to a higher collective awareness to love mother earth and each other, and create a better world for the progenies to come and species of life to regenerate and coexist. Already millions of good people around the world are working for this awakening to a new dawn of conscious awareness. Yoga, meditation, holistic healing, vegetarian, organic food, the planting of billions of trees; all is becoming mainstream, which is the most positive sign.

The solution comes first and foremost to change one’s self. Unless each individual changes, nothing changes. When one person changes to living a quiet, peaceful life, even if there are distractions and distress on the periphery, then that person becomes the first vehicle of a lasting change in the environment, and peace becomes a possibility. Let us get into a deeper quest of our inner world and bring change there, and the rest will follow.

Each one of us needs to strive earnestly to take each day at a time and live it to the full, to the brim, living moment to moment in the awareness that the divine is taking care of everything. Our practice needs to be rooted in the wisdom of the sages and masters that all sense of our being, the doer of our thoughts, emotions, and actions, is false. We are only a Witness, and we need to always remain in that state. That is our sadhana, our practice, the practice of Sakshibhav Meditation.


What is Witnessing Sakshibhav Meditation?

Sakshi is mindfulness, and Bhav is heartfulness. Sakshi is our witnessing self within that never changes our conscious awareness of our self, our thoughts, emotions, and actions. Sakshi is our true state of “Being.” Bhav is the pure feeling of love from our heart, the beauty that we all have within us. Sakshibhav is our natural state that brings the ecstatic awareness of truth and beauty.

When our mind is full of random thoughts and unpleasant emotions, we are living in our past. Emotions are only born regarding past experiences. Through meditation, we consciously shift our focus from the past to the present moment as we become more aware of our witnessing self-inside.

When the mind is given a pause through our shift of consciousness, we become calm. Our attention is sharpened. Our attitude becomes more proactive and life-affirming. We see things and people more clearly. Our words vibrate with the light of awareness. We become more powerful, successful and peaceful. This is the art of mindfulness and heartfulness that comes through the practice of Sakshibhav Meditation. We move from having our mind full of stuff to being lovingly mindful of the witness within, the one who simply observes without judgment the clouds of circumstance (our thoughts and emotions) that pass over the pure unscathed sky of our mind. Then the magic happens, and we are truly at peace! We enjoy the journey that takes us beyond the fears and anxieties of the mind in a state of unconsciousness to the trust in the universal higher powers, and then we experience the bliss of oneness.

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About the Author

Bodhi Shuddhaanandaa (formerly Shuddhaanandaa Brahmachari, India): Globally acclaimed spiritual teacher with 40 years of meditation experience, author, and visionary social advocate; founded Lokenath Divine Life Mission, 1985, which serves thousands of poverty-stricken individuals. Received Lifetime Achievement Award, House of Lords, UK, 2015.

To learn more about Bodhi and Sakshibhav Meditation, contact

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