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How Space Clearing Helps Places and People Thrive

How Space Clearing Helps Places and People Thrive

space clearing OMTimes

Throughout history, we have tried to be comfortable in our spaces at home and at work, using rituals and techniques like space clearing. A new way of space clearing consults with both people and their spaces to mesh the needs and wants of both sides. In this article, I discuss how space clearing works and why this new way matters.

Creating Healthy, Balanced Spaces through Space Clearing

By Robyn M Fritz 



If you’re interested in creating the healthiest, most balanced spaces to live and work in, consider space clearing. The energetic, or the vibrational, equivalent of dusting and vacuuming, space clearing will improve your spaces’ energetic flow by removing blocks that keep them, and us, from thriving.

Space clearing becomes even more powerful when people tap their innate intuitive and healing abilities to actually consult with their spaces to mesh the needs and wants of both sides. This is a new modality called Space Cooperating, which I pioneered in Seattle, Washington.


Stuck Energy and Our Spaces

Everything on the planet, human and otherwise, has distinct energy, or ‘vibration.’ When the vibrations are balanced, people and spaces feel comfortable and healthy. When vibrations are unbalanced, problems arise.

What gets vibrations out of balance? Daily life, from our emotions and activities to the world around us, including our animals, possessions, other people—and our spaces. That is, as we go about our day, little bits and pieces of our personal vibrations spin-off and are left behind in the places we visit, where they mingle with bits from everyone else’s vibration, including the spaces themselves. That means we and our spaces are constantly bombarded by stuck energy, which keeps us, and them, from being our best.

What do we do about stuck energy? We clear it, which helps the vibrations get balanced.


How Space Clearing Works

Space clearing involves rituals, tools, and techniques to shift the vibrations of space, depending on the practitioner.

Energy workers who use Reiki and other energetic modalities will forcefully shift the energy of space, so it feels good to them. However, this imposes the energy worker’s idea of balance on a space. While it can provide temporary relief to people weighed down by hectic schedules, it can create a dense barrier like sensory deprivation and block the healthy flow of energy.


Space Cooperating: Bringing People and Spaces Together

Space Cooperating is space clearing that partners with both people and their spaces to mesh the needs and wants of both sides.

It begins with the clients defining their goals. That could include design/build, remodel, buy/sell, launching a business, improving team productivity and performance, soothing emotionally charged spaces like medical and care facilities, acknowledging change (marriages, divorces, graduations, deaths), clearing EMFs, removing stuck energy from previous tenants or owners, and resolving paranormal activities.

The next step is where Space Cooperating is unique: the practitioner has an intuitive conversation with space itself, telling it what its humans need and want and asking what it needs and wants in return. The spaces are often delighted to share their feelings and opinions.

Then comes the actual clearing session, where the client and space negotiate change, and the actual energy clearing occurs. The result? Both sides are heard, and changes are rapid and effective.

See Also

I know you’re probably thinking: Wait, we can communicate with our spaces? Yes, because, like everything else, spaces are alive. They have souls, emotions, responsibilities, and free choice. Supporting their soul growth, and having them support ours, is why we’re sharing the planet. We humans just haven’t thought of it like that in centuries.

What happens? In short, the energy that is stuck in space moves. Creativity and production increase. Homes that have been on the market for a long time suddenly start calling a new family to them—and sell. Businesses find new ways to come together to promote both the company and its employees.

In one memorable case, I was working with a single, childless homeowner who had just purchased the home of her dreams. The stickler? The home wanted to experience a human family. To compromise, the house asked for a cat, and the owner offered boxers, a dog breed she fostered. They agreed on the dogs, so happily ever after, right? Yes, but with a twist: within a few months, the owner became the neighborhood babysitter, something she never would have considered before knowing the house’s desire for children. They both enjoyed their new roles—and a bond deepened by understanding.


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About the Author

Robyn M Fritz MA MBA CHt hosts the OM Times radio show, “The Practical Intuitive: Mind Body Spirit for the Real World.” An intuitive and spiritual consultant and certified past life regression specialist, she is an award-winning author whose next book is “The Afterlife Is a Party: What People and Animals Teach Us About Love, Reincarnation, and the Other Side.” Find her at

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