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Tarot Astrology Forecast June 2020 for Each Zodiac Sign

Tarot Astrology Forecast June 2020 for Each Zodiac Sign

Tarot Astrology Forecast for June for all Signs

The Tarot Astrology Forecast June 2020 shares that June will be a very intense month, with many celestial events, and retrogradations.

The Tarot Astrology Forecast June 2020 for Your Sunsign



June will not be an easy or a typical month, and it will bear a distinguished signature when inserted in the array of unpredictable months yet to come. We can say that it will be a milestone from where we will redefine our goals for this turbulent year. Astrologically speaking, June will be a very intense month, with many celestial events, and retrogradations. At least 4 planets will be retrograde during the period, which means a necessity to slow down and reassess priorities. We will need to make an attempt to avoid conflict and disorderly behavior, even in the chaotic state of Pandemic, that we find ourselves because this is a month of inner decisions. We will need all the harmony and grounding we can get.

Retrogrades usually mean that you entered on a period of pause. As the Esoteric astrologer Risa says:

“When planets retrograde, the past reappears, decisions are delayed, plans are set aside for reflection and assessment and all areas and subjects associated with the retrograde planets are reviewed to either renew, revitalize, reorganize or set them aside forever.”

Having said that, welcome to the unfathomed, unpredictable, and quick-paced Month of June.


Tarot Astrology Forecast June 2020

Revolutions for Aries Aries Tarot forecast

Tarot Card: The Judgement

With this card, the deck shows that June will be a month of intense transformations and full of positive and encouraging energies, especially for you. The ideal would be to try to build environments of greater tranquility, well-being, and harmony, whether at home, at work, or even in social life, so that everything would flow more lightly. You will be dissatisfied with some events, but you should not be discouraged permanently, because the most important thing now is that you change your perception and start doing what really pleases you, what moves and completes you. Finally, enjoy this time to explore and live transcendental and spiritualized experiences that tend to aggregate and broaden your horizons. This is a month of expansion for you.

Click here to read about Your Monthly Horoscope, Aries



Self-Control for Taurus Tarot Astrology Forecast for Taurus

Tarot Card: The Death

June will bring an ideal moment of organization, focus, and objectivity, just to get your life back on track, Taurus. Thus, it will be necessary for you to take control of everything around you and act more consciously concerning your thoughts, speeches, and attitudes. It is time to rebirth a new way to deal with your dreams.

To do this, avoid the impulsiveness that sometimes overrules your reasoning, tame your instincts, and knows how to ponder each step you take, calmly. However, it is also necessary to position yourself in a way to make your feelings, showing more confidence and dedication in yourself, and keep focused on what you want.

Click here to read about Your Monthly Horoscope, Taurus


Selfless Service for Gemini Tarot Forecast for Gemini

Tarot Card: The Strength

According to the tarot, this will be a phase of enormous detachment, generosity, and cooperation, Gemini. That is, leaving behind everything that no longer makes sense in your life and giving yourself to others without asking for anything in return.

You may feel more analytical, observant, practical, with an enormous ability to solve everything that may derail in these times of turbulence and psychological chaos. Besides, you will tend to be positively surprised by life and will not only respect the time of each thing but may stop putting too many expectations and demands on the shoulders of others. Finally, even if there are loneliness and many obstacles along the way, you will know what to prioritize, how to act, and how to be thankful. Good things are coming, there is light at the end of that tunnel.

Click here to read about Your Monthly Horoscope, Gemini


Persistence for Cancer Tarot Forecast for Cancer

Tarot Card: The Justice

This will be a period of extraordinary growth, with more common sense, determination, and resilience, for you, Cancer. So, try your best to establish, focus, and fulfill each of your priorities and missions, may they be the professional, personal, or even spiritual ones. Also, be incredibly careful with the power of your words, they may be misunderstood. Be careful with white lies, because they may cause you losses, guilt, and regrets, as malicious people can always cross your path. Besides, try to strive, overcome self-limitations, and look beyond the obvious, because only then will you be able to get through this current crisis. It will give you the stability you need and guarantee until the end of this heavy cycle full of surprises.

Click here to read about Your Monthly Horoscope, Cancer


Stability for Leo Tarot Forecast for Leo

Tarot Card: The Chariot

Leo, the Chariot, shows that this Month will be filled with harmony in the personal search for more balance and well-being. Thus, both in business and in private life, the best thing to do is not to let pessimism gain ground or take hasty actions. The Chariot like the Wheel of Fortune (Arcana of the Month) is also a card of movement, so the tarot advice for you will be to slow down.

When you stick to your ideals and plans, you are, without a doubt, the wisest and safest person ever. It is time to cultivate a contemplative attitude with a lot of calm, patience in the face of risks and obstacles, as they can put good opportunities and promising contacts at risk. Finally, it is also time to grow, broaden horizons, reinvent yourself, and increase your life experiences.

Click here to read about Your Monthly Horoscope, Leo


Vigilance for Virgo Tarot Forecast for Virgo

Tarot Card: The Moon

The Month of June indicates an ideal time for more introspection, reflection as well as a general analysis of everything around you, Virgo. So, use your experience and your worldview as leverage for new achievements and thoughts, knowing how to seize every opportunity inside and outside your comfort zone.

