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Stargazing – Astrological Forecast March 2020

Stargazing – Astrological Forecast March 2020

Stargazing Astrological Forecast March 2020 OMTimes

The Stargazing Astrological Forecast March 2020 shares that the Virgo full moon can bring some pain and problems that emerge out of the blue.

Astrological Forecast March 2020 – Stargazing with Elizabeth Joyce



The March 9th Full Moon in Virgo brings completions and endings. This big, bright Virgo Moon is the high point of March 2020. Treat this energy gently because it’s yours once in a year chance to let go of unrealistic standards and ideas of perfection. Therefore, this full moon can bring some pain and problems that emerge out of the blue.

The March 24th New Moon in Aries brings darkness that is perfect for planting seeds for the future. It’s a calm time for deep thinking and new beginnings. Use this powerful energy to make a new start and meet any challenges with courage and confidence.

Mercury continues retrograde through March 9th, 2020

Daylight savings ends on Sunday, March 8th

The Spring Equinox is Thursday, March 19th

Astrological Forecast March 2020 – The Personal Signs

Aries (3/21-4/20)-OMTIMESAstrological Forecast March 2020 – Aries (3/21-4/20)

March brings a month of mixed messages. You may feel as if you are not inside your body, making it difficult to navigate because everything is fuzzy and out of focus. To complicate things more, your energy goes into overdrive, and you are pushed from deep down inside to get busy. You need to take all that high, electric energy you gathered in January and do something with it, now! Refrain from trying to rush things—sit down and make a plan.


Taurus (4/21-5/21)-OMTIMESAstrological Forecast March 2020 – Taurus (4/21-5/21)

March comes in like a Lion and brings you a double-edged sword. You feel as if your life is being pushed to the limit for the second time this year, and on the other hand, you’re afraid that you won’t survive the test. The Universe is inviting a new you to step forward, one that has been stripped of all that is no longer relevant to your new life. This is showing you exactly what you seek in relationships and you find yourself looking at others with discernment and insight. The process can be shocking but do nothing. The people who no longer need to be in your life will fall by the wayside, Taurus. It’s just a matter of time.


Gemini (5/21-6/20)-OMTImesAstrological Forecast March 2020 – Gemini (5/21-6/20)

The March energetic Lion fills your brain with a series of insights and bright ideas that invigorate you, both mentally and physically as well as emotionally and spiritually. You are lifted up in unexpected ways, which give you the strength to begin the necessary purging and cleansing that is holding you down in any way. You may find that there’s a lot of debris you have been hiding from. Now that you are focused on cleansing the rusty, musty, and dusty corners of your life, you are happier and kinder to people around you. You acknowledge that living with you hasn’t been easy, which leads to a release of tension between you and your loved ones.


Cancer (6/21-7/22)-OMTimesAstrological Forecast March 2020 – Cancer (6/21-7/22)

Even though you have been through a tumultuous time, and it continues for a few weeks, a clearer sense of where you are going begins to take shape this month. Life becomes less challenging because you feel an inner determination, along with strength, you are willing to embrace these new feelings. Flowing and being adaptable is not the same as being weak or incapable. Don’t worry if you’re not feeling highly motivated to move mountains, Cancer, you need a break. You have made and are making some big changes. Stop waiting for things to slow down, calm down, or pause—it’s not going to happen—2020 is a pushy year and you may find it demanding and unrelenting.


Leo (7/23-8/22)_OMTimesAstrological Forecast March 2020 – Leo (7/23-8/22)

March has you on high alert, Leo. It feels like your hairs are standing up on end. The true inner you are aware of the shifting scales and powerful reckoning between the need to remain who you are and the need for who you can become in the future. Okay, Leo, let go of the fear, embrace your inner bravery, and just go for the green with gusto! You’re fairly certain that you’ve got to change how you approach what success means to you. Time to examine the path you’re on from the point of objectivity and detachment. This shows you what’s working and what isn’t, bringing you a new sense of purpose and potentially a new direction.


Virgo (8/23-9/22)_OMTimesAstrological Forecast March 2020 – Virgo (8/23-9/22)

I’m sorry, Virgo, but this process of rebirth that you’ve been passing through for almost a year now is not over quite yet. It’s time for you to recognize that the purpose of this ongoing internal push to change is about one thing and one thing only; to remove any and all obstacles that prevent you from being who you really are. You need to claim and express your innate creativity in ways that work for you. No Virgo, it’s not about proving you wrong or finding any of the mistakes you’ve made. You find yourself in a curious space, unclear about living between two extremes. Stop trying to make sense of them both; instead, recognize that you are experiencing two different sides of yourself simultaneously. This leads to some startling revelations about how much you are moving outside of the space you thought you were supposed to occupy. There is no doubt that you feel that you’re living on top of a crumbling foundation. Take a deep breath; it’s only a sign of an important shift in your life.


Libra (9/23-10/22)_OMTimesAstrological Forecast March 2020 – Libra (9/23-10/22)

Work of all kinds is on your agenda, and that’s okay as long as you are in the position to set your own priorities and pace. You are really ready to manifest your own future, and that means getting down to business. This is important to you until you are inundated with demands to turn your attention to the needs of others. Time to set your boundaries and practice saying, “No!” You can turn things around by asking others to help and assist you. That should clear the table. The challenge is simple; be direct. You will very likely discover that not everyone will show you respect the way you respect yourself. This energy will help you sort out what is important for you to do right now. You are brimming over with plans, energy, and excitement—so much so that you spend every waking moment engaged in creating an outcome. This is a new model of success for yourself. Just remember that this inner growth is a work in progress and will happen in its own time.


