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August and the Power of Number Eight

August and the Power of Number Eight

August and Number eight

Turn the Number Eight onto its side and you will find the infinity symbol, the symbol of all possibilities.  It is spiritual love, beauty, and balance.

The Numerology of August and the Power of Number Eight

By Greer Jonas



As we move into August, the sultry 8th month of the year, we find ourselves in an August like no other. Some of us might be inside with our air conditioners rather than playing at the beach.

The Number Eight has a lesson in itself and may help us as we work inwardly on ourselves- as we take yoga and educational classes online.

In numerology, 8 is the source of power and abundance in every mode of activity and thought. It is the charismatic leader who is out there, empowering others. You can still do this. It will be advantageous to use this energy to move forward rather than watching endless TV or playing solitaire on your iPhone.

It is a time to inspire others – a month to reach out and make a stand for ourselves as we move past our fears.

What will you do to motivate yourself and others? Perhaps you can take a walk in the park with a neighbor (with masks on, of course). Or you can begin that book you have always thought of writing.

You may be noticing a lot of people are moving out of their apartments and houses, looking for another place to live. Some are reluctant to make this move, some are inspired, but nonetheless, it appears to be a phenomenon as people are packing up and seeking a new adventure.


Eight (8) is the Infinity Symbol:

Turn the 8 on its side, and you see the infinity symbol. This symbol has a long history with a mathematical edge. But in a spiritual and philosophical approach, the infinity symbol is all about the concept of limitless possibilities. It is spiritual love, beauty, and balance.

According to Science and Mathematics:

“Infinity is considered an unlimited extent of time, space, or quantity. A distance so great that the rays of light from a point source at that distance may be regarded as parallel.” (Webster’s Dictionary).

What are your limitless possibilities? How surprising at this time. It could represent moving past the area that you feel stuck. How will you do it?


A Numerological Perspective in August

The theme of the month is based on the current year and month added to your birthday month and day. To calculate, here is the formula. Add your month and day of your birthday to the current year. This number represents your personal year, or the theme of 2020 for you precisely. If you were born April 2, for example, use this formula:

After you find the sum of your personal year, add “8” for August.

So if your birthday is April 2, here is the formula:


Note, for every month of the year, your personal month theme will change as you will add a different number to your personal year.

What is your Personal Theme for August?

Even if you think you are limited during this time in our world, remember the infinity symbol. Embrace all the possibilities.


1: One represents new beginnings and leadership. Perhaps now is the time to take action in a move of some way in your life. You may consider packing up and leaving your apartment or researching a new career, for example.


2: A two month represents a unique period where you can connect in your relationships with others –such as romantic, family, and business.


3: In three months, you may find yourself in a creative place. Reach out with your imagination in some way –perhaps through art, music, writing, and speaking.



4: Four is a time to build something new, be it career-wise, cleaning up your home, moving, etc.


5: The five is all about freedom, action, change, and connecting to others in a charismatic way. Perhaps you can take this incentive to present an online class?


6: Six is the theme of the heart and compassion. How will you connect to someone else who may feel lonely? How will you reach out to a family member or friend and have a meaningful and heartfelt discussion?


7: Seven is all about spiritual non-conformist. Here is a theme that can provide you with answers that are not obvious. As you reach into the unknown, you may enjoy meditating or taking a walk in nature as you photograph the reflection in the water.

See Also
Numerology OMTimes


8: Eight (as mentioned in this article) is all about empowerment and taking the opportunity to be bold as you reach out to others. How can you lead during this time?


9: The nine vibration is about transformation and completion. Here is a time to look at your life and contemplate what you can change. Things that have been lingering during this time can be uplifted to a new way of being.


Master Number Themes

Note when you add every number together in this method, you may receive the 11 themes. When a number is the same, such as 11 and 22, they are considered master numbers, which represent double the power of that number.

Eleven in numerology is the master number of inspiring ideas. Here you can invent something or motivate a client to reach an important goal that they have been aspiring to reach for a long time.



Twenty-two in mastery is all about a great time of connecting in relationship and balance. This may be a month to find a special romantic relationship or to build a new career that deals with innovative ideas and clients.



About the Author

Greer Jonas is an intuitive numerologist who conducts readings by phone, online, and in-person in NYC. She is also a teacher and an artist. Find out about classes or to schedule a numerology reading.

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