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Recognizing Love Signs from Heaven

Recognizing Love Signs from Heaven

Signs from Heaven OMTimes

Have you ever wondered if you are getting signs from Heaven? It’s not unusual for our loved ones who have passed to give us signs they are with us.

Signs from Heaven

By Kay Reynolds



Sitting at home all alone, Shannon suddenly hears a knocking noise in the distance. This isn’t a knocking sound like one might hear if someone was at the door. It’s an odd sound, one not quite recognizable. She shrugs it off, thinking it is the house because she knows houses are known to make noises from time to time for various reasons. A few minutes later, Shannon hears the knock again and then again.

The hair on the back of her neck rises; she turns her head to the right expecting to see someone there, but the space is empty. It seems strange because she could have sworn, she thought someone was there.

A few days later, while driving to work, Shannon has the same feeling she had when the hairs on the back of her neck stood up. She shakes her head, trying to convince herself it’s all in her imagination. Then the radio switches stations completely on its own and lands where her mom’s favorite song is playing. She wonders if her mom, who passed away last year, is somehow in the car with her. She laughs out loud and says, don’t be silly.

Three days later, while driving along minding her own business, for a split second, she smelled her mom’s famous apple pie. A smile creeps over her face as she secretly hopes her mom is with her.

Millions of people have similar experiences, all wondering if it is a sign from Heaven from a loved one trying to connect with them. It is the greatest hope to connect somehow, someway to those who have passed away.

There are plenty of mediums who claim they can do just that but, what about those who are not mediums? Is it possible for them to feel or sense their departed loved ones?

All people are born with intuition, the ability to feel, sense, or know something without really understanding how they know. An example of this is a mother’s intuition knowing her child is hurt even when the child is away at school. The mother’s connection to her child is so strong, she senses something is wrong.


The energy imprint of a loved one remains fresh in the memory of the living

Those who have passed are quite creative in finding ways to get their loved one’s attention. They are excellent manipulators of electronics and electricity. Flipping the lights on and off, switching channels on the radio, and even projecting their image on a computer screen or into a photo is possible.

Loved ones in the spirit world are always trying to connect to the family on Earth. There is no death, only a change of worlds. They want this world to know they are still with very much a part of their family and friend’s lives.

As a medium, people call all the time with odd things happening over and over, and they have a sense it is a departed loved one trying to tell them something. They automatically think something is wrong, their loved one is trying to warn them, and they want help to see what the warning might be.

When asked who they think it might be, they name someone they know in the spirit world right away, and most of the time, they are correct. Most of the time, the spirit person is only trying to get their attention to let them know they are around.

Unless the occurrences are becoming frightening to those in the house, there shouldn’t be a need to see a medium. There are some things one can do to help things ease up a bit but, first, become aware of ways they will try to communicate.


Common Signs from Heaven

There are common signs such as finding a white feather in an odd place, a robin or dove showing up and not leaving as they normally would do, or hearing their favorite song on the radio but, there are more signs. Here are a few more.

Unusual noises that can’t be explained that repeat over and over

Familiar smells that remind you of your loved one especially in places you wouldn’t normally have that smell

The feeling of not being alone

Suddenly thinking of your loved one for no clear reason or seeing them in your mind’s eye

These are only some of the creative ways the spirit world will try to let you know they are there.


See Also
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What Can Those Left Behind Do?

Listen to their intuition. The first person they think of is who has come to say hello.

Pay attention to the signs.

Acknowledge they are aware someone is with them, even if they are not sure or don’t know who it could be.

Talk to the spirit person as if they were alive. They hear all the thoughts.

If the living becomes frightened, let the spirit person know. The living can always ask the spirit person to step back.

It is a little frightening to think of a visitor from Heaven nearby. Just imagine what it must feel like for them to send out a sign to a loved one letting them know they are with them and their loved one acknowledges they got the sign. Imagine how happy the spirit person must feel to know their loved one knows they haven’t really gone anywhere; they are still a part of their life.

The next time a thought crosses the mind of mom or dad is around to say hi from across the veil, chances are it’s true and not the imagination.


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About the Author

Kay Reynolds trained extensively as a medium at the prestigious Arthur Findlay College in Stansted, England. Her book, The Evidential Medium, will publish in 2020.

Find her at and

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