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Flexibility, Our Superpower for These Changing Times

Flexibility, Our Superpower for These Changing Times

Flexibility OMTimes

When we live our lives, not minding what happens, we move into a state of acceptance, which brings complete flexibility into our lives.

Flexibility – Our Much Needed Superpower

by Darity Wesley



Here we are, going about our daily lives amidst massive waves of change. Every part of our life is shifting and transforming before our eyes … cultural, political, personal, social, global … everywhere we turn! How are we to keep our balance in these radically changing times?

Many of us are resisting this change and yearning for things to go back to “normal.” The truth is, there is no “normal” anymore. We have entered a new reality. And no matter how much we may want to resist change, our superpower is our ability to be flexible and to train our monkey mind to go with the flow.

There is a wonderful story about Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895-1986), a great Indian philosopher and spiritual teacher. They spoke all over the world for more than 50 years.  At one of his lectures, he paused midway through his talk, leaned forward, and said, “Do you want to know my secret?” The audience sat forward in their chairs, excited and ready to hear what this great spiritual master was going to say. And then he spoke … five simple words. He said to the audience, “I don’t mind what happens.”

In other words, he is not attached to any specific outcome. He is at peace with whatever happens. What a great lesson to live by!

When we live our lives, not minding what happens, we move into a state of acceptance, which brings complete flexibility into our lives. We roll on through, choosing to remain steady and balanced, trusting that All Is Well at the highest level. Why? Because this is what’s happening in front of us. It is our reality. And we can know and trust that there is a natural order to everything that is happening, way beyond our human understanding.

It takes practice, for sure, yet we do have that choice. Even for the most challenging things that happen to us, this concept supports our mental, physical, and spiritual health. It keeps us as steady and balanced as possible all through our lives.

Look around you. Look at your life. Look at what is in the news. This is what IS. This is what is happening. It is within our power to say, “I don’t mind. I’m okay with what IS. I don’t mind what happens.” This doesn’t mean we like it. It doesn’t mean that we approve of it all. And it doesn’t mean that we won’t take any steps to change it if we can. It means that we accept what IS, right now, at this moment, rather than becoming resistant or upset or closed off. It means we are willing to surrender to the natural flow of events. And that is powerful.

Being conscious of staying flexible, really being flexible, and at the same time having our proverbial feet planted, grounded, allows us to go with the flow, bending with the breeze.

Using the analogy of a tree, with its roots firmly planted in the soil, if the grounding is secure, it is still flexible and can bend and sway with the highest of winds. Trees that are not able to flex with the changing conditions either get uprooted or are snapped off.

Being capable of being bent or flexed, being pliable, supports us more than being rigid or righteous or so fixed on what it is we expect, want, or desire that we cannot move when things change. That’s how folks break, snap.

When we don’t mind what happens, we become more open to our intuition, our gut, our willingness to follow our spirit’s directions. We are better able to do whatever is needed, whatever our inherent Wisdom tells us is the best path, and whatever our heart propels us to do. It allows us to keep our balance, to have greater inner peace, and ultimately to live our best life.

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Our superpower is to keep ourselves flexible, pliable, and adaptable. Take everything in equal stride … bend, shift, sway, flow … don’t mind what happens.

Trust that we are always in the right place at the right time doing exactly the right thing!!!

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About the Author

Darity Wesley is an award-winning, best-selling author, a lawyer, a speaker, a Death Diva, and a Wisdom Sharer. She has traveled the spiritual, metaphysical, and personal development paths for many decades. She has become a powerful resource for those awakening to their evolving consciousness. Her ‘Wisdom for the New Reality’ messages goes out monthly to her international community for free. Sign up on her website

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