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The Spiritual Dimensions of the Pandemic

The Spiritual Dimensions of the Pandemic

Pandemic OMTimes

The Pandemic has been having direct influence over the Spiritual world. What happens on this planet has repercussions in all the other dimensions; we are all related.

How is the Pandemic Affecting the Collective Unconscious and the Super Consciousness of Our Human Family?



“We are on our Guard against Contagious Diseases of the body, but we are exasperatingly careless when it comes to the even more dangerous collective diseases of the mind.”

 ~Carl Jung. CW 18. Para 1301


Pandemics are not new occurrences in the history of our planet, and they always come accompanied by profound social, cultural, and psychological societal changes.

This Pandemic is no exception. The coronavirus had stopped the world. The life we were used to until the beginning of the year now seems distant, and we sincerely have no idea when or even how things will return to normal. We do not even know what that normal is anymore, and to which life we want to go back.


“Humanity is not a physical description but a spiritual goal. It is not something we are given, but something we have to achieve” ~Richard Bach


Our energetic feelers are capturing much more information than we did before, because, like us, other people are also experiencing moments of great emotional challenge and spiritual intensity.

The energy generated by the collective mind at this time is extraordinarily powerful. There is no doubt that we are all suffering from positive and negative spiritual influences because a pandemic of this dimension alters many spiritual patterns.


Are you feeling different? There are several physical signs of this transformation. Do you have feelings that you did not have before?


We can feel all this energetic intensity of Light since it has strong effects on matter. We can sense that something in the air is different. The days seem to pass in another time, and we have a different feeling than before. First, because it is the first time that the world is united around the same cause, it had never happened, not even during the great wars. The coronavirus arrived on all continents and almost all countries, canceling any other priority. There are disagreements among Government and their leaders about dealing with the Pandemic. But, notice, they diverge or agree on the same topic the same subject simultaneously.

They have been exchanging information, which has been unbelievably valuable to many countries in what works and what does not work against the coronavirus. We are all focused on the same problem and the same solutions. But it is worth remembering whenever possible that we are not all the same.

It is one of the first great lessons that the coronavirus teaches us: we were never all the same. The “We are all human” speech is a fallacy of the worst kind.  As we may regard ourselves as one human race, biological speaking, the living conditions, and the needs of Humanity worldwide tend to differ a lot. The coronavirus is taking this narrative better than anyone else, throwing the spotlight on the problems that involve social inequality in the world. While for some quarantine means boredom, books to read, and series to watch.  For others, it is time to think about how to survive, how to feed themselves.

Spiritually, it is time to be alert and learn to deal with the internal shadows our Fear and all the less virtuous feelings we have. It should be an effort we shall make to help in the work of our spiritual friends and family of Light and to push the energies that only hinder our progress further and further away.


Pandemic: Isolation and Transformation as aspects of a Spiritual wakeup call

Many effects have been noted for people all around the world when referring to the flowing of collective energies and how they are affecting people individually.



This has been the change most felt by people, as the pattern of our sleep is different. Among the most common reports are episodes of insomnia, hypersomnia, naps out of time, unruly hours for sleeping, and waking up and micro-awakenings. Being at home, we can wake up later; we lose the first hours of daylight. And as our brain is guided by the sun to define when it is time to sleep or not, our biological clock gets confused, and the sleep pattern changes.  On top of that, we are absorbing the tension and wear and tear of the pandemic situation itself, which can overwhelm many people’s emotions. Being more restless and agitated is also the result of more intense spiritual activity.

The spiritual purifying process is taking place at night, such as the work of purging of the energies that are being gathered by our auras during our many interactions during the daytime.



All this mix of energies from the Pandemic can generate a lot of headaches. The emotional and psychological suffering of people (and ours too) can overload our system, make our chakras malfunction, and block our energies. The mind is restless, and the head hurts. Feeling more headaches than usual has everything to do with the moment we are living. The load is considerable. The best way to combat this symptom is to meditate and try to relax your mind and body whenever possible. This time is no different.



Those who already have the habit of meditating, practicing reiki or doing breathing techniques, have probably already felt their chakras being activated. It is like a tickle as if we feel a whirling energy vortex. Since the threshold is cleaner, and we are receiving more spiritual protection, our connection with the other side of life happens more easily. You may feel your chakras while you are praying, meditating, or just asleep and do some visualization or a mantra.



Dreams are so intense in the Pandemic that researchers have created a database that gathers dream reports to collect information and better study the phenomenon. According to them, dreams are more vivid and intense than usual. Of course, many of these dreams started to have themes related to the Pandemic: a feeling of confinement, obsession with cleanliness, wandering through deserted cities, difficulty returning home, runaway cars, and animal chasing. Our unconscious absorbs the situation we are experiencing, and these types of dreams are expressions of it. With quarantine, we are sleeping more, which means that more REM cycles occur at night. REM sleep occurs in periods that last between 90 and 120 minutes and can be repeated a few times during the night. It is at that moment that the most vivid dreams happen; it is at that moment that we dream for real. In other words, the quarantine gives more opening for the unconscious to express itself, and we end up dreaming more.

See Also

This intensity is what escapes science: they are not merely dreams, they are memories of what happened to us in the spiritual world. When we sleep, our soul receives emancipation because the conscience is freed from the body, and we can return home. And the greater our sensitivity, the more we remember that experience and what happens to us while we sleep.

The threshold between worlds, for example, is getting a lot of attention now.

Many Spiritual Beings are working to remove negative influences from us so that we have a little more peace to deal with the burden of the Pandemic and isolation:

People’s sadness, fear, insecurities, losses.

All of this is circulating, and as we are antennas, we can capture these vibrations. We ended up feeling more anguish, anxiety, and insecurity. As a result, our body becomes more tired; pains appear in the head, back, and stomach area. These are the moments when you cannot identify where these feelings are coming from because your rational side is calmer than your emotions. But you still feel an affliction, a heaviness in your chest, and uneasiness. It is because these emotions are not yours; they belong to the situation, to other people. It is necessary to be attentive to be able to identify what is ours and what is in the world to better deal with the symptoms.



One hour you may feel fine, and then you feel lousy. Has this happened to you? A strong desire to cry that appears out of nowhere, sudden changes in mood, a sadness that appears by surprise. They are waves of emotion that you didn’t feel before, and now you fear you’re going crazy, right? But calm down. It is part of this situation, and it is provisional. It is a period where Intense subconscious energies are flowing, as we face various levels of intense transformation, and we are facing karma, illness, and losses, and many types of changes. It is part of our awakening to this current energy intensity. We are releasing trauma and congested emotions through the heart chakra (center of the chest). It is necessary to accept the feelings as they arise. Bless them and let them go.



If, before the Pandemic, it was already important to take care of our energies, now this habit has become essential. Events have not been easy. The news is not easy or reassuring; the world is filled with fear and uncertainty. We know how difficult it may be to maintain mental and spiritual balance in these conditions. Still, it is part of our work as conscious and mindful beings, to keep our part of the collective clear filled with compassionate Light.

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About the Author

Creatrix from Sirius. Fairly Odd Mother of Saints (Bernards). Fish Tank aficionado by day, ninja by night. Liane Buck is also the Editor-in-Chief of OMTimes Magazine, Co-Founder of Humanity Healing International and Humanity Healing Network, and a Board Member of Saint Lazarus Relief Fund.

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