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Why Use Ho’oponopono With Children

Why Use Ho’oponopono With Children

Ho'oponopono OMTimes

Ho’oponopono is a healing tool that can help clear children of the limiting beliefs, self-sabotage instincts, emotional blocks, and negative memories.

Ho’oponopono For Children



Every time a child is saved from the dark side of life, every time one of us makes an effort to create a difference in a child’s life, we add light and healing to our own lives.

~ Oprah Winfrey


The moment a child is born, so are her parents. It’s a new and challenging path, and as much as everyone wants to get it right, the parents’ unconscious blockages and fears are often reflected in their children.

The practice of Ho’oponopono for children can help cure these obstructions, as children learn to cleanse themselves of these unconscious and unworthy parental teachings and assimilations when they acquired some self-knowledge.



The way our parents raised us can dramatically influence the formation of our personality. Problems with parenting, when not worked out properly, tend to appear in the adult’s personal and affective life – and change how we become parents. Even if you read all about being a good parent, the inexperience of first-time parents and the influences of our upbringing always speak louder.

The fact that we were influenced by the upbringing our parents gave us is not always wrong, of course. But it is noteworthy that in family therapies, the fears and problems shown by children are linked to their parents and the way they were raised (and unconsciously passed on to their children).



Have you heard that “A son that doesn’t follow counsel, will follow the example”? It is true. Up to 7 years old, children unconsciously reproduce what you DO, not what you SAY. Hence, from early childhood, children act with issues that are challenging for parents: highlighting their shortcomings and shortcomings.



For example, the father complains to the psychologist that the child is stubborn, that she has a tantrum, and does not want to share her toys with her playmates. In a more in-depth conversation with his father, the psychologist realizes that he is extremely attached to his ideas, that he has difficulty accepting other opinions that are very attached to material goods, dogmas, and truths that he considers to be absolute. Finally, the child only reproduces these same characteristics in her child-like form.

Another typical case is when a child starts vomiting without explanation. If parents experience significant emotional instability at home, if they fight a lot in front of their child, or if they show agitated behavior; often the children vomit because they cannot understand or “digest” what is happening, and their way of demonstrating this is by ejecting food from their stomach.



Ho’oponopono is a healing tool that can help clear children of the limiting beliefs, self-sabotage instincts, emotional blocks, and negative memories we may carry in our lives and inadvertently transmit to our children.

The Ho’oponopono method is to practice 4 powerful phrases:

“I love you.

I’m sorry.

Forgive me.

I am grateful”.

By speaking these phrases with our children, we can (unconsciously) clear them of all the pain, discomfort, and fears we carry within us so that they realize that their parents can also be wrong, too, and they do not have to absorb everything from their parents as if it were always absolute Truths. Parents need to take care of their own unconscious and to be aware that their unconscious content can passively pass to their child.

The rule is that past painful memories need to be released. Childhood traumas, pains, fears, rebukes accumulate within our being, need to be clear by saying to ourselves:

“I’m so sorry.

Forgive me.

Love you.

I’m grateful (the)…….”

See Also


You can tell them out loud or in silence, as you feel more comfortable to do so.



There are no appropriate number of times, timeframe, or age, as there are no contraindications to this method, only if the child doesn’t develop any adverse symptoms regarding it.

The idea is to make the routine a constant, daily cleansing of negative memories, to bring the unconscious feelings to consciousness and prevent them from becoming symptoms of blockages and ancestral fears.



Seeing our children reproducing symptoms and attitudes that are a result of our own behavior can bring parents the feeling of guilt. But this is not the idea behind Ho’oponopono. The idea is to bring awareness that we transmit these memories to our children and that it is possible to clear and heal them from ourselves and our children. It is why it is important to start self-healing early on.

Have you healed yourself up today? I’m sorry, forgive me, I love you, I’m grateful.


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About the Author

Humanity Healing Network is an Ageless Wisdom education outreach of Humanity Healing International.

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