However, be careful about believing and blindingly trusting in some people, even if they are friends or family, as there is always a risk of injury and emotional damage.

Finally, be wise and avoid taking steps bigger than your legs. Remember: moderation can also bring satisfaction.

Click here to read about Your Monthly Horoscope, Virgo


Rebirth for Libra Tarot Forecast for Libra

Tarot Card: The Devil

The tarot indicates with the Card of the Devil that June could be a month of carelessness and indifference for you, dear Libra. But these tendencies do not define who you are. You are one of the most caring signs of the zodiac, and your sensitive soul aches for great projects that bring harmony, joy, and happiness to many. Finally, avoid any kind of word, opinion, or unbridled attitude that could compromise or ruin your image. Be wise and step back when you feel necessary, so you will not lose your famous Libra impartiality, nor your independent way of thinking.

Click here to read about Your Monthly Horoscope, Libra


Moderation for Scorpio Tarot Forecast for Scorpio

Tarot Card: The Empress

June will bring a phase in which you must apply the elements of temperance and balance to the maximum, Scorpio, because only then will you control the impatience, disaffection, and stress that reigns in you in the mists of this Pandemic times.

You should remain assertive, independent, free, and bold, but, of course, without letting selfishness and arrogance stand out, hiding your kindness, warmth, and intelligence.

You may have to face unexpected and quite complex difficulties, which will make you come to a worrying situation. It will be better to review your attitudes and the decisions you have made before something becomes unsustainable or lead to a path with no return.

Click here to read about Your Monthly Horoscope, Scorpio


Wisdom for Sagittarius Tarot Forecast for Sagittarius

Tarot Card: The Fool

Sagittarius, this will be the ideal time during the 2020 cycle to adopt a new attitude towards what you want. You may be feeling you are in a free fall. Still, the truth is that with focus, determination, planning in each step, everything will be well underway and in harmony, precisely as you wish. However, if necessary, change the route, or point of view, change your strategy, or even your goals. You are having a moment of the clear canvas, be creative.

See Also
Lunar Phases Spiritual Meaning

Also, extraordinary people will cross your path and bring messages of peace, renewal, and healing to you and everyone you love. Finally, an inspiring inner revolution is about to begin, helping you to reap even more fruits, be they material, emotional or spiritual.

Click here to read about Your Monthly Horoscope, Sagittarius


Self-improvements for Capricorn Tarot Forecast for Capricorn

Tarot Card: The Hermit

As the tarot shows, this will be a good time for transformations, changes, and transitions. June will be one of many significant moments in your life, Capricorn. Precisely, for this reason, it will be necessary to make important and correct decisions, which must be very well thought out since you will depend on the fruits you reap from all this; The Law of Cause and Effect. The Wheel of Fortune, which is the Tarot card for the month, shows a karmic element on the forecast.

If you are thinking about moving or changing aspects of your life, even in growing from the inside out, use your intuition, intelligence to multiply contacts, to reinvent universes, and expand your worldviews. Let your imagination and the desire to fly even further, the sky is never a limit. Finally, practice the lightness of detachment, leave the boxes of the past behind, and replace all suffering with good aspirations and hope.

Click here to read about Your Monthly Horoscope, Capricorn



Self Esteem for Aquarius Tarot Forecast for Aquarius

Tarot Card: The Temperance

For you, Aquarius, it is announced the need not to be deluded anymore and to learn not to place so many expectations on experiences and people, because not everything has a specific purpose or even depth that you require for your relationships. With this, you will be able to avoid losing focus on your tasks, commitments, and dreams. Start by investing attention, energy, and time only in what really matters now: your happiness and personal fulfillment at all levels.

Perhaps this gives the impression of coldness, individualism, or even pride, however, it is nothing more than self-care and self-love. Try to always cling to the positive side of things and take advantage of each experience to expand your qualities, talents, and passions, without harming anyone.

Click here to read about Your Monthly Horoscope, Aquarius


New Attitude for Pisces Tarot Forecast for Pisces

Tarot Card: The Sun

The Card of the Sun shows that you, Piscean, should no longer try to impose your wishes and truths at all costs, as you realize that everyone has the right to express an opinion, to choose and oppose everything. Precisely for this reason, June will be a month of great emotional, psychological, family, professional, and spiritual advances for you. Prepare yourself uniquely and intensely, as the turnaround that awaits you will be quite significant and positive in many ways. Also, the security, clarity, independence, and boldness that will take care of your paths will be inspiring, real motivators in favor of your purposes. Finally, have as a personal motto during these trying times: To be the change you would like to see in the world.

Click here to read about Your Monthly Horoscope, Pisces


If you enjoyed the Tarot Astrology Forecast June 2020, read The Wheel of Fortune Card: The Tarot Arcane for June 2020

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About the Author

Creatrix from Sirius. Fairly Odd Mother of Saints (Bernards). Fish Tank aficionado by day ninja by night. Liane is also the Editor-in-Chief of OMTimes Magazine and Ministry Earth Magazine, Co-Founder of Humanity Healing International and Humanity Healing Network, and a Board Member of Saint Lazarus Relief Fund.

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