Coronavirus Healing Meditation and Exercise
Here is a simple Coronavirus healing meditation that will keep you calm as you apply spiritual methods to strengthen your immune system.
Use Your Healing Powers Against Coronavirus: A Healing Meditation and Exercise
By Lisa Shaw
We are amid a Coronavirus pandemic that threatens the world population in ways we have not seen in hundreds of years. We feel anxious, frightened, at the mercy of the authorities who are under-equipped to fight this Coronavirus plague effectively. But we as healers can fortify ourselves and share healing light with the world.
Here’s a simple Cornovirus Healing meditation that will help to keep you calm and focused as you apply spiritual and holistic methods to strengthen your immune system for yourself and others.
Coronavirus Healing Meditation
Sit still and invite the light forces of the Universe to surround you.
Feel them enter your surroundings. Luminous beings, angels, guides, whatever you call them, invite them in.
Feel the warmth of their love and protection. Now inhale deeply through your nose.
Hold it.
And exhale slowly through your mouth.
Inhale to the slow count of four.
Hold it for four counts.
Now exhale to the slow count of eight.
Feel all tension and stress leave your body.
Stretch out your arms and flex your hands.
Stretch your legs and flex your feet. Release. Pull your shoulders up tightly.
Inhale slowly for four counts.
Hold it for four. Release through your mouth for eight.
Let the light of the Universe enter your crown chakra and move slowly down to each of your chakras, moving out all negative and old energy. Your crown — your third eye —- your throat —- your heart — your solar plexus — your navel — your root. See the light moving down your spine, illuminating each center.
Feel the light collect in your heart.
See it concentrate there like a ball.
Spread the light out of your body through your heart center, our most potent healing center.
Spread it out to those around you, through your house, your street, your town/city, and farther.
See the light from all of us, moving from our hearts to our region, to the country.
Try visualizing an aerial view of the world. See all the light we are sending spread over the continents, across the seas.
Visualize little by little a web of healing white light covering the globe and lowering to reach all life.
Sit with this image in your mind. Light up the world with your heart.
Using Reiki for Coronavirus Healing
Reiki strengthens the immune system. As you view the world, those of you who are Reiki Level 2 practitioners, please send your healing into this web of light. Reiki the world. See all disease, all corona particles, dissolve in this web, disappear, render it null.
Those of you who are not Reiki certified have equally strong healing abilities. Use what makes you comfortable to continue sending healing to this light across the world.
It is critical to protect the lungs, where this virus attacks most dangerously. Send potent concentrated light into your lungs. Visualize everyone you know with lungs clear and full of white light, which acts as a shield. Send this to all those who are currently battling the virus.
Breathe with clear intention, in for four. Hold for four and visualize the respiratory system. Release for eight. Do this again and again with the purpose of everyone creating easy breathing and a shield against this deadly pneumonia, in for four. Hold for four. Release for eight. Visualize. Keep doing it. Do it with your heart and your soul. Never has our breathing been so important.
Send wisdom to those in powerful positions, so they will do what is right for the people.
Send love to yourselves as you fill with light.
Now locate your thymus gland, which many people say is emerging as a chakra. It is between the throat and heart. It stimulates the immune system. Eastern modalities such as Chi Gong give special attention to the thymus gland for this reason. Tap it over and over and repeat the mantra “I am healthy.
I am safe. I am loved. I am light.” Keep tapping.
When you are ready, take another deep breath.
Exhale. Seal your aura with a gold thread. Be safe.
Be healthy.
Keep visualizing and sending light. Keep tapping.
To find more information about tapping, check out Gary Craig’s EFT site, He is the originator of the Emotional Freedom Technique, tapping for health and emotional wellness. Youtube also has many videos on the thymus gland and tapping, which give clear visuals, explanations, and techniques.
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Rev. Lisa Shaw, OMTimes Magazine Spirituality Editor, is an animal communicator, intuitive reader, clairvoyant, and Reiki Master working in metaphysics since 1986. She has an M.F.A. in writing and recently completed an M.A. in Pastoral Ministry with a specialization in loss and healing. Lisa is an award-winning English professor and has served as a hospice chaplain. This gives her sacred glimpses into the space between life and death. She devotes her Reiki practice to animals, and specializes in end-of-life issues people face with their pets.