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The Energetic Power of Women’s Cycles and Phases

The Energetic Power of Women’s Cycles and Phases

Women’s Cycles OMTimes

What every woman – and healer or guide working with them – needs to know about the energetic power of women’s cycles and phases.

The Power of Women’s Cycles

By Lisa Erickson



At one time knowledge of womb wisdom – the feminine power tied to women’s reproductive life cycles and phases – was a part of many cultures’ beliefs, passed down from mother to daughter. However, this energy was demonized within patriarchal religions and gradually came to be viewed as ‘unclean.’ Women detached from the energetic power of menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause, and modern medicine contributed by addressing these as purely biological events, with no acknowledgment of the psychological, energetic, and spiritual opportunities they represent.

As this disconnection was happening, yoga was migrating to the West, primarily through male teachers, and it was (and still is) largely women who flocked to classes and embraced these Eastern-founded practices. Gender-based energy differences were not initially widely addressed, and only more recently have most yoga teachers begun to incorporate them. This includes differences in chakra (or energy center) teachings for men and women, as physical postures (asanas) are in fact tied to the chakras. Like asanas, chakra teachings tend to differ by lineage, as historically these teachings developed organically through experimentation – and continue to do so.

Women today can greatly benefit from understanding their energy bodies and how to work with them, whether or not they are yoga practitioners. Chakra work is accessible to anyone, as there are so many different modalities for connecting. Chakras are in many ways the ultimate self-empowerment tool, as they are with us everywhere we go, and thus we can work with them in any life situation. I like to call chakra activation work ‘mindfulness 2.0’ because, like mindfulness, the first step to working with your chakras is staying present to what you are experiencing with non-judgment and non-reactivity. But with chakra activation tools, you then can make a very conscious choice about the vibration and state of awareness you want to bring to a situation, and you have the ability to shift into this new vibration and state.

Women are particularly adept at this kind of energetic shifting because they are naturally more fluid and adaptable at the energy body level than men. This is due to the anchoring of women’s energy bodies in their pelvic centers, the second chakra in most subtle body mappings, as opposed to the root or first chakra, as is the case for men. The second chakra is a yin or receptive chakra by default, and women’s anchoring in it makes them more naturally empathic to both environments and people. Women often absorb the energies of others, and this shifts their own vibration. While men certainly can also be empaths, for most women it is an energetic default.

This means that in general when working energetically men need to focus on fluidity and flow between chakras, while women need to focus on energetic awareness, grounding, and boundaries. Before women are aware of their natural energetic absorbency, they tend to take on the energies and emotions of others unconsciously, which can negatively impact both their health and emotional state. But this same energetic connectivity and fluidity can be transformed into a gift with the proper tools, enabling women to shift their vibration within a situation consciously and quickly. Instead of taking on others’ emotions, women can influence the vibration in their families, in a meeting, or teaching a class. The space around them can become an extension of their own energy field, and they can lift others’ into the space they create – literally an extension of their womb space. Men can certainly emanate and impact group vibration as well, but women’s energetic fluidity and second chakra anchoring create a specific proclivity for it.

Energetic fluidity is also at the heart of women’s natural cycles and life phases – their second chakra energy, and thus their entire energy body, ebbs and flows along with their hormonal shifts. Downplaying these cycles, or focusing on minimizing their inconvenience to their lives, is a true loss for women, as understanding how to work with these cycles can be a great source of power and inner guidance.

Take, for example, the energy shifts that occur with menstruation each month. A woman’s energy body reaches its maximum emanating power near the peak of ovulation – matching the hormonal and pheromone shifts that impact how they are perceived. A woman can use this energy to problem solve, market, lead, and bring creative projects to fruition. She can also use this time as a reference point for gaining more conscious control over her energy at other times of the month. Alternatively, menstruation is a time in which her intuition, creative insight, imagination, and spiritual connectivity are all heightened, and setting aside even just a few minutes a day to tune into this can yield amazing results.

Pregnancy is another time in which great energetic shifts are occurring, as a woman’s second chakra opens and emanates, especially during the last trimester. This opens doorways to creative and emotional energies a woman may never have fully experienced before. While often these are directed into nesting in preparation for the baby, they are also energies she can use to lay the groundwork for her own rebirth. As she adjusts post-partum, knowing how to stay connected to this sacral energy and bring it upward into her other chakras, enables her to not only manage but thrive, within the new demands of her life.

However, no feminine transition is more fascinating and powerful than that of perimenopause and menopause. We now know that a woman’s body may begin to experience hormonal shifts up to ten years prior to menopause, defining her perimenopause phase, generally throughout her forties. Kundalini, the energy of spiritual growth, is surging through her sacral chakra, and thus her entire energy body, in bursts during this time, laying the groundwork for her to release limitations to her personal power. Far from being an ending, menopause is an opportunity to identify with her non-physical energy and intuitive gifts in a new and profound way, and chakra work to support and enable this transit is especially beneficial. While many challenges may accompany this rebirth, working consciously on an energy level can greatly smooth the process.

This kind of energy work is especially valuable when working to heal from sexual trauma, and as #metoo continues to unfold, and more and more women – and men – confront the pain of abuse and assault, the importance of a holistic approach will only become more evident. The wounds reach deep into mind and body, and for women, their relationship with the very foundation of their energy body, their sacral chakra, is often disrupted and in need of healing. This work is no less than the healing of the divine feminine within us all, as we seek to rebalance the yin and yang, masculine and feminine, energies within not only ourselves but our culture and social structures.

See Also

Trans and pangender individuals can benefit from this work too, as they seek to find themselves on the energetic spectrum. We now know that gender is a social construct, and on a spectrum as opposed to binary, and energy bodies come in many variations, just as physical bodies and psyches do. Using the differences in male and female energy bodies as a reference point, as opposed to an absolute, will help release old limiting definitions and ways of working. Ultimately, understanding the entire energetic spectrum opens us all to both our own gifts and powers and the diverse expression of others’.

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About the Author

Lisa Erickson is an energy worker specializing in women’s energetics and sexual trauma healing and author of Chakra Empowerment for Women: Self-Guided Techniques for Healing Trauma, Owning Your Power & Finding Overall Wellness from Llewellyn Publishing. She can be found online at and


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