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Stargazing – January 2020 Astrology Forecast

Stargazing – January 2020 Astrology Forecast

January 2020 Astrology Forecast

The January 2020 Astrology Forecast begins a transition year that will “open the door” to 2021-2026, and the events of the next 6 years will be some of the most significant and challenging of this Age of Humanity.

January 2020 Astrology Forecast – Happy New Year

By Astrologer Elizabeth Joyce


It is plain to see from all the crime, political upheaval, and judgment so prevalent now that numerous areas of human experience need to be healed on our planet. Many people are feeling restless and sense big changes are coming. Whatever you do, don’t allow yourself to get caught in the drama of what’s happening. Take a deep breath, observe what you see is unfolding, and then observe your own life and make whatever changes you feel are appropriate. Sometimes we can sense the warnings, and we see the symbols, but we cannot see the “exact” events. Be prepared, stay aligned and listen to your inner voice.

I see 2020 as a transition year — a “hinge” year — that will “open the door” to 2021-2026, and the events of the next 6 years will be some of the most significant and challenging of this Age of Humanity. How wide the “door” is open is continuously changing, depending on the free will choices every individual makes.

In 2020 how much effort we put into bringing forth the very powerful energy of real love — love that comes with a genuine effort to bring forth kindness and mercy, forgiveness and understanding from within our self — will determine how far we can open the door which will lead to the New Age of Humanity. We are close, yet the door will not fully open if humanity does not consciously bring it forth onto the planet. A great effort is needed. We all are an important part of these changes. We are all needed now.


2020 Starts with a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse and a 34 Year Rarity

The January 10th Full Moon in Cancer brings a Lunar Eclipse that is doubly powerful and special. Although this energy is traditionally a time when you bring projects to a successful and positive conclusion, the eclipse suggests that it’s best to wait until the following week to celebrate an event or sign any papers.

On January 12, 2020, there is a difficult Saturn – Pluto conjunction that happens only once every 34 years. When this energy gets together, it can be warlike because it begins a slow evolutionary process that destroys old foundations and creates new ones through economic change, downtrends, hardship, and loss. The saving grace of this powerful conjunction is that Jupiter (the planet of luck), will be joining these two mischief-makers, bringing you control, power, and success with focus and hard work. The best way to deal with it is to plan and build your house with bricks, not straw. Be prepared, use clear thinking and don’t allow yourself to drop into fear, then you’ll be able to face and handle anything the energies may throw your way.

The January 24th New Moon in Aquarius brings a time when it’s important to break away from the old same ‘ole same ‘ole and create a new focus or lifestyle. We will have more of that in our next article for the Aquarius cycle.


January 2020 Astrology Forecast for Personal Signs

Aries - January 2020 Astrology Forecast

Aries (3/21-4/20) There’s a reckoning at hand, and January feels like the biggest upheaval you’ve ever experienced. Release all your ideas that you are in charge of anything, not even yourself, and you’ll find the inner strength you didn’t even know you had. Please realize that the challenges you are facing come from inside you and that you need to experience this process, instead of trying to push it away. Stop pushing for power and control and instead push for mastery.


Taurus Taurus (4/21-5/21) 2020 begins with a kick and shake up that you will feel to your very core. This energy sets up a year of profound transformation. This will be upsetting and unnerving, but you are ready to tackle any challenges. Always rely on what sustains your fortitude and persevere. Do not react by acting in haste. Let go and know that life will not be the same. Trust the Universe by putting one foot in front of the other.


Gemini January 2020 Astrology ForecastGemini (5/21-6/20) The year begins with a strong challenge to your physical system and lifestyle. You may be feeling like a complete emotional mess. The challenge is what was presented to you last year at the Spring Equinox, creating either an opportunity or crisis or both. I suggest you examine any deeply entrenched beliefs you have about what is valuable to you and find a way to shift or change them if you are not satisfied with your experience. You now have an ever-expanding sense of who you are at your core. So face your fears, reluctance and resistance head-on, no matter who or what gets in your way, or how insecure you feel. This is crucial if you are to build a new foundation in your life.


Cancer Cancer (6/21-7/22) January brings a month of inner conflict. You experience this in many ways, but especially with your connection with others. You’re not sure if you’re going to come crashing to the ground or soar up to new levels. This irresistible force pushed you to reinvent your life or to maintain the status quo; the immovable object. The key is not to choose either path but to recognize your need for both— a shift and a new foundation. Trust yourself to find the solution.


Leo January 2020 Astrology ForecastLeo (7/23-8/22) January’s powerful conjunction of Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn on the 12th, along with with the Full Moon eclipse on the 10th require you to be tapped into your life and that vulnerability that allows you to grow, transmute and transform any facet of your life that has gone stale, deteriorated, or completely vanished. You can no longer avoid your feelings, Leo, and it’s time to do some major housecleaning. It’s not like you to hide, but that’s exactly what you feel like doing this month because you are being blitzed by a never-ending onslaught of pressure not only to your mind but to your Soul. Take charge of what belongs to you, cast aside the demands of others, and find a place that nourishes you both inside and out.


Virgo Virgo (8/23-9/22) January’s eclipse invites you to stop ignoring the hopes and wishes you so carefully keep hidden behind the hard work that you believe must be done before you have the right to follow your bliss—you’re so used to taking care of business that you aren’t really sure what that is. Between now and the June eclipse, the energies are telling you to recognize that you have created the proper foundation to build anything your heart desires. This month there is no relief in sight from the powerful intensity pushing you to break out of old patterns so you can live a life free from compulsive behavior and unrealistic expectations. At the same time, you can hang on to the structures you have built. It’s extremely difficult for you not to engage in analysis paralysis with no sufficient answers to your thoughts. You are overtaxing your mind in a stressful way.


