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Decision-making Based on Your Personality Type

Decision-making Based on Your Personality Type

Myers-Briggs Personality Type

Did you know that you can improve your information gathering and decision making by understanding your Myers-Briggs Personality Type?

Working with your Myers-Briggs Personality Type



“If you obsess over whether you are making the right decision, you are basically assuming that the universe will reward you for one thing and punish you for another.” ~ Deepak Chopra


Do you find decision making easy or hard? Are you the type who makes a decision, acts on it, correcting as you go? Or do you brood over making an absolutely perfect decision so you don’t appear foolish? Did you know that you can improve your information gathering and decision making by understanding your personality type?


Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator

Have you heard about the Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator? Wikipedia tells us that it is an assessment – a questionnaire designed to measure psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and how they make decisions. This assessment was formulated after World War II by two Super Moms – Katherine Briggs and her daughter Isabel Myers – after they’d studied Carl Jung. The four key elements in this assessment look at your Introversion or Extroversion, your Sensing or Intuition, your Thinking or Feeling, and then how you Judge or Perceive. The test assumes we each have preferences that lie beneath our interests or needs or values and most especially, what motivates us.


How Do the Four Personality Types Work?

1.     Introversion/Extroversion – We’re most familiar with these terms. Extroverts turn outwards; Introverts turn inwards. Extroverts are action-oriented, love social interfacing and are energized while in the presence of other people. Introverts are deep, meaningful thinkers and operate better inside of deep meaningful relationships, feeling energized by them. Each of us has some of both types and I am sure you can see that each type would naturally arrive at their decisions differently.


2.     Sensing/Intuition – The Sensing type of Super Mom pays a great deal of attention to reality and in particular, what she can learn from her own intuition or senses. This type loves to get her hands into things via experience and she enjoys lots of facts and lots of detail. Intuitives pay more attention to possibilities and abstract theories, looking toward the future. A “senser” might decide to join a hands-on class while an Intuitive might just reason through the options.


3.     Thinking/Feeling – Supported by where you are regarding Sensing or Intuition, Thinking/Feeling looks at what decisions you make based on the information you’ve discovered. You can be logical and impersonal, running off of facts and the data you’ve gathered. Feelers look more at people or emotions to reach a decision. A Thinker would rattle off facts and precedents to you while a Feeler would tell you how so-and-so might feel upon hearing a decision.


4.     Judging/Perceiving – In this section of the test, Myers-Briggs examines how you deal with the world outside you. Judgers love structure and solid, firm decisions. Perceivers are more open, a bit more flexible. It would be very easy to see which category one of your children might lean toward here, right?


Have You Taken the Test?

Discovering who you are, why you do some of the things you do, and what your preferences are can been a blessing for you Super Moms. Taking the Myers-Briggs test can help you with self-knowledge. Many millions of people have taken this test and it can be used as an investigative tool for job hunters.

On the internet, there are many options to take this test, which contains 93 questions formulated to force you to make one decision over another. The real test has to be administered by a licensed practitioner who follows up with you regarding your test results.

One of the best places to take the test online is at You can learn a great deal about yourself by taking it and receiving a feedback assessment. And, it’s tons of fun!

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You have formed your Super Mom personality over many years of experience and learning. If you wish to have more growth individually, enjoy greater balance, create greater possibilities and understand yourself better, learning what your “Type” is can be a boon and a blessing for both you and the other members of your family whom you nurture.

You can learn how to overcome challenges better by making better decisions with your new understanding. You can achieve more comfort and rewards in your spiritual life also with this greater understanding. Personality type is not the answer to all decision making challenges, but it is a major tool that helps you to unfold more of your self, achieve more that you desire, and establish prosperity in your life.

The universe has no fixed agenda. Once you make any decision, it works around that decision. There is no right or wrong, only a series of possibilities that shift with each thought, feeling, and action that you experience.” ~ Deepak Chopra


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This article was originally published 29 August 2013

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