Seven Insights into True Silence

Study the next “Seven Insights into True Silence” and allow their understanding to reveal the secret home of peace within you.
What Is True Silence?
We have within us a new, higher vantage point — a very special part of ourselves within which we may be at peace regardless of what goes on around us. This not yet realized state of ourselves may be called conscious self-awareness. Through its power, instead of being pulled down into painful identification with the passing shadows of life, we can discover life in the sense of peace far above the reach of any fear.
True silence may be called upon, but as it is without cause, it always appears on its own, remaining only as it pleases its purpose. Nevertheless, one may court this stillness through a quiet wish to understand its life within one’s own. For this reason, our moment-to-moment meditation becomes a revelation if we open ourselves to truth and listen to what it reveals.
Study the next “Seven Insights into True Silence” and allow their understanding to reveal the secret home of peace within you. Ponder these truths. Quietly turn them over and over in your mind. Soon you will hear what cannot be told.
1. Just as true emptiness holds all things, true silence bears all things. Whatever is brought into this silence, whatever it touches, is gradually silenced… not by an act of domination, but through a peaceful integration of a lesser peace into a greater one.
2. True silence is an interior presence and not an exterior circumstance. Its peace has no opposite and is not created, which means nothing can act against it or serve to enhance its existence.
3. True silence cannot be cultivated, but the interior conditions that prohibit its presence, and our relationship to the peace within it, may be recognized and released, allowing us to realize the silence we seek.
4. True silence is perfectly empty of content and completely full of peace, without any contradiction between the two.
5. True silence is without preference, and as it neither rejects nor resists any condition, it is always at peace.
6. True silence doesn’t have intelligence — it is the intelligence of an order, which a divided mind cannot comprehend. Its peace surpasses all understanding.
7. If we wish for the presence and peace of true silence, then the great necessity of solitude should be as evident to us as the knowledge that any seedling must be left undisturbed if it is ever to break out of its dark ground and live in the light.
I invite you to see that there are a higher world and a peaceable kingdom of Now that dwells within you. Allow your heart to remind you what the mind so easily forgets: there is peace. There is a shelter. There is a timeless place in each of us that no darkness can shatter or dispel. Make it your one intention to spend your time there. Prefer its ever-present company to that of any promise of peace to come and watch how your life grows happy and whole in the stillness beyond compare.
Excerpted From: Let Go and Live in the Now: Awaken the Peace, Power, and Happiness in Your Heart by Guy Finley
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About the Author
Guy Finley is an internationally renowned spiritual teacher and bestselling self-help author. He is the Founder and Director of Life of Learning Foundation, a nonprofit center for transcendent self-study located in Merlin, Oregon. He also hosts the Foundation’s Wisdom School — an on-line self-discovery program for seekers of higher self-knowledge. He is the best-selling author of The Secret of Letting Go and 45 other books and audio programs that have sold over 2 million copies in 26 languages worldwide. Guy’s latest book Relationship Magic: Waking Up Together applies decades of spiritual wisdom to practical relationship challenges, transforming any relationship from mundane to magical!

Guy Finley is the best-selling author of more than 40 books and audio albums on self-realization. He is the founder and director of Life of Learning Foundation, a nonprofit center for self-study located in southern Oregon where he gives talks four times each week. For more information visit, and receive your free Guy Finley Starter Kit. You get several free downloadable gifts including a special newsletter filled with helpful insights emailed to you once each week.