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The Coronavirus Pandemic and What We Can Learn From It

The Coronavirus Pandemic and What We Can Learn From It

Coronavirus Pandemic OMTimes

Are we falling short of the lessons we could be learning in the wake of the Coronavirus Pandemic?

What We Can Learn From The Coronavirus Pandemic

By Carrie Rutledge



Are we falling short of the lessons we could be learning in the wake of the Coronavirus Pandemic? Why are so many of us intelligent, sophisticated individuals running to the stores to hoard the last of the toilet paper or pray for scientists to come up with a vaccine? It seems as though we have lost sight in power we have as individuals to heal. It is natural to be afraid and have our egos kick in when we feel our survival is at stake. The fact is we are more in control of our health and our future than we think we are. Our bodies do a wonderful job of maintaining homeostasis when we nurture it with healthy food, clean water, and clean air. Somehow, we have forgotten that humans have been healing themselves since the beginning of time. Our body knows how to heal, or we wouldn’t exist.


Faith Comes First

When we have faith, our fear subsides. Whether we are out of a job, struggling financially, sick with the flu or any virus, having faith in our body, mind, and soul brings about calm. It helps us to rise into a higher consciousness and be of service to others. When we are calm, we build strength and can find the solutions that we need to recover. We formulate strong beliefs in our minds that we can direct into action. Faith brings about optimism and helps to raise the vibration of the entire planet. The Coronavirus is presenting us with a perfect opportunity to practice this and become stronger, more compassionate humans.


Viruses Are Here to Stay

As long as there is a host, there will always be a virus. Our body is home to scores of viruses. Corona is only one out of the 320 000+ viruses on Earth, and there will always be more. Let’s be generous and say only about 40 of those 320,000+ viruses have vaccines. How do we protect ourselves from the other potentially deadly viruses and bacteria that could invade our bodies at any time? The human immune system (the control center of the entire body) survived for thousands of years without the creation of vaccines. Maybe we should take this time to build up our immune system so that we can recover quickly and easily from this virus or any other infection that we may come into contact with? Unfortunately, our media bombards us with fear-based information instead of educational, proven, and scientifically studied tactics that work to create a healthy mind and body. Sadly, this creates a dependence on government solutions and discourages trust in our body to do its job.


Our Bodies Are Excellent At Forgiveness

The body is very forgiving and can heal itself quite well when given the proper tools. We can use this opportunity to start nurturing our bodies with healthy food, exercise and rest while we are all forced to stay home. Nutrients needed for a healthy immune system include vitamin C, D, E, A, zinc, and Omega 3 fatty acids.

Great sources of vitamin C are strawberries, oranges, tomatoes, and mangoes. Taking a supplement is extremely beneficial, as well. You can’t overdose on vitamin C, and it’s imperative to increase antioxidants, which will decrease oxidative stress. Studies are consistently showing that high doses of vitamin C are very effective in treating illnesses such as whooping cough and Coronavirus.


Keeping up with the Nutritious Sources

Vitamin E foods such as avocados, almonds, seeds, and olive oil are wonderful at fighting chronic inflammation, neutralizing free radicals, and reducing oxidative stress. It helps to prevent cognitive decline and reduces the risk of death due to respiratory and cardiovascular disease.

Foods such as red meat, liver, oysters, and pumpkin seeds have the incredible immune-boosting nutrient called zinc, which is also vital to reducing the production of inflammatory cytokines. Zinc seems to be the key nutrient to survival in terms of this particular virus. In fact, Dr. Zelenko has treated all his Corona patients with zinc and has yet to have one hospitalization.


About  Vitamins and Supplements

Increasing sun exposure for a free dose of vitamin D benefits both the innate and adaptive immune response. Vitamin D deficiency increased susceptibility to infection and autoimmunity. It was once used to treat tuberculosis before antibiotics were so readily available. Studies are continuing to show that low vitamin D levels are more likely to land you in the hospital for upper respiratory infections, including the flu.

