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Stargazing: Astrological Forecast September 2020

Stargazing: Astrological Forecast September 2020

Astrological Forecast September 2020 OMTimes

The milestones of the Astrological Forecast September 2020 include the Full Moon in Pisces and the New Moon in Virgo.

Astrological Forecast September 2020



The Sept. 2nd Full Moon in Pisces brings an excellent time to play or work, and especially good for artistic endeavors, which can be a mixture of both.

The Sept. 17th New Moon in Virgo brings a time to begin something new, It’s a great time to start your project.


The Astrological Forecast September 2020 for the Personal Signs



Aries 1-1Aries (3/21-4/20)

In September it’s time to slow down a bit Aries. It’s time to assess where you’re headed accept this necessary recalibration. You need to conserve your energy so your body, mind, and heart can recharge. Before you begin to resent this rest the Universe has provided, the world begins to take on a new color for you with vibrant action. There is much to be experienced and enjoyed when you’re not going at 100 miles an hour! October brings more of the same, and you are beginning to lose your patience. Unfortunately, that’s the way the energies are flowing at the moment. The secret is to go within because there is still a lot of internal shifting to be worked out that arrived in your sphere last January. Keep the faith, Aries! It’s all good.


Taurus 1-1Taurus (4/21-5/21)

In September you are ready to accept any opportunity that comes your way, and many of them will. You are confident and ready to take on anything. As you bounce around from thing to thing, you love being busy, busy. Your bonus for all of this is that your creativity is at its maximum. Finally, life looks like the way you want it to. When you’re truly in your element, life takes on a special glow, including the people with whom you cross paths. Your enthusiasm coupled with months of what you call inertia feels like someone took off you leash and turned you loose.  Slow down and save some of that energy because you’re going to need it. In October your established momentum carries you through some rough spots. For the first time in 2020, you are able to ride the waves of change. This is always difficult for a Taurus. Three cheers for you!



Gemini 1-1Gemini (5/21-6/20)

In September, the pace of life slows down again. You need to deal with some of the challenges that have cropped up, requiring you to stop, get quiet, and decide just how you want to move forward. The social butterfly is fluttering around inside you and you long to just hang out, have some fun, and laugh again. Your insights last month regarding your career have found fertile ground. You have birthed a much larger and grander opportunity than you could ever have imagined. October brings you more of this exciting energy, however, don’t try to solidify things right now. You need to allow your creativity to kick in. Work will be tough because you find yourself going over many things you thought were done. Don’t allow this precious energy to drag you down. Your brain is all lit up and wants to forge ahead, but be sure to carefully prepare in order to gain strength and lay a solid foundation.


Cancer 1-1Cancer (6/21-7/22)

In September, your optimism remains high and you’re going to need it. You don’t know whether to go full speed ahead or stop. This is not coming from you but from external forces. You need to detach from trauma and drama brought to you from others. What’s going on with people, both close to you and not close. Did they drink some kind of potion? They seem like some sort of crazy. They either seem lifeless or are constantly complaining about – well just about everything. You feel lighthearted and full of fun. It’s your chance to lead by example. Down the road, they will thank you for kicking them out of their funk. You will be more aware of what the world is going through at month’s end. In October a number of challenges have you delving deep inside to find the resources you’ve cultivated during much of this year. You have learned how to turn disaster into success, which shows you just how much you have grown.


Leo 1-1Leo (7/23-8/22)

In September, your plans begin to take shape and you feel as if you’re in the flow as well.  Nothing will disturb your balance because you’re at peace. Any obstacles you encounter are quickly overcome and the results are amazing; not only in outward physical terms but deep within as well. For the first time in years, you know that you can prevail. Time to look at your financial investments. You have big decisions to make as to how you want to go forward. The process isn’t about the long term as much as setting up a strong foundation with which to build upon. October brings along some bumps in the road due to misunderstandings and miscommunications. Mercury retrogrades in October and this is a month when the intensity of events triggers deep reactions is everyone. The news and people’s reactions will all be questionable. Also, this is not a good month to choose a partner, or anyone on a project, an investment, or business. There just isn’t enough clarity available.


Virgo 1-1Virgo (8/23-9/22)

In September, it feels as if the Universe has opened up inside of you, and you’re on a spaceship headed for parts unknown. Best to keep a low profile, be good to yourself and kind to yourself. Even the strongest of us can find ourselves up against a wall, with the feeling that there’s just no place to go. When you find yourself there, and you will, take a time out. In fact, take a vacation. You deserve it! In October there’s one thing, and one thing only, that you’re interested in, and that’s straight answers; complete answers, meaningful answers. It’s as if everyone else is speaking a foreign language; or they don’t have a clue, speaking in riddles, or purposefully misleading you. Expect some stunning revelations from others in the middle of some mundane conversations. This could leave you a bit speechless, or unsure about just what to do.  Just listen. No one is expecting you to solve any situation. The best thing to do is not to take anything personally while staying grounded and detached.


