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July 19: The Most Powerful Day in History

July 19: The Most Powerful Day in History

July 19 OMTimes

Since ancient times, July 19 has been a sacred date. The priests of ancient Egypt built the Great Pyramid of Giza so that Sirius would always appear in its vertical corridor on July 19.

July 19 Holds Special Significance

by Zinovia Dushkova



Since ancient times, July 19 has been a sacred date that associates with the manifestation of the energies of Sirius. For example, the priests of ancient Egypt built the Great Pyramid of Giza so that Sirius would always appear in its vertical corridor on July 19. On this day of the Sun God Ra and the New Year, it illuminates the entire inner part of the pyramid. It is when and where initiations in the rays of this star would take place.

The Egyptians believed that their Gods descended from Sirius. They realized that this star plays a role of great importance in the development of civilization on Earth. Subsequently, it was closely associated with each of the ancient religions. For example, even in the Quran, verse 53:49 says that Allah, or God, is the Lord of Sirius. Similarly, Christianity has adopted much from ancient religions, having rightly identified the symbolism of the ancient Sun God with Christ.


An Ancient Alignment and Numerical Code

Thousands of years have passed since those remote times. Calendars have changed, and the phenomenon of precession has somewhat modified the location of celestial bodies in relation to the Earth. Yet, this date still plays a significant role at the present developmental stage of humankind. This is because it is here that the numerical code is important.

The number 1 is the Divine number, and 9 is the number of Transfiguration. Together — 19 — they signify the Divine Transfiguration. Adding them together gives 10 — the number of the Human Kingdom. Here again, 1 is the Divine number, and 0 is a New Round of Origination. That is, it turns out that 19 is the number of the New World.

July is the peak of the Sun’s manifestation of light, in terms of intensity of its fire and its energetic impact. That is the reason that the ancient cult of the Sun had rituals associated precisely with this month.


Prophesy Meets Present-Day on July 19

Relating to this date of July 19, it is interesting to recall the unexplained phenomenon observed by hundreds of people in Salsk, Russia, on September 15, 1989. On that day, huge squares appeared in the sky. These seemed as if someone had begun to draw mathematical symbols and numbers. After converting these characters to numbers and the numbers into the ancient Glagolitic alphabet, researchers found a message saying that Christ was expected to return exactly on July 19.

Furthermore, according to ancient records, every six thousand years, Sirius emits new currents that carry a renewed composition of energies directed to the Earth and to the entire solar system. These energies further the beginning of a new stage of development. Just as a human body renews its structure at the cellular level every seven years, so the Earth, too, transfigures its energy structure every seven thousand years. Here the number six has great significance, since the seventh stage is, at the same time, the first, though at a higher level. Thus, the seventh millennium, in which we are currently living, is the last phase of the passing cycle and the first of the coming Golden Age.


July 19 and Special Energy for Evolution

For this reason, the day of July 19 of each year of modern times is characterized by special energy. However, according to the Himalayan sages, July 19 of this year is unique. It will not repeat in the present Cycle of Evolution. All of humanity will pass a kind of initiation in the rays of Sirius. This includes everyone, consciously or unconsciously, making a choice. We make our ultimate choice — either to proceed with the light or with the darkness.

Besides, on this day, the sages also expect the birth of the Messiah, who is known to all religions under various names, to take place in the nirmanakaya body in the higher world, or heaven. The nirmanakaya body is the same as the Glorious Body of the Resurrected Christ. This body may become temporarily visible in the earthly world, but only people with pure hearts will be able to see it.


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Choices in Following the Path of Light

All this means that if, on July 19 the number of those who follow the path of light outweighs those who bring darkness, then, in the future, we can expect the second coming of Christ in the glorious body in which He ascended into heaven two thousand years ago. Otherwise, this event will not happen, at least not in our lifetime.

Therefore, on this great day, we could visit energetically powerful places — shrines and temples that attract large numbers of people in different countries — in order to honor the higher forces. Thanks to our global prayer, whether uttered in such places of power or wherever we happen to be, we can make an invaluable contribution to the cause of light’s triumph on the Earth.


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About the Author

Zinovia Dushkova, Ph.D., is an award-winning Russian author and researcher of ancient mysteries. Her spiritual quest has taken her to remote Buddhist monasteries. These sacred Abodes hide within mountains and deserts in Tibet, Nepal, Mongolia, and India. Zinovia has studied the most ancient manuscripts, such as the secret Book of Dzyan. For more information, please visit her website at

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