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What If Cinderella Had Swollen Feet?

What If Cinderella Had Swollen Feet?

Cinderella Lifestyle Love Story OMTimes

How would the story have ended if, when Cinderella came home from the ball, she gave up her dream for a better life, a free life, and a confident life and binged instead?

Are You Still Waiting For Your Cinderella Moment?

By Lisa Berry



We all know that the glass slipper fit. We all know that Cinderella lived happily ever after. BUT what if on the extraordinary day when the ministers came by the house for the girls to try on the glass slipper Cinderella’s feet were swollen? What if she stuffed her emotions down with food and hid from all her feelings of low self-worth, not fitting in, feeling depressed with her living conditions, never getting ahead in life? What if bags of potatoes chips, muffins, pasta, and cookies were her answers. What if chocolate-covered avoidance was her go-to response?

I’ll share with you what would have happened. The glass slipper would never have fit, and Cinderella would have been left sitting there in the beautiful embroidered Victorian chair with her big old swollen water retention foot and no prince and no happily ever after.

Imagine just for a moment that your lifelong dream, a once in a lifetime opportunity, literally came to YOU, right to your door, and you weren’t prepared? What if the decisions you were making, the actions you were taking were ruining your chance for success? Holding you back from fitting in the exact life that you’d been dreaming of and were trying to create.

Imagine if your life was swollen with doubts, lack of clarity and direction, and support and didn’t fit into your life’s magical glass slipper, your vision?

I remember when the word “success” was defined to me. When I heard it, everything just clicked?


“Success is when preparation meets opportunity.”

What does a successful life look like to you? What is your personal vision?

What is your fairy tale life?

Are you prepared to slide into it like a glass slipper when it shows up?

When the opportunity presents itself to you?

Do you have the mindset that will motivate you into taking actions that propel you into your success?

Are you aware of the power and control you have in your very own life that puts you in the driver seat to choose what foods you eat, what activities you participate in, what attitude you possess, which people you surround yourself with, and what language, chosen words, you speak?

Do you realize that it is you who chooses the people in your life? Are you allowing wicked step-sisters and mothers to dictate your daily activities, negative and hurtful emotions?

The choice is like a fairy godmother. The choices you make are like granted wishes.

That’s why they say… “Be careful of what you wish for.” It’s the same as when I say to myself,

”Lisa, be careful of what you choose, cause that’s what you’ll get.”

So how does one make choices that will get them to their fairy tale life?

How does one prepare so that when they meet opportunity, they will have success and create that vision?

I’m sure the night that Cinderella ran home with only one glass slipper and no prince that she opened a few kitchen cupboards looking for comfort food. I’m sure she had the phone in her hand, wanting to order a pizza. I bet she even had a secret stash of gummies hiding beside her bed for some sugary satisfaction. BUT in the end, I believe that Cinderella had carefully thought about her decisions beforehand. She had questioned which actions would give her the results she desired, and I’m pretty sure she hung onto her dream for a better life, a free life, and a confident life. She was aware that having the power to make her own choices, her own wishes, that she would create the life she wanted.

So instead of eating any of those harmful and smothering foods and waking up with swollen feet that night, she closed her eyes and laid her head on the pillow and held on tight to her dream of living happily ever after.

It is all about being prepared for the day when your golden opportunity comes up…being the perfect fit when your life’s dreams materialize… It’s all about having the mindset and making the decisions that are congruent…that are in alignment with what you’re trying to create and what your heart sees.


The 5 Must-Know Before Writing Your Lifestyle Love Story

1. What menu are you choosing from? Who are you listening to?

The people you look up to, are inspired by, who delight you, who are saying things that open up your imagination and inspire creativity and instill a feeling of love for yourself and others are the ones you want to be listening to.


2. Who are you preparing a delicious dish for? Who is listening to you?

The people who offer support, the people who are interested in what you are sharing, those who see that what you are saying has value and are open to the possibility of co-creating. The people who see the connection between your words and your heart and smile at your success. Those who want to soothe and help you through your moments of resistance. These are the ones you want to be talking to and with.


3. Have straight and clear rows in your fields to grow your food. To RECEIVE the sunlight, your plants need to have space.

Things that grow need space, and they need to be in alignment so the energy can flow. They can’t be cramped or overcrowded. Overwhelm, doubt, fear, and mind chatter are all weeds. To receive what you need to support you having your happily ever after, you have to be aligned with your recipe for receiving. Give yourself space, clear the weeds, and create an environment that is ready to receive all the energy it needs.

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storms OMTimes


4. Recognize the ingredients. Your heart loves natural foods.

Your Lifestyle Love Story will be written in a language that has a high vibration and includes the most high-end quality of ingredients. Your language is your grocery list. Have your soul salivating as it reads words like Understanding, Joy, Acceptance, Forgiveness, Compassion, Love, Courage, Willingness, and go to the markets that offer these to fill your grocery bag.


5. Can’t decide on what to have? Alternate Lifestyle Story Endings are always fun!

Whether you have soup and salad or a full entrée, if you’ve got the first 4 tips down, you’re going to have a fulfilling experience. Know that you have an appetite ( your vision), trust that you’ll nourish yourself and soul in a respectful exciting way, and trust that the restaurant you choose (i.e., your world) has everything in it to grant your wishes.


This is YOUR fairy tale come true.


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About the Author

As a successful and experienced International Show Host and International Best-Selling Author herself, Lisa Berry holds space for conscious conversations that are globally broadcasted, creating holistic happiness and connection worldwide while also coaching other show hosts how to deliver exceptional experiences to their audiences. She now offers private coaching for the development and production of new shows under her Podcast Prosperity Mentorship Program and has made Co-Hosting opportunities available to strengthen the podcaster’s skills and comfort level.

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This website is a Soul Service-oriented Outreach.  May all sentient beings be free from suffering and the causes of suffering and know only everlasting bliss.

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