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The Number 7, July, and the Path of the Unknown

The Number 7, July, and the Path of the Unknown

Number 7 Numerology July OMTimes

Number 7 is the Path of the Unknown.  July, the 7th month, in our crazy world right now seems to be right on target. In Numerology, the “7” describes the nonconformist.

July and the Path of the Number 7 – the Path of the Unknown



The number of each month, according to numerology, represents the spirit and nature of that particular timeframe in our world. In a 7 month, we may be moved to reach out into the unknown spiritually and uniquely. It can also be an introverted or isolated time to go within to find our answers, or just get lost in contemplation.

The “7” describes the nonconformist, seeking a new approach to viewing a thought. An individual with a “7” personality can be meditative as they find peace within themselves, absent of caring what others think. With multiple personalities, a seven can be wild and adventurous or inward and mysterious.

Perhaps we are in the shadow of the seven this July. The shadow can influence an insecure, isolated way of life where some of us feel uncertain about the future.

In its essence, the seven spirits can be rebellious in an altruistic or irresponsible way. During this moment of the pandemic, you may have a mixture of feelings. You can dwell in your house under the covers, or you can reach an epiphany that your world can be different by reaching out with others in an art or dance class on zoom or just take a walk in the park with a neighbor.

In its brilliance, the seven can be a time to seek the path that is beyond the obvious and mundane. We are truly in the world of the “7” right now.

An experience that is not like any other, it is like the TV series in the 60s – The Twilight Zone. Many of us are feeling somewhat confused and lost, while others are finding new independence, standing up for what they believe in.

Remember just three months ago (at least in NYC), it would be common to see a couple in a restaurant texting someone else instead of conversing with the person sitting in front of them? Or almost bumping into someone on the street who is texting on their iPhones instead of looking where they are going?



Now we hunger for a connection with others. Perhaps this is the lesson of the seven. There is still a light at the end of the tunnel during this unparalleled phase on the planet.

The light is to seek a bigger purpose; as we create a new and unique approach for living our lives. How will you be different? Where is that unique nonconformist in you? What are the opportunities ahead?

Yes, it is a different world. And they promise it will change as more stores and restaurants open their doors. As they open, we have the opportunity to take this July and choose to create a new normal. After all, our lives are not like they have ever been.


Were You Born in July?

The month you are born in represents your personality and temperament. Are you unique, following an adventurous path, or are you inward and secretive? There is a good chance you look at the world differently and do not seek out the norm.

You can switch to either personality at any time. Here are a few well-known personalities who have birthdays in July. Each certainly illustrates the unique and adventurist nonconformist.

Emily Bronte (born July 20, 1818) was a novelist, mostly known for her book “Wuthering Heights.” She was a pioneer as a woman making a living as a writer.

Masuru Emoto (born July 22, 1943) was a Japanese researcher who did his work discovering the healing effect of words and emotions that took different forms in water. The crystallized water below means, “I love you.”

JK Rowling, born July 31, 1965, is a famous writer from the United Kingdom that wrote the unique series of Harry Potter books.

Mick Jagger, born July 26, 1943, is a vibrant and energetic entertainer from the Rolling Stones who is in a different league of his own.

Robin Williams, born July 21, 1951, was a famous and unique comedian and actor who played a variety of characters from an alien in the late 1970s TV show, Mork and Mindy to a psychiatrist in the movie “Good Will Hunting.”


What month were you born in?

Here is a brief definition of the energy of your birth month. It describes the nature of your personality. Reminder, you can live in the essence of shadow (which is usually run by fear and insecurity). And as you walk through your life, you can switch from brilliance to shadow. Seek support on your journey as you connect to the radiance within you.

January, the First month: The leader and innovator

February, the Second month: The loving and understanding partner, searching for fairness and truth

March, the 3rd month: Creative and expressive in every art form

April, the 4th month: Organized and loves to build, be it projects or ideas

See Also
Inverted Numbers

May, the 5th month: Charismatic energy, entertaining, enjoys the freedom

June, the 6th month: Compassionate, a great friend and support

July, the 7th month: Unique nonconformist (see more above)

August, the 8th month: Successful and influential leader

September, the 9th month: Spiritual ideas, connecting to transformation and the bigger picture

October, the 10th month: Reaching out as a leader (one), mainly focusing on the unknown (zero)

November, the 11th month (a master number): Spiritual leader with divine and unique ideas

December, the 12th month: Strong leader (1) with an understanding of relationships and fairness (2)

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About the Author

Greer Jonas is an intuitive numerologist who conducts readings by phone, online, and in-person in NYC. She is also a teacher and an artist. Find out about classes or to schedule a numerology reading. Art site:

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