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Awaken Within – The Meditation Class

Awaken Within – The Meditation Class

Meditation Class OMTimes

There is a different way to be moving through this time and it’s actually within your reach. The Meditation Class was created to help you right now.

The Meditation Class – Bringing Inner Calm to the Storm

It’s time to access your inner peace


Sophie Frabotta, from Awaken with Sophie, is here to help you better manage your coping mechanisms as we move into this new normal. Right now we have this opportunity to see beyond what has ever been seen before and Sophie Frabotta is a passionate Spiritual Coach, Mentor, and Entrepreneur, who has created an online experience for you to better manage what is coming up in you and show you the way to calm it all down.

Meditation Class OMTimes

Sophie’s work offers a powerful process to help you move beyond your wounds, and travel into the only frontier we have left to travel: within. For all of us who have gotten our deep fears triggered, are frustrated with our situation, reacting to the small things, eating to comfort ourselves, and getting lost in what-if scenarios…than this course will help you bring calm to this storm.

There is a different way to be moving through this time and it’s actually within your reach. The Meditation Class was created to help you right now.

One of her students says, “The meditations in this course took me on a journey into the deepest parts of myself and brought me home to my heart space. I felt renewed and refreshed to begin my day afterward. I will use these meditations again and again, to center and focus my inner wanderings, and bring me back home.”

It is Sophie’s passion, fierce dedication, and spiritual mission to positively impact the world by offering spiritual practices that can deeply calm the inner state. Sophie has worked nationally to assist clients and globally to train students on how to access this deep inner calm.

Sophie says, “I just love to share the teachings that I found that have transformed my life and heart. It is my passion to help others tap into their inner world and begin to access that profound wisdom that lives there.”

The Meditation Class is an outpouring of Sophie’s mission into an applicable 7-Day experience. One of her students says, “I achieved an incredible amount of personal growth in a very short period of time.” And that is something Sophie believes is whole-heartedly possible for every one of us, especially now.

She teaches us to not just learn the concepts, but how to become the living, breathing concept. “Once you learn how to turn knowledge into application, you activate your wisdom center and things begin to change,” says Sophie.

The Meditation Class is now open for enrollment. It is a self-paced online course that will give you seven sessions of training and 8 guided meditations to help you get back into good standing with yourself.

To learn more or to join, visit

See Also
Spiritual Life Coach Certification Sophie Frabotta OMTimes


About Sophie Frabotta

A Modern Healer + Transformation Specialist who shows you how to locate your deeper wounds and then teaches you how to remove it yourself. With a Masters in Transpersonal Psychology— her motivation is to help others access their greatness because she knows it lies within. This is not a path of perfection, but rather a shift in understanding that leads to freedom. Sophie shows people how to do this work and walk this transformational path!

The Meditation Class is now open for online, self-paced learning. Join the calm movement + get back into touch with your greatness.


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