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Tarot Astrology Forecast May 2020 for Each Zodiac Sign

Tarot Astrology Forecast May 2020 for Each Zodiac Sign

Tarot Astrology Forecast May 2020 OMTimes

The Tarot Astrology Forecast May 2020 shows the entire zodiac will be positively influenced by the stars and deities, renewing great promises, new paths, professional, loving, financial, family, and spiritual opportunities for all.

The Tarot Astrology Forecast May 2020 for Your Sunsign



While the entire zodiac will be positively influenced, as always, a lot of caution will be needed, as May will be showing itself as an incredibly unique and fluid month. Common sense and balance not to charge or even suck the energies of others, especially for the natives of Earth signs such as Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. You may need to pull in your energy field to preserve your energy and your sanity.

We are facing intense energies on our astral forecast for May. The Pandemic has brought us to meet our challenges in a drastic way.

Help yourself, letting the tarot guide you in your steps in this most subjective and emotionally conflicting moment before taking more drastic actions, determining truths, or giving up something important.

Remember that everything that is done in a quick or inconsequential way can bring losses, hurts, and regrets to your life.


Tarot Astrology Forecast May 2020


Tarot Card: THE STAR

The fifth month of this cycle shows that you will be even more filled with faith, hope, and confidence in yourself. Enjoy the romantic, affective side that is in the air to strengthen ties with all those who you love. Professionally, continue to be guided by your excellent work, your polished talents with the help of those who admire you. Finally, think positive, because, in this phase, you will put countless projects into action. You will end up achieving even more prominence, not only with your team but also with your family, friends, and your love partner.




Tarot Card: THE TOWER

May opens a crucial moment for you to renew, transform, and reinvent yourself and everything around you. Precisely for that reason, try to be with the people who love you, and make sensible decisions based on these relationships. In this way, start getting rid of bonds, traumas, fears, and pains from the past, because, when leaving hatred and resentment behind everything will begin to work more lightly in your heart. Professionally, invest in new ideas and change your attitude as a leader, making real reprocessing in the environment. This will undoubtedly bring remarkable differences and will please you a lot.




The Tarot card indicates a much more peaceful, simple, balanced, and fluid month for you, Gemini. That’s because, in love as in professional, spiritual, family life, your pace will be slower, attentive, and reflective. You have been prioritizing what really matters now: acting with excellence, focus, and quality. Regarding your dating or intimate life, trust and stability will come once and for all. Finally, you will also have more time dedicated to self-care and spirituality, with solitary and introspective activities and moments, a perfect space to cultivate self-care and Inner strength.




The Empress card is your Arcanum for this month, and it communicates that times of instability and boredom are beginning for you, Cancer. It might not be only the scenario in the spiritual life. Still, it could also influence your professional, your loving, and family lives, because, in a certain way, the Pandemic seemed to have hit you harder than the other signs.

Consequently, you will be somewhat demotivated about these difficulties and challenges that will end up appearing during new plans. Finally, the lack of willpower and the reluctance to start will chase you for a long time if you do not fight these negative states of mind.



Tarot Card: THE WORLD

This Arcanum is strongly linked to prosperity, fertility, abundance, Leo. Because of its absolute power, the influence foreseen for your sign will directly affect your love life and your professional one, whether in more specific occasions or even in old and lasting bonds. If you happen to be single or unemployed, know that there will be interesting, promising proposals and new loving opportunities from where you least expect them. So, prepare your heart, your talent, and your savings for the realization of plans that were on paper for a long time. The Month of May promises a significant turnaround in your life as a whole. You will be happy, as you never been before.



Tarot Card: THE DEVIL

May will really be the month of discoveries, transformations, and new horizons for you Virgo. Expect lots of displays of affection, desire, forgiveness, patience, whether concerning your marriage, your family members, your workplace, or even longtime friends. Take the opportunity to experience adventures and unexpected moments in excellent company, realizing some of your most intimate dreams and projects. Just be careful not to instigate the need for controlling the other people in your life, since the charge of various situations will be divided, and you will need to deal with working together with everyone.




This phase shown by the tarot will be especially important so that your sense of justice, generosity, equality is even more evident. That is because you will live some trials, challenges, having to defend tooth and nail the person you are and what you still want to carry out through what you believe.

However, you will do very well with these disagreements with dishonest and malicious people, proving how much you are conscious and are prepared to be a mirror for the people around you, helping them to be more self-realized.



Tarot Card: THE FOOL

This will be an excellent time to face new challenges and start treating the people you love in a relaxed and affectionate way, Scorpio. Besides, you can and should try to have fun, take better care of yourself. In your Love life, be aware of short-lived romances and try not to get attached if the person does not show the same intention and disposition towards you. In professional life, be very attentive to proposals, because soon you will be recognized for that and will have many possible paths to choose from.




In the fifth month of this strange year, this Tarot Card comes to symbolize several treacherous situations you may be exposed for a while. But do not worry, this is just part of a temporary process. You will need to redouble your attention and express yourself with much more caution in front of people so that they do not doubt your intentions.

See Also
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse

Fortunately, you will be able to get rid of all that negative charge that will try to affect you on all aspects of your life. Focus on prosperity abundantly in your professional and personal life, since your leadership spirit and your character will positively propel you.




The sign of the tarot with this Card is intensely linked to a moment of great wisdom, calm, and serenity, Capricorn. In both your personal relationships and in your professional life, the paths will tend to follow a more fluid and continuous rhythm. You will be able to turn the tide in your favor for once and for all in situations that seemed unfavorable or even impossible. Take advantage of these moments as the starting point to transform your way of seeing and positioning yourself in the world.



Tarot Card: THE HERMIT

The advice given through this Tarot Card is: be more aware of possible frictions, hurts, and deep heartaches, Aquarian. With that in mind, start seeing the actions, words, feelings, and positions of family members, and even of colleagues at work, as there are chances of being negatively surprised in these environments.

Remember that everything that is taken beyond what is necessary tends to become a burden for you, so terminations and departures can sometimes be the best solutions to stressful situations. However, be fair and be vigilant with yourself too, as mistakes are possible when least expected, so self-forgiveness needs to be part of your vocabulary during this month.




This Tarot Card shows that May will be somewhat complicated, and transformational to the Pisceans. This is because you will be stumbling over some obstacles, but also making great deals with your own ideas, both emotionally and spiritually. Also, you will be able to be a little more positive and move away from people who do not seem to be on the same wavelength as you. Besides, during this period, you will also realize that introspection has an essential role in your day and that, precisely for this reason, you will be able to carry out reflections and personal projects that seemed improbable to be realized before. Believe more in your potential for creation and change, this is your superpower


If you enjoyed the Tarot Astrology Forecast May 2020, read The Hermit Card: The Tarot Arcane for May 2020

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About the Author

Creatrix from Sirius. Fairly Odd Mother of Saints (Bernards). Fish Tank aficionado by day ninja by night. Liane is also the Editor-in-Chief of OMTimes Magazine and Ministry Earth Magazine, Co-Founder of Humanity Healing International and Humanity Healing Network, and a Board Member of Saint Lazarus Relief Fund.

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