3 Quick, Effective Ways to Reshape Your Ego!

Now is the time to reshape the belief that your ego is who you are and there is nothing you can do to change it. The power to reshape your ego is yours!
Let Go…My Ego
By Robin Marvel
When we are trapped in ego mindset we constantly live in fear and question ourselves. We start to wonder what else we need to be happy. Even with the cars, the house, the clothes, the better than you attitude, we cannot find peace and happiness. So we begin a mission of self-destructive beliefs that wallpaper over what’s missing- Beliefs like: “if I just have that job, if I just lose the weight, if I just move to a new area, etc. then life will be good”. It is all a mind game of the infamous ego.
The good news is that your ego can be defeated if you choose, but it is a personal choice to start replacing the egotistical attitude with one of positivity and strength. It is only an illusion that influences our lives if we allow it. A self-created idea that you are what you have. Choosing to live through ego, you have created barriers within yourself that are stopping a sense of fulfillment inside.
As you make the decision to defeat your ego, be prepared it will not go down easy. At each place that you are making the adjustment to remove it from the controls of your life, you will face challenges. The sly devil will always work to keep you living the illusion. This is the time to be strong, call on your true self and outwit it! Now is the time to reshape the belief that your ego is who you are and there is nothing you can do to change it. The power to reshape your ego is yours!
Here are 3 quick, effective ways to Reshape Your Ego:
1. Becoming aware of where your ego is present in your life-document where your ego is running the show. Keep it in a journal as you conquer these parts of the ego, tear up the page. This will help you to know where you have removed ego and where you need to continue working.
2. Living with an attitude of gratitude-Ego hates when you are content. Finding gratitude in your life will help to diminish the ego’s presence and also enable you to feel good.
3. Finding inner peace each day-take 5 minutes a day and center. Tune out all worldly noises and focus on self and inner peace. Ego can’t handle peaceful living; it thrives on drama.
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About the Author
Robin Marvel is a multi-published author and motivational speaker in the field of self-development, Empowering you to take a hands-on approach to your life by giving you tools to awaken your Confidence and awareness as well as building your Self Love and Self Esteem~ www.robinmarvel.com www.facebook.com/robinmarvelempoweringyou

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