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Tomás Garza: Decide to Transform

Tomás Garza: Decide to Transform

Tomás Garza is the host of “Decide to Transform” on OMTimes Radio.  Tomás Garza believes that the process of life transformation can and should be fun.

An Interview with Tomás Garza, Host of Decide to Transform



“You assigned the label to yourself; you can choose to un-assign it.” -Tomás Garza, Decide

Tomás Garza is the author of Decide: How To Replace Your Fictions with Truth, Go Big in Life, And Transform Audaciously. He began a personal meditation practice in the mid-1980s and has seen firsthand many ways that human beings stifle themselves. Among these is an almost universal adherence to certain “limiting stories” about ourselves, untruths that we listen to and believe. Naturally, this keeps us stuck. Tomás was inspired to write Decide because while people know about and practice so many things that help on a spiritual or personal transformation journey, almost everyone neglects the power of making a decision and the importance of forgiveness.

Decide to Transform

In past career lives, Tomás has served as a family mediator in private practice, tour guide and travel host, and Adjunct Professor of Conflict Resolution at Portland State University. He and his wife Cindy spend their time in western Oregon and in Mexico, in the State of Yucatán.

While there is no substitute for doing the work, Tomás firmly believes that the process of life transformation can and should be fun. There is no need to hate the journey (by the way, he also believes in spicy food and warm, tropical waters!)


OMTimes: It is very nice to get to talk to you, Tomás, can you tell us a little about Your Show. Why “Decide to Transform”?

Tomás Garza: Massive Transformation cannot be sustained without a decision. Without deciding to act and then acting, people dabble. They never fully commit. They never go all-in for themselves. They may change, but they do not transform.

Decide to Transform takes you on a deeper dive into your mind, your spirituality, and your experience. Learn practical techniques for accessible transformation, and learn to tune in—to yourself, to others, and to your purpose in life.

Each show includes a short guided meditation to help you ask the deeper questions in life and to receive deeper answers. Decide to Transform, right now, today.


OMTimes: How did you start your life as a Spiritual and Meditation Teacher?

Tomás Garza: I stepped up as a Teacher when I realized I had many years of experience to share. I reached a point where it was no longer possible to keep it all wrapped up to myself. I felt compelled to share, and I began to do so. By the way, I am very glad I did!


OMTimes: Were you motivated by someone who you would call an inspiration for your actual work?

Tomás Garza: Many people, actually. I credit my high school Geometry teacher for introducing me to meditation practice (he used to have us meditate in class, and I found it deeply resonant.) Along the way, I have had many other teachers, both human and nonhuman. Notable among these are my wife Cindy, Lama Michael Conklin from Kagyü Changchub Chüling in Portland, Oregon, and my very old, dear friend Lisa Berry, who has been instrumental in helping me take the next step in owning my role as a Teacher and fully stepping into it. Lisa is the host of Light on Living on OMTimes Radio.


OMTimes: What other services do you offer our audience aside from your specialized expertise?

Tomás Garza: For those interested in working with me further, I happily offer personalized teachings in the form of a custom voice recording and/or follow-up consultations. People who wish to take things further may book their very own VIP Day with me, where we will spend several hours taking a deeper, more customized dive into Massive Transformation and what that looks like for an individual or a small group.

In addition, I am the author of Decide: How To Replace Your Fictions with Truth, Go Big in Life, And Transform Audaciously (2019). The book is available in paperback and as an ebook.


OMTimes: Why is it important to the Conscious/Spiritual/Holistic community to keep themselves connected with their inherited gifts?

Tomás Garza: First of all, let me comment that as a Teacher and member of this community that none of us possesses gifts, attributes, or “powers” that other people cannot develop. In this sense, we are not “special” at all.

Here in the world, however, we must show up for people and teach. We must show up to extend Love. To me, this is an obligation, a sacred commitment. People need us and our gifts and talents; we cannot leave them floundering. For this reason, we have to keep plugged into these gifts and continue to develop them. We owe it to people to show up consistently and persistently as the best version of ourselves.


OMTimes: What is your “message,” and why is it important?

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Tomás Garza: Each one of us is Divine. At our core, deep-down, we all know it. We know that there is more to our experience than just the physical body, a job, the bills, etc. We can feel this. When we choose to commit to a practice that helps us remove some of life’s clutter, we begin to see this more clearly.

This message is critical. Every one of us can access this power and strength, whether it seems far-fetched or not. Every single one of us is on this path, whatever form it may take. It is critically important that we all start right now, today, by making a decision in favor of our own transformation in favor of Love instead of fear.


Contact Information



Facebook: Tomás Garza

Twitter: @tomas_garza

Instagram: tomasgarzaauthor

YouTube: Tomás Garza

Tomás Garza weekly show On OMTimes Radio airs Every Tuesdays at 1:00 PM Eastern/10:00 AM PST- Call-In on 202-570.7057 and ask your question.

Tomás Garza

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