Setting Up A Spiritual Hygiene Regime

Spiritual Hygiene is important! Just as we need to shower every day for our physical hygiene, we need to scrub our spiritual selves as well.
Practice Spiritual Hygiene
By Monika Goyal
Spiritual Hygiene is important! Just as we need to shower every day for our physical hygiene, we need to scrub our spiritual selves as well. Our soul is untouched and unstained but the mind connecting it our body needs to be cleansed. When we cleanse ourselves regularly, our aura expands and strengthens. It helps build protection from any negative influences and energies. Being a healthy, positive state attracts more positive experiences. It becomes easier to focus and achieve our goals. Life simply blossoms…
Here are a few simple but very effective meditations practiced by sages and spiritual masters for ages:
1. Rhythmic breathing can help cleanse and polish the body and mind. Focusing on the incoming and outgoing breath for 5-10 minutes every day can clear away all the toxins giving way to a clear and focused mind and a healthy and glowing body. A simple exercise is to observe the breath for a few minutes as it enters our nostrils and follow it as goes through the throat, chest, and stomach and as it comes out the full circle.
2. A 5-20 minute meditation in a crystal cave is immensely healing. Visualize yourself in a clear quartz crystal cave with crystal flooring, walls, and ceiling. Make self comfortably seated on a crystal bench under a crystal that’s pouring pure healing fluid into the crown, imagine it flowing through each and every part of the body. This energy massages and heals all the stress, pain, and discomfort from the entire physical and etheric body. Come out of the cave feeling brighter and revitalized.
3. Chanting “seed” mantras for each chakra for a few minutes is a very powerful way of cleansing and uplifting ourselves. When we chant these mantras, we resonate with the energy of the associated chakra, helping us focus upon our own instinctive awareness of our body & its needs. Chant “LAM” in mind silently while focusing on the root chakra. Repeat a few times. Feeling complete, bring attention to Sacral chakra and chant “VAM” a few times and then let it go. Move on to the Solar Plexus and chant ‘RAM”. Chant “YAM” a few times, focusing on Heart center. Chant “HAM” for the throat center. Chant “OM” for the third eye. Silence is the mantra for the Crown chakra. Feel the peace and calm. This meditation helps remove blockages and balance all chakras leading to a free flow of energy.
4. Fill the body with pure white healing light when breathing in and breathe out darkness when breathing out. Allow the light to enter the root chakra at the base of your spine. Cleanse and brighten this ruby red chakra with white light. After clearing root, move on the orange sacral chakra that is 3 inches below the navel. Focus on solar plexus, just above the naval, sunshine yellow in color. Move on to the emerald green heart center, cleanse and open it up. Brighten the robin blue throat chakra. Feel the indigo third eye chakra expanding and opening up. Allow the white light to enter the crown chakra, covering our head like a dome to expand and brighten. Now feel all the chakras vibrating and merging with each other forming a bright white light column. Stay in this healing light for a few minutes and then send any excess healing energy to Mother Earth.
5. Hari OM. Another powerful way to cleanse and heal is to chant the healing mantra “Hari OM”. Take a deep breath in and chant “Hari OM” focusing on the root chakra. Chant it once, twice, 5, 7 or 11 times focusing on the root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye, and crown chakra. You will feel calm, peaceful energy rising up as all the chakras are cleaned, opened, balanced and healed.
Pick any or try all of these techniques one at a time regularly for a life full of love, peace, and joy…
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This article was originally published 18 May 2013
About the Author
Monika is a Spiritual Counselor and Healer. To learn more visit

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