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July 2020 Cancer New Moon Astrology Forecast

July 2020 Cancer New Moon Astrology Forecast

July 2020 Cancer New Moon OMTimes

July 2020 Cancer New Moon – Monday, July 20

10:32 AM PDT / 1:32 PM EDT / 5:32 PM GMT

28 Cancer 26

July 2020 Cancer New Moon



To listen to Astrologer Kathy Biehl discuss the astrology forecast for the July 2020 Cancer New Moon, click the player below.


How are you coming with nurturing yourself? The July 2020 Cancer New Moon drives home the importance of that question and locks it into place.

This is the second New Moon we’ve had this year in Cancer. It’s the Moon’s natural home and the sign of sensitive, protective emotion and sustenance. Directing that toward home and loved ones is an organic way of being, but the past two years have shifted focus to the self.

The shift came from the North Node’s transit through Cancer, which made taking care of yourself (first!) an imperative. As if providing an incentive to heed that call, eclipses in Cancer and Capricorn since summer 2018 have upset and reset notions of safety, security, family, and foundations. (Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto digging through Capricorn have added to that as well.) The turbulence that set off has challenged us to find new ways of steadying our footing. Since everyone and everything has been in an uproar, the one sure approach has been: taking care of ourselves.

Sounds like a loop, but the theme has been pervasive and insistent of late. How have you been responding? How are you treating yourself with more kindness, gentleness, care? (Little ways count. Little ways may be the most important, actually.) How are you taking care of your body? Your inner child? What role does food play for you now, as opposed to two years ago or more? What are your family dynamics like now, as opposed to two years ago or more? How are you safeguarding your emotions, your sanity, your sense of safety? What more has occurred to you lately?

The July 2020 Cancer New Moon is pushing the self-care imperative, and us, forward. This is the first lunation after the eclipse gauntlet: June’s Sagittarius Full Moon and Cancer New Moon (at the very beginning of the sign), and July’s Capricorn Full Moon. It’s also the first lunation since the end of the Cancer/Capricorn eclipses. The upshot: the July 2020 Cancer New Moon is balling up energy that has come before and taking it along as we emerge from both the recent eclipse gauntlet and the Cancer/Capricorn eclipse family as well.



We’re moving into the next big phase and yet, the cosmic underscoring continues. June’s Cancer New Moon, at the solstice, was in the first, rawest, least refined expression of the sign, with the catapulting power-up of a solar eclipse behind it. July’s is at the end of the sign (at the last degree, if you round it up), in the fullest, most extreme expression of the sign. Emotional expression, nurturing, sustenance, sensitivity, all are at the max.

And all are staring down massive, pervasive systemic change. The Jupiter/Saturn/Pluto cluster in Capricorn is counterbalancing the July 2020 Cancer New Moon. All of the heightened, sensitized emotions exist in the environment of amplifying change and repair and rebuilding. That ongoing, seemingly endless transformation is adding to the New Moon’s extremes. It’s also providing a grounding force for them. That comes from an exact opposition from the New Moon to Saturn, the planet of rules, karma, order, consequences, and just plain adulting.


Saturn’s presence complicates and regulates the process of the July 2020 Cancer New Moon. Nothing can happen quickly with Saturn in the mix. The tension of the opposition works as a slow-acting release valve on emotional, nurturing impulses, which may emerge over a long protracted period instead of vanishing in a few bursts. This could go far longer than the usual moon cycle. It could go until almost the end of the year. Since retrograde Jupiter and Pluto are near to Saturn, it could be possible to harness this New Moon’s energies until Jupiter and Pluto make their final conjunction in November. Since Saturn is exactly opposite the Moon, it might be possible to harness her energies until Saturn finishes his clean-up tour of Capricorn in mid-December.

Set your intentions with the long haul in mind. Commit to them (Saturn loves commitment), and give permission for a slow rollout. What’s your upgraded vision of home, nurturing, family? What emotional seeds are you planting and watering? How can you put your own needs first, and keep them there?

The approach is the way of the future. Paradoxically, stretching beyond your comfort zone may be required to achieve comfort, on a lasting basis at least. It’s awkward. It can grate and irritate. With the Moon in a growth aspect to the North Node, though, weathering the irritation is part of the process – and part of delivering us to where we want to go.

See Also

Don’t hesitate to ask for help. It may not come directly through your fellow humans, who are caught up in their own process of finding stability within themselves. With Jupiter traveling in a sextile to Neptune, a higher source is available, whether coming through dreams or inspiration or guidance or an earthly instrument, knowing or not.

Learn about the dynamic potential of the end of 2020 in Kathy’s talk Action Figures



If you have enjoyed 2020 Capricorn Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, read Tarot Astrology Forecast July 2020 for Each Zodiac Sign

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About the Author

Kathy Biehl is a professional astrologer with more than 30 years of experience. She has been translating astrology for the mainstream since high school and has a knack for combining humor and pop culture with her guidance. Visit to sign up for her mailing list, listen to her forecasts, and book a session for her. Find her on Facebook at Empowerment Unlimited and the Astro-Insight Lounge, and on YouTube at the Professional Aquarian Channel.

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