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11 Ways to Know When It’s Time to Move On

11 Ways to Know When It’s Time to Move On

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If you’re wondering if you’re ready to leave something or someone in your life and it’s time to move on, here are some signs that can help you.

Learning When It’s Time To Move On



Sometimes, we need serenity in life, and this happens, especially when we are deciding whether the time has come to move on over some situation or not. Although loosening ties and looking to the future is overwhelming, it can be a necessary process. At some point, you will need to accept the fact that you may have overcome some connections. Not everyone you have had a relationship with needs to stay in your lifelong term. If you’re wondering if you’re ready to leave something or someone in your life and it’s time to move on, here are some signs that can help you.


Don’t dwell on what went wrong.

Instead, focus on what to do next.

Spend your energies on moving forward

toward finding the answer.

~Denis Waitley


1. You Feel Exceedingly Unhappy.

If you are unhappy in situations in your life, your main goal should be to change them. You are the only person who can allow yourself to be happy. Your happiness will not be found in other people.


2. When Your Environment is Negative

Negativity is something that you see quite often in life. But, if you are surrounded by it, you evaluate if this is the energy field you want to live within. If you’re going to stay positive, you need to fight for a positive environment. Surround yourself with the kind of persons who raise your spirits. It is empowering.


3. No Llama Drama

If people around you are used to drama, you need to get away from that. These are not the right circumstances you need in your life, and these tensions can vampirize your life energy. The drama has no place in the lives of genuinely positive people.


Nothing can drag you down if you’re not holding on to it.

~ Tony Robbins



4. Lack of Freedom and Free Will

If you feel stuck with a particular situation, or someone, it’s probably time to move on. Life is too short to feel confined in a case or stuck with a person that doesn’t allow you to move forward. The feeling of being trapped is not a pleasant emotion.


5. Dealing with Distrust

In life, it is necessary to surround ourselves with people who trust us and whom we can also trust. If you don’t trust those around you, you are relating to the wrong people. Trust is not something to be overlooked because it is the basis of a solid foundation in life and relationships.


6. When You Always Do More than Your Share

The more people use you, the worse you will feel. When you are doing everything you can for people you love and feel who would not do the same for you, it is best to cut those ties and move on. Do something for yourself, don’t put yourself in the background for those who don’t help you when you need it most.


7. When the True You is Ignored or Disregarded

If you can’t truly be yourself around the people in your inner circle, then you will need a new group of friends. You must not change who you are or hide your true self for the benefit of people’s interests and conventions. Life is short, and we need to who we are meant to be.


8. When People are Trying to Handle You

If you have a feeling you are being used and manipulated, you need to regain power over yourself. While this is somewhat confusing for some, depending on the situation, it is essential to recognize that you are being manipulated, and maybe it would be your best interest, in the long run, to cut ties to the situation and or people causing it.

8. When People try to Change Who You Are

See Also

People tend to try to change other people all the time, sometimes for their own benefit. If you are a victim of this, consider moving away from these people. We must never try to change for others, just for ourselves.


9. When People are Keeping You on Hold

If there are people around you that are holding you back and preventing you from following your dreams, you should stop letting them do it. The time may have come to move on and be yourself. Enjoy life and pursue your dreams. Your goals will never be achieved if you don’t have time to try.


10. If Someone Around You is Causing You Pain

If someone is causing you pain, that person doesn’t deserve you. It doesn’t matter if she is unique to you.


11. When People Do Not Like You and the Things You Create

If you feel unappreciated, consider making some changes and putting aside those who only use you when they need to. It’s time to step out and find people who would value you for who you are, and the things you can do.


“There is nothing to teach you more than to reorganize yourself after failure and move on.”

~ Charles Bukowski

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