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2020 Leo New Moon Astrology Forecast

2020 Leo New Moon Astrology Forecast

2020 Leo New Moon OMTimes

2020 Leo New Moon – August 18-19, 2020

7:41 PM PDT / 10:41 PM EDT / 2:41 AM GMT

26 Leo 35

2020 Leo New Moon



To listen to Astrologer Kathy Biehl discuss the 2020 Leo New Moon Astrology Forecast, click the player below.


Hot enough for you? The 2020 Leo New Moon is fueling fires everywhere – and, most importantly, in you.

Every Leo New Moon makes inner lights grow brighter. It encourages showiness, generosity, and drama. It brings an uptick in confidence and flair, in taking center stage, in letting your most glorious, flamboyant self come out and play. And strut.

All of those impulses are receiving flame accelerant now. With the occasional explosion of fireworks – or dynamite.

Been getting unstuck lately? Feeling life force coursing through you? (Okay, so maybe that’s taken the form of anger.) Finding your groove? Just you wait. This is only the beginning.

The 2020 Leo New Moon has a direct assist from Mars, planet of push. He’s the ruler of our drive and motivation, the god of war and all that entails (anger, courage, attacks, ruthlessness), and the archetypal representative of the masculine. He’s been highly active in recent weeks, in the first phase of a several month assault on the forces that are restructuring our foundations, institutions, and goals.  The New Moon finds him in a tight square to Saturn, lord of karma and ruler of structure, order, the status quo, obligations, and consequences. The square has the effect of a wrecking ball slamming into a brick wall.

The impact directly affects the 2020 Leo New Moon. For one reason, it’s in a tight trine to, or unimpeded flow from, Mars. For another, the Moon is in an exact inconjunct to Saturn. The drive for self-expression is not jiving with rules and order. Adjustments are necessary on each end of the equation. Think of models on a catwalk having to sidestep a barrier, or authority being forced to take individuals into account.



It’s exciting. It’s enlivening and energizing. It’s empowering. It’s combative and inflaming and provocative. And it’s igniting sparks that could mushroom into huge conflagrations, for good or … well…

None of this is happening quietly or gently. Mars has a helper, and she’s as loaded for action as he is. He’s exactly conjunct the asteroid Eris, goddess of discord. Mars is a hothead on his own. With her by his side, he is argumentative, combustive, and impulsive to the max.

This has phenomenal personal benefits.  Mars has already been providing motivation for weeks. With the 2020 Leo New Moon, you dive into the action with gusto, flair, and maybe more than a bit of drama. Wherever Leo falls in your chart, watch for the sensation of roaring back to life, like a sleeping giant awakening and hitting the ground running.

No planning is necessary. In fact, it’s not possible with any predictability or reliability. This Moon’s energies are immediate, impulsive, and unpremeditated. They are bursting forth in and out of you (and in and out of everyone else). For that reason, in the rare moments of quiet, it’s prudent to point yourself in a direction you want to go, because you will likely be leaping and shooting (metaphorically) without forethought. It’s also prudent to indulge in breathers and downtime whenever you catch them, to keep from burning out.

As much as Leo puts the focus on the self, it’s also prudent to remember that you are not the only person experiencing these impulses. An entire planet full of selves is. And not all of them will be responding…shall we say, maturely. Childishness, selfishness, and temper tantrums are in this volatile mix. (You may descend into that territory yourself.)

If you’ve been looking for a fight, the 2020 Leo New Moon will grant your wish. It will do this for a lot of people. If you get an invitation, it’s your choice whether to engage. If the battle isn’t important to you, or if it’s not really yours, why bother? Why squander the energy?

See Also

Why not use it for yourself, instead? This Moon is delivering rocket fuel that can propel you far. You could have fun on the ride, especially if you don’t take it or yourself overly seriously. (Leo does have a childlike, playful streak.)

You might just make progress on important goals and firming your foundation for the future. The 2020 Leo New Moon sextiles the North Node, which represents where we’re heading. It has the implied sign, “This way to the future.” The sextile opens the doorway. Walking through it requires our participation. Mars’ firing up the Moon makes it all the more probable that we will, with vigor. And maybe enthusiasm. And a running leap.

Learn more about what Mars is up to for the rest of the year in Kathy’s talk Action Figures.


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About the Author

Kathy Biehl is a professional astrologer with more than 30 years of experience. She has been translating astrology for the mainstream since high school and has a knack for combining humor and pop culture with her guidance. Visit to sign up for her mailing list, listen to her forecasts, and book a session for her. Find her on Facebook at Empowerment Unlimited and the Astro-Insight Lounge, and on YouTube at the Professional Aquarian Channel.


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