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Tarot Astrology Forecast March 2020 for Each Zodiac Sign

Tarot Astrology Forecast March 2020 for Each Zodiac Sign

Tarot Astrology Forecast March 2020 OMTimes

The Tarot Astrology Forecast March 2020 builds on the Tarot Arcane for March, which is the Archetype of the Change, to understand its influence on each of the signs of the zodiac.

Tarot Astrology Forecast for Each Zodiac Sign – March 2020



The General Arcanum for March is the Chariot, and you can read everything about the energy forecast for the month here: The Chariot Card: The Tarot Arcane for March 2020.

Every time the chariot shows up in a reading, it brings a message of relief and shifts to the person. This card indicates that you are prepared with the right energy to face challenges and move ahead. You may need to keep your mind focused on your intentions and plans and move forward one step at the time.

The Energy of March changes according to the vibration of each of the Zodiacal signs, this way, under the influence of this ever-changing archetype, each of them will face different tests and tasks.


March Arcane Forecast for Each Sign

Here is the Tarot Astrology Forecast March 2020 for your Sun Sign.

Aries_Omtimes Aries: The Fool

March of 2020 will be a month full of courage to face new challenges and get carried away by instincts, just the way Aries likes it. Confidence in yourself brings enthusiasm, dynamism, and willpower to express your own ideas and will also motivate people around you. It’s a great month to undertake new projects and to dust the old ones.


Taurus_OmtimesTaurus: The Hanged Man

This is a month of change for Taurus, and you may expect a shift in your general perspective and world view. The Taurus’ challenge will be to show the world his capacity for acceptance and adaptability. Let go of wanting to control everything and trust the flow of life. Sometimes, to reach an objective, it is necessary to make some sacrifices, to change the focus, and choose a new way of approaching the situation.



Gemini_OMtimesGemini: The Devil

March will be a month in which Geminis will come into contact with their own shadows and flaws, which will contribute to the process of self-knowledge and acceptance of oneself. Meditation on your shadow can bring a sense of independence, autonomy, and control to deal with life challenges, whether internal or external.


Cancer_OMTimesCancer: The Chariot

For people of this sign, March will bring a lot of movement, resilience, and new beginnings. The ability to adapt and flexibility can lead to necessary progress and reconciliation. Just be careful with indecision and lack of precise positioning in your life. Always pursue reasoning and clarity of mind.


Leo-OMTimesLeo: The Temperance

Leo can expect reorganization and redirection to happen in their lives. The search for harmony comes with the rescue of self-love, the satisfaction of desires, and a deep connection with one’s feelings. Renewal of the capacity to love. Opening to new beginnings.


virgo_OMTimesVirgo: The Empress

Fertile month for Virgos. Follow the pace of Nature this Spring. Accept the time of things, which is not always the same as yours, and do not rush when you need to make important decisions. There is time to prepare the land, to plant, and nourish. With patience and dedication, your harvest will be good.


Libra_OMTimesLibra: The Lovers

According to the Tarot, the month’s theme for Libras will be decisions. Important decisions are needed and dealing with their consequences as well. Listen to your heart and cut out of your life what doesn’t do you good. Even though it is difficult, some disruptions are necessary for you to recover. This month will be very good to improve your health through the development of good habits.


Scorpio_OMTimesScorpio: The Hermit

This month will be tricky, Scorpio, it will inspire you with silence and look inside yourself. Do not get carried away by the opinions of others that are contrary to your inner truth. To remain true to your own needs is to take a more mature step towards your goals. You will realize that being alone can do you good and that the journey of self-care brings you countless benefits.


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Stargazing August 2022

Sagittarius_OMTimesSagittarius: The Judgment

For Sagittarians, March would be the month to close cycles and reap the results of previous actions: With more discernment and responsibility, Sagittarians will be willing and receptive. No doubt a month filled with the energy of transformation, of overcoming limitations and preparing for a new phase, more “down to earth.”


Capricorn-OMTimesCapricorn: The Wheel of Fortune

This will be a busy month of significant and inevitable changes. Good chances for new beginnings that can bring security and prosperity, so important for Capricorns. Do not try to fight against the lack of control over many aspects of your life. Changes are inevitable, and it is up to you to learn from them and move forward.


Aquariius_OMTimesAquarius: The Tower

March 2020 should be the month for restructuring for Aquarians. The need to break with what no longer makes sense, and it is no longer needed in your life, will speak loudly. This may cause you some disruptions and will cause some conflicts and resistance. The search for more freedom, new discoveries, and breakups will be factors of self-knowledge that contribute to the construction of a more truthful life.


Pisces_OmtimesPisces: The Emperor

Pisceans can look forward to a month of great achievements and accomplishments. All of this comes with some fears and concerns that always appear when we need to make big decisions. Try to emphasize activities that put your attention at the present moment (physical exercises, relaxation, manual activities), these may help to reduce anxiety and put into practice the necessary actions to accomplish your goals.


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About the Author

Creatrix from Sirius. Fairly Odd Mother of Saints (Bernards). Fish Tank aficionado by day ninja by night. Liane is also the Editor-in-Chief of OMTimes Magazine and Ministry Earth Magazine, Co-Founder of Humanity Healing International and Humanity Healing Network, and a Board Member of Saint Lazarus Relief Fund.


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