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Mitakuye Oyasin, All My Relations

Mitakuye Oyasin, All My Relations

Mitakuye Oyasin All My Relations OMTimes

Mitakuye Oyasin, “All My Relations,” is a greeting from the Lakota (Sioux) people reflecting their worldview of oneness, interconnectedness, and harmony with all living things: people, animals, plants, even wind, rocks, and rivers.

Mitakuye Oyasin

By Sister Judy Bisignano



To most people, a “relation” means a family member—a blood relative. It would be a stretch for most of us to extend the concept to include entities other than humans. However, if we chose to follow the wisdom of the Achuar in the Amazon jungle, it could transform our outlook on life forever. Loving and honoring “relatives” in this broader sense means caring about everything on Earth and throughout the Universe.

For the Achuar, everything that exists has a consciousness – an energy. Everything that exists is “alive” on some level. Dreams, ideas, feelings, thoughts, buildings, organizations, etc. are alive. They hold energy; they have a purpose. What a concept!

Let’s sit a bit with the Achuar and ponder their concept of TRUTH. Everything is related because everything emanates from one Source and everything has one purpose. All belief systems whether indigenous philosophy, Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism, or Islam are “related.” TRUTH can be found in each. One can experience indigenous customs and rituals and find Buddha. One can study Buddhism and find Jesus. We can meet Mother Nature and find ourselves.

Understanding indigenous spirituality—how our native relatives perceive themselves as part of Pachamama (Mother Earth)—has allowed me to experience a spiritual bigness I never know existed.

After meeting the Achuar, I have a new way—their way—of relating to and communicating with Pachamama.

“All My Relations” is spoken at the beginning and end of native ceremonies to thank and invite our ancestors, those who recently passed to those who crossed in ancient times, to join us in celebration — in praise of Pachamama.


Let us pray…

Aho Mitakuye Oyasin!

We greet “All Our Relations.” Thank you for coming to join us!

Pachamama, we honor and thank you for your Circle of Life that surrounds and supports us within your sacred, spinning wheel of Earth and Universe.

Thank you for molecules, minerals, and membranes that build our bones and become the framework of all life on the planet.

Thank you for plants that breathe healing and wellness into our bodies and spirits.

Thank you for animals that sustain us physically and emotionally on our journey through life.

Thank you for humans who share a consciousness that allows us to reflect on our common path and purpose.

Thank you for Arutum, Spirit, your energy of life itself that lights our path and connects our past to present and future as you guide our journey through space, time and all ages.

We are your Circle of Life, co-existing, co-depending, co-creating a single destiny, each one evolving from the other, each one dependent upon the other, each one as important as the one above, the one below, and the one from side to side. All of us are a part of your Great Mystery—all interconnected, all related, all one.

See Also

Aho Mitakuye Oyasin.

We honor “All Our Relations.” Thank you for coming to join us.

Shamans in the Amazon rainforest commonly boil Chacruna leaves with the ayahuasca vine to make the ceremonial, visionary, healing brew. The illustration by Rebecca Patterson-Markowitz shows Chacruna leaves held in sacred space by the encircling ayahuasca vine which symbolizes the creative, healing womb of Pachamama (Mother Earth).


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