Sandie Sedgbeer: What is Going OM
A veteran broadcaster, author, and media consultant, Sandie Sedgbeer brings her incisive interviewing style to a brand new series of radio programs, What Is Going OM, showcasing the world’s leading thinkers, scientists, authors, educators and parenting experts whose ideas are at the cutting edge. What Is Going OM is featured on OMTimes Radio every Thursday at 7:00 PM ET/4:00 PM PT.
An Interview with Sandie Sedgbeer, Host of What Is Going OM
A professional journalist who cut her teeth in the ultra-competitive world of British newspapers and magazines, Sandie has interviewed a wide range of personalities from authors, scientists, celebrities, spiritual teachers and politicians.
Born and raised in the UK, Sandie Sedgbeer also is the author of 6 books published by major international publishing houses and has been a frequent guest on all of Britain’s most popular TV and radio shows. Her books have been translated into several languages.
A firm believer that we cannot separate who we are from what we do, Sandie Sedgbeer combines her love of broadcasting with her pioneering work as a media/publishing and marketing consultant advising authors, teachers, speakers, and individuals how to apply the science of resonance to build their platforms, profiles, and develop programs and products that people don’t just like but love.
OMTimes: How did you start your life as a broadcaster?
Sandie Sedgbeer: I started my career as a magazine journalist, working on Penthouse and Forum magazines in the UK. I also freelanced for teenage magazines, mostly doing show biz interviews with well-known TV actors and rock and pop stars. I then went on to write 6 books, two of which were serialized in one of the UK’s biggest tabloids. I did a lot of TV and radio interviews, and was often invited on programs as a ‘talking head’ or informed commentator/expert on certain subjects I’d written about. So hosting Talk TV and radio showed when I came to the USA was a way for me to keep in touch with my roots.
As a Gemini and a journalist, I am innately curious. I am fascinated by perceptions, how and why people perceive, think, and act the way they do. I have studied the psychology of human nature for over 40 years. Naturally, I have great curiosity.
OMTimes: What does it mean to be a thought leader today?
Sandie Sedgbeer: I think the phrase ”thought leader” is too often applied to people who really don’t deserve the appellation. I don’t give much weight to it.
OMTimes: Tell us a bit about your story about your books and please name your latest book.
Sandie Sedgbeer: I have not written a book for myself, so to speak, in some years. But I have rewritten, co-written, edited, ghosted, and coached many books with and for others over the past 20 years. I’ve also helped many authors either find publishers or navigate the self-publishing process.
OMTimes: How and to whom do you believe would benefit from listening to your shows, What Is Going OM?
Sandie Sedgbeer: My goal for What Is Going OM is to provide listeners with reliable, grounded, authentic, information that can shift their perceptions, open their minds, and expose them to thoughts, ideas, research, practical tools, and practices that can help them learn more about who they are, and what they have access to.
OMTimes: Were you motivate by someone, who would you call an Inspiration for your actual work?
Sandie Sedgbeer: I’ve been lucky enough to have had a few mentors and motivators over the years. They always seem to have entered my life at the time when I was most ready to receive and comprehend what they had to share.
OMTimes: We live in a world of content overload. How can people break through and reach their desired audience?
Sandie Sedgbeer: Authenticity and resonance are, in my experience, the two most critical keys. I have spent my entire career deeply immersed in every aspect of communications. I have worked in every arena of the media from journalism to writing books, to conceiving, developing and publishing online and print magazines and books, to working both in front and behind the cameras and microphones on TV and radio, and I have been a consultant to specialist direct marketing agencies and companies throughout Europe and in the USA. I have created innovative communication pathways and vehicles for clients that have proven successful in growing customer bases, increasing sales, and improving customer retention/loyalty, and have been much copied in the UK. The important thing in trying to establish and maintain any successful business is the customer. If you understand human nature, appreciate and respect people, and treat them as you would want to be printed yourself, you cannot help but create solid connections with individuals who will not just like your message, but love it.
Cultivating good, honest, respectful, and conscious relationships with your customers ensure that your customers will become your advocates, your salespeople, your most valued asset.
OMTimes: What would you regard as your life purpose?
Sandie Sedgbeer: I’m not entirely convinced that we all have a purpose, per se. I believe we all come here with our own individual set of gifts. I think our primary job is to “shine our light.” And that it is in the expression of our (real) being that we create our “doing.” I am, by nature a creative person.
Creativity is what makes my heart sing. By this I mean when people come to me with their hopes, dreams, ideas, wishes, concepts, and seek my help in grounding their ideas, birthing their dreams, and creating practical, workable blueprints for creating a sustainable business, it really gets my juices flowing. I have been told by many gifted seers that I have a talent for “tuning in to the energy, seeing the entire picture in the morphic field, and knowing exactly which pieces to focus on and in what order to bring the project to fruition.” This process excites me beyond measure and really gets my juices flowing because it also enables me to tap into that part of me that knows everything I need to know, and allows me to be original and innovative.
I have come to understand that and own that. I am a connector by nature. I call myself a “shameless sharer” because when I come across people, books, ideas, inventions, businesses that are conscious, creative, and offer something practical to others, I cannot keep it to myself, I have to share it. This is one of the reasons I love interviewing creators and sharing what they have to offer with the world. I see myself as a guide, someone who has excellent intuition and been around long enough to be able to sort the wheat from the chaff, and separate the good from the indifferent, and pass insights and knowledge on to others for their own benefit.
If I had a purpose, this is what it would be – to help inform, guide, to shift perceptions, open up new doorways in people’s minds, and in this manner, help them to grow and flourish.
OMTimes: Do you believe that Conscious Communication skills be learned?
Sandie Sedgbeer: Absolutely. And I can teach them.
OMTimes: What is “your message” and why is it important?
Sandie Sedgbeer: My message is, “we cannot separate who you are from how we move through the world. So, our responsibility is to know who we are, in every sense and on every level of our being, and become completely aligned with our true Self. This is foundational to everything we do in life.
OMTimes: What do you strive for, what is that you pursue?
Sandie Sedgbeer: I have striven for different things at different times. Today, I strive to be kind, to be compassionate, to do my best to understand others’ perceptions and reasons for doing and being, to continue being true to me, to doing what I love, to sharing whatever good things come way with others, to keep on being curious and delighted by discovery, to keep on shifting perceptions, and using whatever talents and gifts I might have to elevate others’ understanding of themselves.
OMTimes: Who is or was your big influencer, the one that inspired you to trail your spiritual path?
Sandie Sedgbeer: There have been several wonderful mentors and “angels” on my path. Many are unknown to the world at large but famous, and much loved within their own milieu. I carry each of those people in my heart and strive to be more like them.
Connect with Sandie Sedgbeer, Host of What Is Going OM
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