Libra January 2020 Astrology ForecastLibra (9/23-10/22) January and the Lunar Eclipse on the 10th are telling you that running away is futile, Libra. You are avoiding the internal reckoning bubble that is gurgling below the surface of your consciousness. The time has come! Are you going to do more than paying lip service to let go of what is toxic and unfulfilling in your life and actually let go? Sure, you’re overwhelmed, but you have the strength and awareness to rebirth yourself, just from the energies of your inner awareness. Face the fears that seem insurmountable—of course, they’re not—and the rewards that follow throughout this year will blow your mind!


scorpio Scorpio (10/ 23-11/22) January brings you the need to clean out your emotional dungeon. You may feel at the end of your rope. The New Year feels like just one cycle ending and the beginning of a new one. Remember this feeling, because it’s one you’ll encounter through most of 2020. You are finishing up this decade sorting and shifting through a bunch of left-over emotional material in preparation for your initiation into a fresh life perspective and a renewed sense of your own worth. Although you’ve purged many unhealthy emotions and thoughts, what will you do to replace them? The January 10th eclipse encourages you to form a new set of guiding principles that honors and respects all things you and your powerful nature. With this process complete, you are ready to apply your new sense of self to the next phase of your growth.


See Also

Sagittarius January 2020 Astrology ForecastSagittarius (11/23-12/21) January begins with you feeling a bit “off.” You’re not quite yourself because you’re not really sure of what’s going on. It seems as if you’re standing on ground that’s continually shifting. You’re right Sag! This has been going on for most of 2019. These intense changes haven’t been an easy process for you because being vulnerable and sensitive doesn’t come easy. The focus of this evolution—because you have grown and gained strength—is to allow you to become more integrated with the inner you. This continues through 2020 and a shift arrives in May. In the eighteen months that follow this shift, you will find yourself developing new pathways in being your SELF. Along the way, you will be finding old patterns you created in how you show up in the world and how you deal with people in your life. This is a natural process, not any bump in the road, and one that promises to revitalize you.


Capricorn Capricorn (12/22-1/19) As January opens, you may feel as if your life is about to come to an end, Cap. It’s not but the inner pressure to make up your mind about where you want to go and what you truly want to do shows no signs of stopping. No, you don’t have to crawl out of your skin to alleviate what you are feeling. Just recognize that you are on the verge of a rebirth. To accomplish this, you must let go of anything rigid and limiting; you are being offered by the Universe to create a healthier and more nourishing emotional foundation. Too often you are likely to suppress the “feeling” side of your nature, because you’re not really sure of what this value is, especially in a world that sees emotions and feelings an inconvenience at best. No matter how hard you try to answer the questions demanding your attention, it’s simply not going to happen. The shift you’re going through is about honoring a new shift in your life that is emerging. Answers and solutions will come later.


Aquarius January 2020 Astrology ForecastAquarius (1/20-2/18) As of January, open, you are asking, “Hey, who turned out the lights? Seriously, who?” You’re pretty sure it wasn’t you. This energy highlights the inner examination of all things in your life related to how you feel about all aspects of your life. Right now, you likely feel very sensitive and emotional so much so that you can’t grasp what’s happening, and that can leave you speechless. How can you share this with anyone when you can’t put anything into words, much less a complete sentence? You begin 2020 with very clear goals in mind and enough mojo to fly into space. However, things don’t go quite as planned and you get sidetracked with a number of other possibilities. Don’t get frustrated with yourself. Recognize that you are forming your future. The time for you to manifest your goals isn’t that far away.



Pisces (2/19-3/20) January has you feeling that you’re headed for a brick wall at top speed. The wall is any carefully structured reality that needs to be torn down, and the speed is your desire just to do it and get it over with. You wish actually to transform your life instead of just dreaming about it. Old patterns surface in how other people treat you and it leaves you wondering if you are actually making any progress in changing your approach to life and your relationships. Remember throughout 2020 that this is a year of a work in progress.


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About the Author

ELIZABETH JOYCE: Born as one of two sets of identical twins, Elizabeth Joyce has been psychic since birth. From a Bergen County, NJ, housewife, and mother, she has become internationally respected for her gifts as a psychic and energetic healer.

A modern-day Mystic and Master Spiritual Teacher/Healer through the Grace of God, Elizabeth works through the risen power of the kundalini. A gifted speaker on unknown mysteries, higher realities, and higher wisdom, her dreams, visions, accurate predictions, and miracles have been documented on national media. She has also has assisted the police, sheriff departments, and the FBI in finding hundreds of missing people, as well as exposing psychic fraud.

A frequent guest on radio shows across the country, including Coast 2 Coast AM, Elizabeth is the host of Let’s Find Out, a weekly program that airs Sundays at 9:00 pm CT on Her show focuses on metaphysics and unveiling the truth about human consciousness, social concerns, and uplifting the heart and mind to find purpose, serenity, and peace.

The author of nine books, including The New Spiritual Chakras and Unlimited Realities, Elizabeth Joyce, offers reading for individuals, couples, and families; spiritual counseling, past and present life regressions, and hypnosis and positive affirmations to assist people in letting go of bad habits. Visit for classes, current events, and to contact her.

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