Tarot Astrology Forecast for Each Zodiac Sign – February 2020

The Tarot Astrology Forecast builds on the Tarot Arcane for February, which is the Archetype of the Lovers, to understand its influence on each of the signs of the zodiac.
The February 2020 Tarot Astrology Forecast
Entering the second month of this new decade, we will notice promising and exciting news. Still, also we will have to deal with many unforeseen events in love, in our professional life, in health, and even in our spiritual life. With that, February will symbolize a busy period until Easter, especially for those who have committed themselves to make creative and productive projects throughout a new cycle.
The Tarot Arcane for February is the Archetype of the Lovers. For those who spent last year oblivious to the future and unconcerned about the next events of their life, attention. This New year brings powerful influences, not only because of many important Astrological configurations, but we will be undergoing several eclipses and other spiritual forces. Pay attention because when things are disorganized, they tend to go wrong.
Finally, the most recommended attitude at this time for the entire zodiac is to wash your soul, to be at ease with the people you love, and try to live the next days of this exciting month in the most complete, full, and joyful way possible. Check out which arcanum tarot card deck that will rule your sign this month!
The Tarot Astrology Forecast for Each Sun Sign
This Card indicates that February will be ideal for you to be more relaxed. It is because serenity and calm will dictate the rules of your experience going forward, whether in life as a couple, at work, or with yourself. Make time also to re-establish old ties with loved ones who are distant from you because the new beginning after a complete cycle needs love, inner peace, and sincere smiles. Professionally, focus on reflecting on your next steps so as not to make hasty and unnecessary decisions that may harm your long term ambitions.
The advice of this arcanum is clear: the time has come to structure all the disorganized things, and abandoned in your life. The arcane of strength indicates unrelenting skill, action, conviction, and posture in this phase, especially in love relationships and financial procedures. So, be bold and go after what you want, because nothing will tend to fall from the sky if you don’t act as you expect. At work, stay tuned, as you will receive a promotion or increase that will make all the difference in the new year that begins.
The Tarot’s indication with this card is that everything must be resolved in your life before you start something completely new in your life. To do this, use your strong perception and keen intuition to understand the most promising opportunities in the office, in love or social life. If you were planning to develop a new project, this would also be the time, as you will find ideal partnerships. Spiritually, seek greater zeal with your feelings, perceptions, and memories; maybe this is the time to start a Memoir or even a blog.
In the second month of this brand-New Year, this arcanum symbolizes the need to open more dialogues and accept more peaceful positions. This need is applied mainly among family members, co-workers, including with the loved one. Precisely, for this reason, be very careful with the way you defend your points of view and suggestions, as your posture can alienate people who would contribute positively to something in your life. Think that by acting peacefully, you will gain much more attention and admiration from those around you, in addition to the loving attitude, always generates generous fruits.
It will be an excellent time to end several stories and incomplete experiences in your life, especially those that no longer serve you. With that, set your goal at new beginnings, at open windows, and opportunities that are about to emerge in the professional sphere, in your life as a couple, and your ever-expanding spirituality. Generally speaking, be prepared to change your strategy when you feel that things are no longer working out. Finally, don’t be afraid to reconsider old opinions and positions. Think that you only tend to win if you review your concepts and expand them.
This phase indicates many movements and transformations in your life as a whole. It brings to light all your luck and the divine influence you have been waiting. No in your love life, stay tuned, and enjoy every opportunity to make loving memories. Harmonize your life with your loved one. Professionally, new chances for a new job tend to appear, but in a position and an area, you weren’t expecting. With that, take advantage to open your horizons, to vary your performance in the job market, and acquire new experiences and expertise.
February will be a month of twists and tests for your stability in all aspects of your life. That’s because you’re committed to making things flow, and you’re finally able to get rid of bad memories and connections with certain people. If you are single, enjoy this period like this as a discover experience, and focus on meeting new and exciting people, who will offer you much more than fun nights. Professionally, you may find that you will face new responsibilities and will be able to handle them well.
The symbol of this archetype indicates a phase full of companionship, friendships, and cooperation. This new reality will be valid with both longtime friends and co-workers, your loved ones, and your family. All the people in your life are willing to start this new cycle pleasantly by your side and collaborating, so that standard plans work out anyway.
Open your life to live many adventures and make opportunities to feel in your skin what you didn’t get in a long time. Let yourself be discovered and open your mind to a new world, full of happiness and self-knowledge.
February will be a month in which you will experience many challenging situations that are needing to be solved, Sagittarius. It will be the truth for both in your love life, and your professional life may be troubled, and you will find yourself feeling lost trying to find solutions and Your best way forward. Also, avoid believing empty promises from people who have let you down before. Professionally, stay away from complaining that intoxicates your coexistence with different sectors of your life. Finally, try to walk on your legs and don’t depend on anyone you can’t trust.
This Tarot card forecast an incredible month for your love life. Besides, take advantage of these good energies and engage in building relationships and an even better bond in your work environment, or in relationships with friends and family. Try to recognize the human value of the nearest ones that inspired your success and recognition. Also, it will be a month of great light, prosperity, fruitfulness, and love, which will make your family and your dreams grow even more blessedly.
February will be a time of great attention and slow steps for you. That’s because any action of impatience can sink your plans for once and for all, be it financial ones, professionals, or either the ones referring to your family and love lives. So, be careful not to hurt people, or miss opportunities or even waste time with memories that are not worth it, because they are no longer part of your reality. Finally, know how to take the chances as they present themselves, as you will be attracting a lot of attention and will leave everyone impressed with your various talents and visionary abilities.
In this Second month of 2020, your life will be marked entirely by enormous mental strength and a sense of overcoming obstacles. Furthermore, be prepared for a new phase, full of harmony, achievements, and incredible progress until now. Dust old projects off your shelves, this is the time to reevaluate and execute. Also, learn how to deal with your feelings, intuition, wants, and emotions, as having mastered them it would help you to go further on your life path. Finally, know how to appreciate the company of those who are always by your side. These are the people who will celebrate your victories with you.
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About the Author
Creatrix from Sirius. Fairly Odd Mother of Saints (Bernards). Fish Tank aficionado by day ninja by night. Liane is also the Editor-in-Chief of OMTimes Magazine and Ministry Earth Magazine, Co-Founder of Humanity Healing International and Humanity Healing Network, and a Board Member of Saint Lazarus Relief Fund.
Creatrix from Sirius. Fairly Odd Mother of Saints (Bernards). Fish Tank aficionado by day ninja by night. Liane is also the Editor-in-Chief of OMTimes Magazine, Co-Founder of Humanity Healing International and Humanity Healing Network, and a Board Member of Saint Lazarus Relief Fund.