One of the most important vitamins for immune health is vitamin A as it regulates the healthy production of T cells and the migration of T cells into infected cells. Furthermore, high doses of Vitamin A are used to decrease the morbidity from diarrhea, measles, and HIV. The best source of vitamin A is liver, but can also come from salmon, butter, and cheese. Vitamin A is plentiful in melon, squash, spinach, and mango for those following plant-based diets.

Decreasing the ratio between Omega-6 and Omega-3 fatty acids (aiming for less than 4:1) will drastically reduce the production of cytokines, which are secreted from immune cells to promote inflammation. The imbalance of these fatty acids in today’s standard diet is causing us to have an overactive immune system triggering chronic inflammation. Increasing the intake of Omega-3 fatty acids is fundamental for a healthy mind. It is key to fighting depression, memory loss, and chronic fatigue. Cutting out all vegetable oils and using olive oil or coconut oil instead can help to decrease the amount of Omega-6 fatty acids in your diet while creating more of a balance between the two.


Sugar and Exercises and Fever

Processed sugar is never good. We have been led to believe it is a once in a while treat, but there are so many other ways to fulfill our sweet tooth without using sugar. Sugar is more addictive than opioids; sugar causes cancer and has detrimental effects on our immune system. Vitamin C and glucose love to compete for cell entry. By focusing on a low glycemic diet (fewer grains, less rice, less bread, less sugar), we will be making sure that the vitamin C we are ingesting can get into our cells.

Exercise is crucial, and now we have all the time in the world to do it. Exercise keeps our lymph circulating, lowers blood pressure (number one cause of morbidity related to Coronavirus), relieves stress, and is imperative for depression. Exercise causes our core temperature to rise (fever), inhibiting the growth of microbes and speeding up the healing process in return. This is why athletes and those who exercise routinely get sick less. Additionally, current science is showing it can be dangerous to artificially treat fevers. By artificially halting a fever with Tylenol or Motrin, we interrupt the immune response and lengthen the duration of the infection.

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Helping Others Is Good For You

Now is a good time to volunteer and help others. Food banks are struggling to find volunteers, and blood banks are begging for our donations. If you are healthy and willing, donating time to help others can raise your spirit and lessen the fear. When we help others, we not only feel a deep sense of purpose, but it can also benefit our health by lowering our blood pressure and reducing chronic pain.


Just Say No To Fear

Fear is a low vibration emotion that serves very little purpose long term. Fear, anxiety, stress, and depression can wreak havoc on our body and make it more likely to get sick and stay sick. How we choose to feel and react is completely within our control, and now, with the coronavirus pandemic in full effect, we are presented with a wonderful opportunity to practice this skill.

For most of us, this is the first time in our lives where we are given the gift of time. Time to evaluate what is important. Time to connect with our families, cook meals, lie in the sun, or read a book. The most important lesson I hope we will all take away from this is how crucial it is to nurture ourselves and hold the light within. Let’s be grateful and trust that all we need will come. We can’t continue to lean on science, doctors, or government to fix all of our ailments. When we put it on someone else to fix us, we lose the power and faith in our own natural ability to problem solve. Our bodies are the one area we have control in a world where we feel like our freedoms are slipping away. Taking this time to heal our minds and bodies to rise up against the next unknown enemy and defeat it with confidence is the best thing we can do.


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About the Author

Carrie RutledgeCarrie Rutledge is a full-time working mother who spent five years struggling with infertility and miscarriages. Through research and lifestyle changes, she was able to put an end to frustrating doctor’s visits and expensive pharmaceutical drugs that worsened her condition. At forty, she gave birth to a healthy baby girl. Although Carrie Rutledge was diagnosed with Postpartum Depression and OCD, she continues to treat her symptoms through nutrition, exercise, CBT, Yoga, and meditation. She is currently studying at the Nutrition Therapy Institute. Carrie Rutledge devotes her time to helping women take back their health and heal their bodies on their own terms. Connect with Carrie Rutledge


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