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Your Reality Beyond Judgment

Your Reality Beyond Judgment

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What if there was an alternative to judgment?

What If that Judgment Was Just an Interesting Point of View

By Dain Heer



Have you ever had a moment in time when you felt totally free? Perhaps walking in a forest with no one around, or sitting on a beach in a foreign country where no one knows you? Have you ever thought about how you are exactly the same person there as you are walking down the street of your hometown, but how the experience is often totally different with all those pairs of eyes on you? Come on, we’ve all been on holidays where we wore brighter, crazier, more daring clothes just because we knew no one would pass comment on us. Why is that?

It all comes down to judgment, a force that determines so much of our lives. Can you imagine feeling that freedom you felt in the forest or on holiday, everywhere you went? What if you had no judgment of you, and was willing to receive whatever was directed at you as just an…interesting point of view? Who would you choose to be then? What would the possibilities be? Could anyone or anything control you anymore?

People are usually astonished when they start to realize what a great limiter judgment truly is. As soon as we judge, we eliminate anything that doesn’t match that judgment from showing up in our lives. Because of this, most of us have concluded that our lives will continue pretty much the way they are showing up for us right now and the way they have shown up in the past.

Please know,  they don’t have to! If they did, I would still be heading down the same path I did as a child, living in the ghetto, experiencing extremes of sexual physical and fearing for my life on more than one occasion; instead, I have the honor of helping people transform their lives, traveling all over the world.

So what’s the alternative to judgment? Two major tools are to start being in allowance instead of judgment, where everything is just an interesting point of view. This change can truly drastically change your reality. I would even go so far as to say that once you start being in allowance, you can start creating YOUR REALITY — one that isn’t ruled by every judgment you bought as true up until this point in your life.

One of the things that limit us most in life is the way most of us judge ourselves on a daily basis. Have you ever noticed how the days you get up under a big black cloud of judgment (of your personality, your looks, your body, your interactions with others -whatever it may be) are also the days you feel REALLY heavy and don’t think anything can ever change? And the days when you wake up with no judgment, everything is beautiful, amazing and phenomenal and you KNOW that anything is possible!

Let me give you a tool for those heavy mornings and another way of getting our of judgment:

You, my friend, are way more psychic than you ever wanted to know! You’re actually like a big radio receiver and you pick up everything that goes on around you. What if I told you that 98% of your thoughts, feelings, and emotions actually don’t belong to you? They’re not yours! They’re just something you are aware of.

So any time you get heavy, try asking this: Who does this belong to? If whatever thought, feeling or emotion you have light up at all or go away, they weren’t yours in the first place. Now, you can’t actually change something that isn’t yours. So just return them to the sender and start perceiving what is true for you.

What would your life and reality be like if you stopped judging you? What if you are one of the greatest rightnesses the world has ever seen? What if everything you know is possible on those light happy mornings actually…is?

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behavior OMTimes happiness and success


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You will also enjoy Dain Heer – Being You, Changing the World

Article originally published on 24 September 2013

About the Author

For more information on Dr. Dain Heer please visit:

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