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Does Absent Healing Work?

Does Absent Healing Work?

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Absent Healing, the sending of Healing Energy over great distances is one of the features of energy healing modalities, such as Reiki, Healing Touch, or Quantum Touch.  

Absent Healing – Sending Healing Energy Across Time and Space

By Lois Cheney



Does absent healing work? In other words can you or I act as a healing channel sending focused energy to someone at a distance, someone not physically present, and still have a positive effect on them? Can a lessening of their difficulty or perhaps a cure for any discomfort they are experiencing be manifested?

Healing energy can be sent over great distances and arrive exactly as it was sent; however, there are a variety of things that can happen at the point of arrival. The energy may be used exactly for the purpose it was sent and prove beneficial. The energy may be completely rejected by the intended recipient and pushed back to its source (you or I). The energy may be accepted but converted to an entirely different use.

So to answer the original question does absent healing work? The answer is yes, no and maybe dependent totally on the receptivity of the “patient”. Surprisingly not everyone who is suffering wants it, that condition of hurt, to stop. Why?

Frequently disease may be found to serve a variety of purposes.

Creating a pathway to cure illness can depend on finding the underlying “benefit”. When illness of any sort is present there can be more than one physical or mental cause. For instance, if being sick allows a person to avoid an unwanted activity or task, feeling good could actually make them feel bad or put upon!

Another impediment to regaining health can be the overall mental attitude. Such as: “I have always been this way. That’s just the way I am. I will never be well like other people.” When illness has lingered over an extended period of time to the point of feeling natural, some of the old thinking has to be replaced. The mind needs retraining into more positive tracks. The patient needs to learn and use some better, more positive self-talk.

One of the mental causes of physical illness can be traced to anger, resentments of various kinds or lack of forgiveness. When a person refuses to let go of hurts from the actions of others it tends to create a degree of tightening or misalignment in the body. Equally harmful is the failure to forgive himself or herself for actions that are mentally labeled as mistakes or errors in judgment.

If those feelings of judgment against the self or others can be released and replaced with acceptance and love, the healing possibilities are greatly increased.

There is yet another difficulty I have discovered. A person may genuinely desire better health but because they have absorbed and believed their well-meaning doctor’s words, they are unable to accept even the possibility of wellness. It becomes hard to counteract such professional medical pronouncements as: “this is incurable” or “No one ever survives this more than a month or two” or “Your condition will simply become worse and worse. Shop for a wheelchair now.”

These heavy hard-hitting diagnoses are the result of one doctor’s experience but they do not need to be true for everyone. Not everyone dies from this, that or the other. There are cures. There are cures every day. That hope for health and healing, the faith in the possibility of wellness, needs to be instilled in a person at a deep level.

I hasten to say that as a healing channel I never intend to be a replacement for someone’s medical professional. My job is to be the best adjunct to whatever course of treatment a client chooses to pursue. We know the body is created to be a self-healing mechanism. Encouraged to do its work without the interference of doubt or fear, it will heal.

As an additional help to medicines or other treatments I am sometimes called to work in my healing room with a client in hypnosis. As a clinical hypnotist, I can help a person to overcome doubts, fear or depression as related to their current circumstances by giving them positive suggestions at a deeper level in their subconscious.

In the case of cancers, well documented positive results have been created by teaching patients to visualize their own positive cells eating or destroying the invading cancerous ones. In fact, any positive mental visualization featuring the strength and tenacity of the body’s healing abilities will always show positive results!

If a person is willing to be grateful for the capabilities of the body and all its organs, talking to each part of the body from skin to eyes to heart to toes with words of love and gratitude, better functioning will result in all areas. Thankfulness and appreciation are wonderful medicines for people and for their own minds, bodies and souls.


See Also
NAD+ Injections and Cognitive Enhancement



NOTE:  Energy Healing Modalities are complementary therapies.  If you are ill, please consult with a licensed medical professional.

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This article was originally published on 24 September 2013

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