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The Emperor Card: The Archetype for 2020

The Emperor Card: The Archetype for 2020

The Emperor

The Tarot Arcane Energy Forecast for 2020 brings the Emperor Card to the forefront.

The Archetype for 2020: The Emperor Card

The Emperor Card as an arcanum represents a man with authority, who knows how to command situations and manage events to the best advantage for himself and his own kingdom.

The Emperor Card represents the achievement of what we intend for, the stability and security that are achieved through our efforts and personifies our courage and determination. The Emperor Card is one of the 22 Major Arcana of the Tarot. This means that your predictions imply deep spiritual lessons that you will not be able to escape as they are part of your destiny.

This arcanum is represented by card number 4, The Emperor Card will be the ruling arcane of 2020, according to simple numerology. But make no mistake, there is nothing simple about the energies of the Emperor Card. Although many times the Emperor Card can be imposing and authoritarian, it also shows us good winds for the coming months, especially those who are not afraid of making an extra effort and face the obstacles head-on. This arcanum is under the influence of the Planet Mars.

Despite its minor aspects, the Emperor Card talks about building solid foundations for the future. And all that is achieved over year 4 will be maintained, if not in the long run, but for life.

Determination, discipline, resilience, and willpower will be necessary to achieve your goals. Accommodating people, as it were, will not see changes or transformations, and may even take a few steps back through 2020. But this will be the year that will reward all your efforts!

The Tarot Forecast for 2020

When we look at the Emperor Card, we see an older man sitting on a throne. His clothes are noble, and his autocratic and determined look shines into the future.

We are facing a person who knows what he wants and spares no effort to achieve his goals.

In the right hand in some decks, the Emperor is wielding a sword; in others, it holds lightning or a scepter. In all these variations, we have the representation of the power, authority and, leadership.

In his left hand, the Emperor holds a terrestrial globe, marking his rule over the world. You can also see him with a shield at his feet, indicating his thoughts and strategies for furthering achievements.

This is an Arcane fully focused on the rational side of life, on the conquering, and also the maintenance of our material domains. Disciplined and strategist, the Emperor Card invites us to take a more diplomatic and empowered approach to life. By 2020, the Emperor Card suggests more work on our self-confidence, on self -reliance while putting the brakes on our stubbornness.

Although it is a traditional Arcanum, the Emperor Card teaches us to be more flexible and less authoritarian in our actions and pursuits – this attitude goes for any aspect of our lives. Maybe the advice from an older person may be valuable on occasion during the year.

By 2020, opportunities will come, but the results would tend to come more gradually.

In this case, learning to cultivate humility and gratitude will be essential. Otherwise, excessive anxiety and exhaustion will be huge obstacles in your newly opened paths. There will be less time for fun and trivia; It’s hard work time, baby!

The reasoning may even outlast emotions, but the development of your spirituality should be one of your priorities for 2020. Explore this side of yourself more deeply and even consider dedicating yourself to a journey of self -discovery, regardless of any religion.

In the love and relationship department, 2020 indicates a period of stability and security in relations; however, romanticism may be put aside, this is a year of realization and pragmatism.

Those who start a relationship in 2020 will have relationships likely to endure and thrive.

As an archetype in the world-reality we live, The Emperor may provide a greater sense of unity. On the other hand, collectively, we may witness greater repression by rulers, and political clashes may emerge to counter such oppression.

2020 is a year of results, you will reap whatever you sow, and with the right energy, the reward will come in the form of status and success.

Be cautious with your spending, focus on your goals and fight for them. Those that are unemployed will find good opportunities by 2020 – as long as you get up and go.

Regarding health aspects, be careful with physical and mental exhaustion because they may be a risk. If your life takes on a hectic pace and you may have little time left to relax and divert your thinking from goals and concerns, don’t forget to observe the signs of your body and do not overdo it!

Beware of addictions and harmful habits as they can become a relief valve for overload and demands that this year will bring. When in doubt, move around! Adopt new exercise practices to manage your health better.

See Also
Tarot Forecast February 2020


Side note: Just In case, keep an open eye for the Arcanum number 20, the Judgement Card

Astrologically the Year 2020 will be under the auspices of the Sun, which is a wonderful aspect to add to the decisive energy of the Emperor Card. The solar influence will be really felt on the Astrological New Year on the 20th of March (3 times 20- 3/20/2020).

But we feel that this analysis would not be complete if we don’t mention a subtle but powerful influence of the Arcanum 20, the archetype of the Judgement. The repetition of numbers has to do with repetition of frequencies or patterns, in other words, it touches the Law of Cause and effect. 2020 will tend to be a karmic year, of release, of clearing and of healing. Forgiveness will be the theme of the Archetype of the Judgement in 2020.

The Interaction between the Judgment Card and the astrological influence of the Sun as regent of the year will bring the naked truth to the center of the stage, nothing will be hidden.

If you for some reason, see the truth but hide even from yourself for not having the courage to change, for comfort or fear, life will bring a way of getting all your fears exposed, and you have to work it out, whether you want it or not.


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About the Author

Creatrix from Sirius. Fairly Odd Mother of Saints (Bernards). Fish Tank aficionado by day ninja by night. Liane is also the Editor-in-Chief of OMTimes Magazine, Co-Founder of Humanity Healing International and Humanity Healing Network, and a Board Member of Saint Lazarus Relief Fund.

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