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The Hermit Card: The Tarot Arcane for May 2020

The Hermit Card: The Tarot Arcane for May 2020

Hermit Card Tarot Arcane OMTimes

The Energy Forecast for the month of May 2020 brings The Hermit Card to the forefront.

The Hermit Card: The Tarot Arcane for April 2020



The Hermit Card is an incredibly old symbol of the Greek god Chronos, who stands for time. Many decks bring an hourglass in place of the lamp he carries, so it is important to always reflect on the timing of things and on our own Internal time. It will be a time that requires a natural state of Isolation and reflection.

The Message of the Arcanum this month is brought to you by The Hermit Card, “baby steps, one step before the other.” The wisdom is that we cannot hurry a river, it will follow its course in due time. A Valid lesson on being patient.

At a time when everything seems weird and out of sync and everyone is running out of time, this Arcanum is one of the stabilizing forces we can count on. The Hermit Card is a grounding and centering card. This is a cosmic archetype that makes us stop to evaluate for a few minutes and question what we are doing and how we are living, it requires due patience to review concepts and beliefs.

Amid chaos or the Pandemic situation, The Hermit Card is the Arcanum of the Tarot that comes to inspire us to pause, to follow our path with more clarity, with courage and less fear.

Starting this month, little will be as it was before. We must understand, precisely as the Hermit understands life, that nothing is permanent: our body, our emotions, our desires, and the world around us, they are all changing all the time. The flow of time does not wait for us to go up or brake to go down; it just wants us to be in the now.

May is the month to hear the voice of Nature. In fact, an alchemical motto of this major Arcanum is literally following in Mother Nature’s footsteps: “Come with me, son. Transform yourself”. The Arcanum is the radiant light for those who are lost: a moonlight or a candle at the bottom of the well. It says a lot about our future.



Love with Wisdom

The Hermit Card, in May 2020, refers to a period of soft retraction. It is not a result of social distancing, but of a need for evaluation. It is when two people seem to close themselves to ‘Accounting’ whenever possible, managing individuality, and the relationship, with care and silence.

The Tarot guides us to act truthfully in front of the loved one and to shed light where there is dark. This is how we put things in order and understand affective commitment as construction that needs constant care and repairs.


Forecasts for Love for May 2020

For those who are not in a relationship, a kind of purposeful retreat is prudent in order to be clear about what would need to change on your love life.

There might be a need to heal the fractures, reflect on aspects of the relationships that did not work and put them in the right places conscious of improving the loving experience with yourself and others, and of avoiding the sense of isolation and solitude.

The Hermit Cardinsists on a grand lesson this month: the world is not against anyone, regardless of what may be happening. There is a vital difference between “reality” and “perspective.”

The inner fear of not having a relationship or not meeting someone worthy needs to be addressed. Does the need to have a relationship is a direct result of external pressure, or is it a soul need?


The Work: Between Monotony and Constance

The Hermit is a tireless figure. One of his mottos is repetition and attention because he knows very well that practice makes perfect. So, it is with yogis, with older gurus, with spiritual masters and even with artisans and artists.

It is with constant practice that mastery is achieved. In May, we will see ourselves doing more of the same; that is, we continue with what we have done. It is the monotony that seems to delay our life, but that is actually full of meaning, especially at this time of Pandemic and Isolation.

The Hermit knows that if he is in a particular place doing something at a specific time, it is because the conditions all brought him to those conditions.

It is a lesson for us to practice repetitions that can be boring, but they are the ones that polish the fineness. We should be firm with inner tasks, however unwanted. That is how we go further, but always one step at a time.

Let us breathe and continue.

The  Hermit Card, as we have already said, is tireless: he can be without a formal contract, but never without service. Life and the world are open, however extreme the opposite may seem to appear to us.

That is why he, the Arcanum for May, never admits any withdrawal in our trajectory. We must search and keep looking, even if the only perspective seems to be stagnation, impossibility, silence, and nothingness.

See Also

The Hermit is the one who had many masters and who goes on the Inner journey to find the divine inside his own heart. Along the way, he realizes that the sacred is in and around him. All is ONE.

And it is from the top of the mountains of himself that he illuminates the world with what he has seen and what he knows. Life is always teaching us.


The Hermit Card as an Inner Guide

The Hermit Card also concerns his inner master. If you are interested in spirituality, take a few minutes of the day to be silent, taking a deep breath, and listening to your inner voice. This certain and straightforward practice, no matter how routine, tends to be revealing it supplies an increase in intuition and mental clarity.

Following in the footsteps of this Ageless Sage can be the beginning of important changes in our lives. They may begin with the acceptance of the notion that the world, the people, and experiences are not exactly always as we want them to be.

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About the Author

Creatrix from Sirius. Fairly Odd Mother of Saints (Bernards). Fish Tank aficionado by day ninja by night. Liane is also the Editor-in-Chief of OMTimes Magazine and Ministry Earth Magazine, Co-Founder of Humanity Healing International and Humanity Healing Network, and a Board Member of Saint Lazarus Relief Fund.


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