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Can Astrology Influence Child Personality?

Can Astrology Influence Child Personality?

Child Astrology OMTimes

Not many are aware that astrology can be of great help when we apply the concepts to the understanding of our children and their personalities.

Can Astrology Have an Influence Over A Child’s Personality?



Astrology believes that the stars touch the human personality according to their birth chart, and that belief always arouses general interest. However, not many are aware that the way the stars influence us can be of great help when we apply these concepts to the understanding of our children.

Providing the correct stimuli to a child following their birth chart can shape a much more fertile environment for her natural talents, as well as working very well to correct possible vulnerabilities.


Applying Astrology to Children’s Guidance

With the help of an astrological chart or astral map, it is possible to understand much better the functioning of the child’s vision concerning their world and his parents, especially if we consider that during their childhood the lunar sign has a much more present influence than their solar sign; however, this is not usually very common or known by parents and tutors.

We should learn a little more about the needs of the children of each astrology sign, taking into account both the solar and lunar signs. We must also add that these requirements are only for general guidance and that the most advisable is to ask a responsible astrology professional to make the personal astrological chart of your little one, to provide a more complete vision and guidance.



The Child of Aries is full of initiative and usually leads the games and physical activities but may tend to behave a little selfishly and impatiently towards his peers, being somewhat aggressive at times. That is why it is important to orient this child very well in these aspects, without taking away its incentives for independence and self-reliance.



The child of Taurus needs to be involved in activities that encourage their artistic gifts, manual abilities, and creative skills. The Child should be monitored for excesses in food and should learn how to take care of her own body. Another vulnerability would be her psychological tendencies regarding attachment to material goods and jealousy.




These children tend to be more scattered and anxious about their own decisions than any other in the Zodiac, and their parents should be responsible for the proper guidance in this regard, stimulating mental capacities,  encouraging communication, inspiring reading, and offering the child access and contact with different environments. Maintaining a proper dialogue is as important as respecting the child’s rhythm of development.



Ruled by the sign of the crab, these children would present a natural innate sensitivity, so the Parents must be careful and avoid very overprotective attitudes. These children need the freedom to experience their own emotions, and they must learn how to deal with affectivity, emotional sensitivity, and family harmony. They tend to have potential artistic gifts and high imaginative capacity, and it is important to encourage such characteristics to develop their self-esteem and self-reliance.



They are children prone to leadership. They are very enthusiastic, full of brightness, and much charisma. Stimulating these characteristics should provide great growth for the little ones, also improving their spontaneity and creative spirit. Parents should only be wary of their vulnerable traits, such as authoritarianism, self-regard, pride, selfishness, and vanity.



The inner longing to be at service to others and feel useful to society should be encouraged in early childhood. The child must feel proud of her achievements but should be learning from the beginning to deal with feelings such as perfectionism, a sense of guilt, or inferiority. Developing respect and self-care for their own bodies would be important steps for them in helping their self-esteem.



The Libra child should be encouraged to socialize, to grow in their relationships, and to improve their sense of justice.  They may show problems in making the decision and to be impartial when necessary. They must also be introduced in environments that promote their artistic gifts and learn to value people and the world for values beyond their immediate appearance.



They are children that tend to have more intense emotional reactions and passionate responses. They may show traits of possessiveness and even vindictive feelings; they can hold resentments about disagreements. Stimulating your natural interest in Life’s mysteries, Universe, energy and healing, along with some Meditation techniques, can provide a more peaceful heart. It is also necessary to educate and promote a good understanding of issues such as sexuality and death.



See Also

Interdisciplinary Studies, reading, travel, sports, and everything that is a mental stimulus and allows to expand the horizons of knowledge should be encouraged in this child. Small Sagittarian may require a little space, but it should not be offered deliberately, and parents should step up surveillance more closely and convey a clear understanding of limits, especially in regard to food.



They tend to have a greater desire to participate actively in adulthood and to interact with adults, and they accept stimuli for more significant responsibilities as well as discipline. Care must be taken not to reach levels of an exaggeration, so as not to deprive the child of moments of leisure and play and compromising their childhood.



Aquarium children usually have a lot of affinity with everything that has an innovative and creative character, as well as new technologies; stimulating creative ability and your original personality will bring many benefits to the future adult. They are also children who like to have the freedom to have ideas of ??a world free from prejudice. They are friendly children, as they tend to make friends with some ease. The parents of these children should be aware of these characteristics; it is necessary to work on learning about individuality and cooperation, as well as the concept of children’s rebellion.



The Piscean child needs to be reassured with the feeling of safety and security, an environment that is conducive to her emotional capacity, her finely tuned sensitivity, and her spiritual gifts. Situations that may cause guilt, emotional insecurity, and victimization should be avoided. They tend to be highly sensitive persons.


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About the Author

Creatrix from Sirius. Fairly Odd Mother of Saints (Bernards). Fish Tank aficionado by day, ninja by night. Liane Buck is also the Editor-in-Chief of OMTimes Magazine, Co-Founder of Humanity Healing International and Humanity Healing Network, and a Board Member of Saint Lazarus Relief Fund.

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