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The Light We Shine

The Light We Shine

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We have the power to shine on people, solutions, and action when it comes to helping the Earth heal and evolve. Now, more than ever, the lights we shine must be brighter, better, and bolder.

Shine Your Light!



Verily, there are incredible and kind-hearted people in the world whose purpose in life is to bring light to others for the good of humanity! When we reflect on their amazing acts of heroism and bravery beyond the ordinary, we witness people helping others without thought of reward. Instinctively they do the right thing in times of trouble and chaos because it’s the right thing to do. Every day we could encounter situations in which we may choose to shine a light in a number of ways.

Just a kind word or selfless act of compassion can change a person’s life forever. We all have the power inside us to contribute to the healing of one person or even a million, depending on our mission. If we have ever felt small or insignificant in these challenging times on Earth, we have to remember how much we all matter. Every day we are alive our interactions with others have a ripple effect that reaches farther than we might ever have imagined.

Those who have known heartache and adversity in life are often the ones who shine the most. In so many ways, what we all go through in life gives us choices to make about how we respond to our challenges. The catalyst for change and understanding can begin with a personal disaster we choose to overcome. What we survive becomes our biggest strength, which can lead to greater accomplishments. If we can take the attitude not to let anyone or anything permanently dim our inner connections, we can use our knowledge and experience to help others.

Gratitude, empathy, compassion, and forgiveness are important keys to raising our personal vibrations. This inner light that guides our emotions and spiritual bonds become more intuitive and powerful each time we rise from the ashes. As they say, a life crisis can make us stronger, wiser, better and more prepared to take on what life has to offer next. We can learn to withhold judgment of ourselves and others when we practice real understanding of our ever-evolving souls. If we stay stuck in self-pity and negativity, we take away the meaning and purpose of our life missions here. We could miss out on future events, which can bring us joy and healing.

Shining a light also means calling attention to what needs to change in our society. Heroic are those who dare to step forward and speak the truth about abuse, unfair practices, and unlawful actions. They give us the power to pursue our causes and beliefs. Help us remember our humanity. When we work to lift each other up we create a unique energy nothing can breakdown once it has begun. The momentum grows and morphs into other ideas, innovations, inventions, and creativity that light up our hearts and minds to care about each other unconditionally. This caring transcends just the people we personally know, glows out into the world like a beacon. This is the peace that most of us wish to live and breathe in. The light is the vision of those who truly care.

Our souls evolve by how we master the light within us. When we rise to the tests we are given to help create new ways of being and thinking, we are free. We need inspiration, validation, and hope to keep us all moving forward with new eyes. Our survival depends on our willingness to accept change and meet it with an intuitive optimism that brings humanity into a healthier and more peaceful existence.

This world needs lightworkers, way-showers, and positive energy – more shine – more than ever. Everyone who creates, inspires and communicates positive messages and ideas has a role to play in bringing peace to the soul. So many out there need motivation and hope that the light will win out over indifference and hate. If we could feel more love and less fear of life, we can create miracles. We have the power to shine on people, solutions, and action when it comes to helping the Earth heal and evolve. Now, more than ever, the lights we shine must be brighter, better and bolder.

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About the Author

Judi Lynch is a psychic medium, intuitive counselor, healing channel, and author. She is president of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc., a 501(c) spiritual charity and writer for OM Times Magazine. She has authored two books, Friends with Lights and Conscious Ascension and has read for clients all over the world. To learn more or contact for a session see

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