Scorpio (10/ 23-11/22)-OMTimesAstrological Forecast March 2020 – Scorpio (10/ 23-11/22)

March comes in like a Lion and the more the month moves along, the more you become a human dynamo. There are days when you feel that you can conquer anything. Your energy is off the charts and your capacity for completing things in record time has everyone looking at you with appreciation. Enjoy it all, Scorpio. This is your reward for staying on the course and not allowing your frustrations to get the better of you. Expect some surprising revelations now. It seems everyone needs to talk with you because you are the best listener they know and the most accurate and direct with your responses. The truth is, most everyone you know has a lot on their plate, some of it painful, some heartbreaking, and some a bit scary. Just listen, be open-minded, and don’t offer solutions unless asked. Use your energy wisely in March, Scorpio. Remember, it’s better to strategize how you spend your energy than to allow your intensity and excitement to run you around in circles. That way, you keep your physical and emotional well-being intact.


Sagittarius (11/23-12/21)_OmtimesAstrological Forecast March 2020 – Sagittarius (11/23-12/21)

March comes in like a Lion, and for you, Sag, it’s taking you on a rollercoaster ride. You usually love the rush of life going up and down, as order and regularity bore you. However, this month you may find you’d like a little more of it, as one minute you’re ready to conquer the world and the next minute you’re looking for a place to hide. The healthiest and most effective thing you can do is stay focused on your plans and projects as you emerge stronger and more determined. The worst thing a Sag can feel is a sense of no light in the world, or that all the work you can muster up isn’t enough. That may be true at the moment, but like the Phoenix, you will rise up again. A true Sag is always the eternal optimist.

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Capricorn (12/22-1/19-OMTimesAstrological Forecast March 2020 – Capricorn (12/22-1/19

March brings you strength and confidence. For the first time in a long time, you feel comfortable inside yourself. You know that going within from your guidance, and these answers are your true path to success. You can meet any challenge with success. Work takes a back seat now as you find better ways to manage your time and commitments. What you wish to create and manifest comes with hard work and creativity. Give yourself a hug as you acknowledge how difficult this transition has been for you. You know that life isn’t always easy, but you can celebrate, lift your spirits, and become the front runner.


Aquarius (1/20-2/18)-OMTimesAstrological Forecast March 2020 – Aquarius (1/20-2/18)

The March winds blow you all over the place, Aquarius. You may have very little consistency and an endless number of questions. Do not be concerned. Be still, turn your thoughts inward. It’s time to do a major purging of your negative thoughts, emotions, and past experiences to prepare for the coming upward change in your circumstances. You seem to feel confused about how you feel about people. One minute you’re attentive and supportive and the next, you simply can’t focus. It’s certainly not because you’re bored. You’re striving to connect to your inner guidance to spend significant time alone. Accept this and muster up some radical self-love. You have some really good news about your future, but are asked to “Keep it quiet.” You don’t like not having the complete picture yet, or a commitment. Just relax, because this is something you’ve wanted for a long time. It’s coming— in due time.


Pisces (2/19-3/20)_OMTimesAstrological Forecast March 2020 – Pisces (2/19-3/20)

Pisces, prepare yourself: The winds of March are tossing you around quite a bit. One minute you’re up, refreshed yours and hopeful, and the next minute you are tight, stressed and preparing for the worst. It’s like the two fishes are swimming in opposite directions at the same time. This is your natural habitat, but now there’s a difference. This intensity pushing you from within is out of your comfort zone. This energy began last year at your birthday, but now it feels as if something is breaking. Well, Pisces, you’re right. Much to your surprise, you realize that most everyone feels the same way you do, and this gives you comfort. A lot of progress is being made as you realize that you don’t have to go along as in the past to be successful. You have a chance to accomplish anything if you tune into your greatest assets, your intuition, and your creativity to guide you.

The results astonish you and give you the energy to move forward.


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About the Author

Elizabeth Joyce -OMTimes
Elizabeth Joyce

ELIZABETH JOYCE: Born as one of two sets of identical twins, Elizabeth Joyce has been psychic since birth. From a Bergen County, NJ, housewife, and mother, she has become internationally respected for her gifts as a psychic and energetic healer.

A modern-day Mystic and Master Spiritual Teacher/Healer through the Grace of God, Elizabeth works through the risen power of the kundalini. A gifted speaker on unknown mysteries, higher realities, and higher wisdom, her dreams, visions, accurate predictions, and miracles have been documented on national media. She has also has assisted the police, sheriff departments, and the FBI in finding hundreds of missing people, as well as exposing psychic fraud.

A frequent guest on radio shows across the country, including Coast 2 Coast AM, Elizabeth is the host of Let’s Find Out, a weekly program that airs Sundays at 9:00 pm CT on OMTimes Radio. Her show focuses on metaphysics and unveiling the truth about human consciousness, social concerns, and uplifting the heart and mind to find purpose, serenity, and peace.

The author of nine books, including The New Spiritual Chakras and Unlimited Realities, Elizabeth Joyce, offers reading for individuals, couples and families, spiritual counseling, past and present life regressions, and hypnosis and positive affirmations to assist people in letting go of bad habits. Visit for classes, current events and to contact her.

Let’s Find Out airs on Om Times Radio. Follow ELIZABETH JOYCE On YouTube and  FaceBook

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