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Responsibility – Oh Not That!

Responsibility – Oh Not That!

Responsibility OMTimes

With the understanding that everything is interconnected comes the realization that we have a responsibility for everything we say, do, and think.

Responsibility – A New Perspective

by Darity Wesley



I know, responsibility, right? Who needs it? Or do we? On the road to spiritual and emotional maturity, it is an important practice.

Responsibility is really a part of living in the New Reality. It is part and parcel of being the change you want to see in the world and being responsible is being emotionally mature.

Well, what does that mean?

It means that we have the ability to understand and manage our emotions. Being emotionally mature means, we think before we act on our emotions or before we choose to subdue them. Our choice!

When I talk about responsibility, I’m really talking about taking responsibility for ourselves.

Oh, say it isn’t so!  Yep, that’s what I’m talking about.

I think we all have a concept of what responsibility is, right?  However, it may mean different things to different people.

Most of us think we are responsible people. We go to work, we pay our bills, we pay our taxes, we take care of our pets, we take care of our children. This is what responsibility is all about, right?

Well, sure.

Yet, it is only partially right. It is right in the Duality sense. In the old world, the old reality, a responsible person was someone who minded their manners, respected their elders, controlled any kind of emotional outburst, and pretty must put on a mask of pretension. That was a responsible person.

Now that certainly is still true, but I think those of us on the path of exploring who we are, looking ever deeper within ourselves, are learning that being responsible is way more than that.

In the new world, the New Reality, I would ask that we contemplate that responsibility is really about the ability to respond.

Think about this, the ability to respond is separate from the wisdom that needs to be attached to that response. They are two different things – yet both are important. Responding is a thoughtful, conscious activity. If we are not responding, we are reacting.

Most reactions come from our monkey mind, from fear, anxiety, panic, conditioning, habit or from our concern about what someone will think.

Generally, reactions come from something other than thoughtful consideration of what is playing out in front of us.

So, as we contemplate our level of understanding of how or even if we are responsible people, that ability to respond to practice becomes part of our process. It is about staying conscious about our level of responsibility as we walk our path.

Are we being it? Are we practicing responding rather than reacting?

There is drama, drama, drama everywhere. That gives us our best opportunity to practice, practice, practice being responsible by being a force for change with all the drama going on in the world.

Part of being responsible is knowing, at the deepest level of our being, that we are responsible for everything in our lives!


Yep! There is real learning, growth, and practice when we step into that understanding.

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conscious evolution OMTimes

I know that sounds off the charts but, if we think about it, Eastern traditions have taught for millennia that true spirituality is being aware and conscious that we are interconnected with everything and everyone else.

We are One Being.

Even our smallest thought, word, and action has a real effect throughout the Universe.

I know that may sound crazy, yet it’s like the pebble thrown in the pond. The ripples move and merge with one another and create new ones along the way. Everything is inextricably interconnected.

With this comes the realization that we are, in fact, responsible for everything we say, everything we do, everything we think.

Be emotionally mature. Step into being responsible all along the way!

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About the Author

Darity Wesley is an award-winning, best-selling author, a lawyer, a speaker, a Death Diva, and a Modern-Day Oracle. She has traveled the spiritual, metaphysical, and personal development paths for many decades. An extraordinary and powerful resource for those awakening to their evolving consciousness! Her Love from the Lotus World messages goes out monthly to her international community, for free. Sign up on her website

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