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The Astrological Transformations of 2020

The Astrological Transformations of 2020

The Astrological Transformations of 2020

The world will be unrecognizable by the end of 2020 and the forces of control will be unable to hold back the forces of transformation.

2020 from an Astronomical Perspective

By Richard Geer



Every 30-odd years, a total change in the overall story and power structures of the world arrives and begins a new chapter in human history.

2020 is that year when Saturn (structure) and Pluto (transformation) merge.

Not only will the external structures be challenged by the people—but within each of us, the chance to break out of habits and superficial security, into a truly heroic living, to listen to the deepest place in us, and “owning” what we came to earth for.

To give perspective on how momentous this is, a quick look at the other times when everything changed:

The conjunction of Saturn and Pluto happened as World War I started, ending with the breakup of 3 empires, new nations emerging in Europe, and the beginning of both the founding of a Jewish homeland and the first major non-capitalist state (USSR).

Then after World War II, with the next conjunction, the dictatorship was defeated, the liberation of India began the breakup of other empires, and the Third World began to emerge. Freedom, on every level, from Rosa Parks and addressing of racism, to the Beats and hippie counterculture, to widespread prosperity in the Western World, and the attempt to create a world that works for everyone. The Cold War began, and the finding of a balance between capitalism and a decent life for the working classes, such as universal health care, paid vacations and pensions.

Finally, in 1983, with our last conjunction, the Old Guard died off in the USSR, and the end of the Cold War became imminent. A whole new reality emerged. Reagan and Thatcher began the conservative era, and capitalism took over the world.

On the spiritual level— “You create your own reality” began to take hold. Self-reliance was the theme.

And now—that story has run its course, and the emerging story is how to create a sustainable world where everyone matters. The “we” is coming back to balance the “I.” And the “we” includes all species, the garden and ocean of life all around us. How do we bring back the idea that “everybody matters, all life matters”?

The second, very rare event happening now is Pluto in Capricorn—the first time since the 1776 era when democracy took the stage. A revolution in authority structures.

Before that was the Martin Luther era in the 1500s, when the idea of freedom of religion, and individual conscience rather than faithful obedience to the Church, came in.

Could an event be coming that is as historic and liberating as those two periods? And what would it look like? Do we need a vast transformation in the whole way we do things? And how would it transcend and replace traditional power structures?

Finally—the 20-year cycle of Jupiter and Saturn, which marks off distinct eras, is coming to completion. This one is visible in the sky—or will be when they get far enough from the sun to be visible, starting in late winter for many months.

Jupiter is easy to spot. It is the brightest light in the nighttime sky, after the moon. (Venus is always near the sun)

And Saturn will be to the left, or east, of Jupiter’s dominance of the sky. They will emerge as pre-dawn planets in the East around early February and run closely together till they merge in mid-December 2020. Then Jupiter, the closer and faster planet, will start to pass Saturn for the first time since May 2000.

The “war on terror” story was born out of that beginning. It, too, has run its course, as we have gotten used to being surveilled, searched at airports, with constant wars. A new story is coming in. That last conjunction was in Taurus—all about the Earth, and our relation to it. On that, we will build in the next 20-year cycle.

See Also
2020 Chinese Year of the RAT

The new conjunction will be in early Aquarius—the reinvention of community, and freedom, openness, tolerance, creativity, making up all kinds of new structures and breaking down old ones, like an old dead tree being composted.

If we look further back—the era from 1961 to 1981, and from 1981 to 2001, were two VERY different stories, one called “the Sixties,” the other a reaction to all the changes that had happened. We can expect a similar change, of course, from the recent era.

So, the world will be unrecognizable by the end of 2020, and a few years after. What we can assume—is that the forces of control will be unable to hold back the forces of transformation.

And the same is true in our own lives. All kinds of habits will be tossed out the window, as we step into the unknown.

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About the Author

Richard Geer has been a professional astrologer for 45 years. He has been featured in Rolling Stone and NY Times. His specialty is mirroring our inner genius, and the destiny that genius was born to live. His youtube video on awakening the “3 Superpowers” inherent in each human being. Contact him at

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