What Are The Imperfections of Each Zodiac Sign?

Each of the Zodiac Signs has their virtues and their flaws. The search for balance between them is a constant pursuit as a human being.
The Imperfections of Each Zodiac Sign
We all have our shortcomings and qualities, no doubt about that. The search for balance between them is a constant pursuit as a human being. We always want to be the best we can be.
Each one of us has been wrong. No one is perfect, and if we were, the world would not exist. Our actions depend not only on our own successes and mistakes but also on others, as our lives are woven together, moving our trajectory collectively towards achievements, learning, gains, and losses.
Some of us are calmer, others less quiet. Some are more cheerful and outgoing, others more introspect. Among the many characteristics that can build the personality of one human being, some of those imperfections are common to people who belong to the same zodiac sign.
Among such aspects are the specific shortcomings of each sign, which can make cohabitation more difficult and also a deep understanding of others’ nature more necessary.
The Birth-chart has to be understood as the archetype or seed-pattern of one’s individual being – as the ‘symbolic’ form of one’s individuality, and therefore also of one’s destiny, for the two are identical. ~ Dane Rudhyar
Know the worst and most difficult flaws that challenge each of the 12 zodiac signs:
Aryans love to disrupt and to create a mess. They can be very distressing for some other people because of all their activity and dynamism. Power attracts them, and it can make them very authoritarian and hardheaded. They are very active and, in sex life, they tend towards exaggeration. In working life, they are incredibly competitive and sometimes domineering and bossy.
They are the “Bon Vivant” of the zodiac signs. Taureans tend to exaggerate the pleasures of life, including food. People of this sign easily surrender to gluttony. In sex life, they can be a bit demanding. In relationships, they are unbelievably jealous and stubborn. Reasons that quickly make the Taurean moody are hunger and jealousy. These people are often very “conservative,” giving extreme value to money, and know precisely how they will make the best use of it.
As a Zodiac Sign, Gemini tends to be extremely compulsive and anxious, presenting quick and easy variations in their mood. They talk too much and seem incapable of keeping secrets. They are very intelligent and active, which can make them want to do thousands of tasks at the same time and put some people aside, they can be inattentive and practical even too much.
Cancerians are closely linked to their past, clinging to fights and hurts from yesteryears. They play drama in very simple situations and love to turn themselves into victims of the situation. They feel entitled easily. Likewise, they use their charm and “poor thing syndrome” to make requests and assert their way to get what they really want.
The Natives of Leo Zodiac sign like to be in the first place of the podium, and for that, they will fight with all their strength. They are the best actors and Love to dramatize their lives. They are not content with little when they want something; they do everything to get it. They like to draw attention to themselves and may exaggerate to make it happen, either using their appearance and dress or in life and professional reach.
These are the nightmare, the perfectionists of the Zodiac, and will only settle down when they are in places where everything is very well organized and tidy the way they imagined. They can be extremely demanding and spiteful, especially in love fights. They can be hypochondriacs, as well.
Librans are always too preoccupied with pleasing others, and this can make their behavior somewhat forced. Librans are extremely creative and imaginative even in situations that require a more down to earth approach, which tends to irritate those around them. Most frequently than not, they are somewhat undecided.
Scorpios can be extremely vindictive. The individuals of this sign are very intense and determined in their attitudes. In romantic relationships, such intensity can make them little exaggerated feelings and lead to emotional charges or water storms. They tend to overdo in all the spectrum of human emotions. Intensity is their middle name.
People of this sign create a lot of expectations about other people’s attitudes and the results of what they do. Sagittarians can be very easily disappointed by turning them away from people who do not live up to their expectations. They are very independent Individuals and hardly establish very deep affectionate relationships. Sagittarians are too agitated and make fun of everything they can.
This sign can be very imposing, likes to show your ideas, and tend to judges others severely. Capricorns are ambitious but not very practical – they are methodical and cling to the theory. They like the power and recognition of their word, expertise, and Seniority.
Aquarians like innovation, nothing that is ordinary pleases them. However, this desire for novelty can make them very detached from the present moment, putting them into non-existent Idealistic reality and alienating them from those around them.
Pisces people tend to be very melancholic and love to dramatize some situations. They are very romantic and sensitive, real empaths, and HSP’s so sometimes they can be very tragic and needy. They live in a dreamlike world.
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About the Author
Creatrix from Sirius. Fairly Odd Mother of Saints (Bernards). Fish Tank aficionado by day ninja by night. Liane is also the Editor-in-Chief of OMTimes Magazine, Co-Founder of Humanity Healing International and Humanity Healing Network, and a Board Member of Saint Lazarus Relief Fund.
Creatrix from Sirius. Fairly Odd Mother of Saints (Bernards). Fish Tank aficionado by day ninja by night. Liane is also the Editor-in-Chief of OMTimes Magazine, Co-Founder of Humanity Healing International and Humanity Healing Network, and a Board Member of Saint Lazarus Relief Fund.