Libra 1-1Libra (9/23-10/22)

In September, take time out daily to do something to nurture yourself. Otherwise, there’s a possibility that you could hit a huge wall as you try to make sense of all the weird energy that bouncing around your life. It’s only part of the purging process you’ve been going through this year and mixed messages everyone seems to be giving out. Everything or everyone is confused or confusing. With finances, one minute everything seems clear and the next the fog is rolling in. This gives you a feeling of frustration and uncertainty. This is not a time to take any risks. There are too many changes and uncertainties to make any decisions. Stick to the tried and true. October brings a time when you are in your Libra comfort zone, and what a relief that is. Of course, this will only continue until Mercury retrogrades on the 13th. No need to panic or be scared. It’s time to harness your energy in a positive way, embracing the passion for life you’ve uncovered while shedding all that was negative and holding you back in 2020. Carry on with renewed confidence and trust yourself, Libra.


Scorpio 1-1Scorpio (10/ 23-11/22)

In September you are in overdrive, Scorpio, and exhausting yourself by running around in circles. At the center of this whirlwind, is the desire to get something done. Anything! You’re like a horse who’s been in the barn all winter. You want to break out and gallop. That is totally understandable after what this year has brought forth. However, choosing to be brash and pushy isn’t going to accomplish anything. Take all this pent up energy, find a focus for it, and be happy and satisfied with what you’ve accomplished at month’s end. In October you’ll find that not everything worked out exactly as you had planned. You’ve moved into a constant state of adjustment. Things are rattling around in your unconscious working to test your patience. No one seems to have any clear plans or answers. It’s best to take the pressure off yourself and do whatever you can. Remember, this too shall pass.


See Also
Full Moon October 2020

Sagittarius (11/23-12/21)

The constant refrain in your head has been, “get the job done, get the job done.” In September, this doesn’t seem to be a problem. No matter what is required, you are more than ready, willing, and able to do it. This involves a commitment that you’re not really aware that you made; to make your life work in ways that honor all that you are. Sure, you love your freedom Sag., but you know deep inside that’s not all you need to be content. There’s always a point where you shift your life contrary to what you’ve always believed and may wonder if you’re being true to yourself. This comes from the thought that what was always important to you must always be so and that in letting go, you will be losing a part of yourself, However, exactly the opposite is true. Hanging on to what is no longer valuable shuts off the opportunity to grow and expand. In October the focus turns to your long-term hopes and wishes, as your creative drive soars. This can be an inspiring month provided that you keep your impatience in check. This is the month when you will be in the driver’s seat. If anything comes up to challenge that, it’s best to ignore it.


Capricorn 1-1Capricorn (12/22-1/19

In September you may appear contentious and argumentative, but you just want to be heard. You want to be taken seriously for the changes you’re making. Not the kind that’s empty and without meaning, but that actually shows you that you are seen and appreciated to who you are, not what you do. This month marks a major change in how you view your place in the world. Your inner strength and knowledge of yourself have grown so much that you’re finally comfortable in your own skin. Don’t be surprised if you feel that you’re not on solid ground at work, even though everything is fine. That’s your fear talking. Remember, no matter what you do in life, you will always institute a review of all the decisions and actions that you took to change anything that wasn’t working. Acknowledge your panic, and then let it go. October brings a pause in the action and the time to catch up to yourself. You see with clarity how much you’ve challenged, pushed, and transformed yourself with a great intensity you didn’t know you had. Pat yourself on the back! Home and family matters surface leaving you wondering if you overlooked or ignored anything that was happening right under your nose. Set aside the guilt trip and realize that any upsets can be rectified.



Aquarius (1/20-2/18)

In September you want to get down to business and get all that stuff that’s piled up either dealt with or organized. Exciting new ideas and opportunities keep presenting themselves on a daily basis.  Which are true for you and which are just your wishful thinking? Whatever, you’re in for a fun ride. What’s been changing for you this year is to see yourself and what you truly have to offer. This puts you forward throughout the month as you work on a new project and bring one of your dreams to fruition. You’re in the process of birthing yourself as a true leader. October brings a chance to take a nice vacation from all that’s been occupying and clouding your mind over the past several months. You need a break so that you are ready to take charge when you are blessed with a surprising offer towards the end of the year. One you don’t see coming and will mark a major turning point in your life.


Pisces1-1Pisces (2/19-3/20)

As September opens, you may feel like a wet rag. You have really pushed yourself, both externally and internally. Not only have you transformed your life,  your outlook, and your relationships, but you have done so without hesitation and will all the energy you could muster up. It’s time to take a break and slow it down. You are wondering if your efforts will be rewarded. Of course, it will be. All the things you’ve done over the past months pushed you more than a little outside of your comfort zone. Now you have second thoughts, which will disappear as the month goes on and you receive the go-ahead to take the next step to bring your plan into reality. In October your preference is to keep your eye on the goal Why? Because they energize you and show you a picture of yourself that is vibrant, vital, and full of promise. Respect your intuition. Create what invigorates you. This is your path forward.


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About the Author

Elizabeth Joyce is a modern-day mystic, author, and Master Spiritual Teacher/Healer through the Grace of God. She transmits this pure energy from the Source. Healing has occurred simply by being in her presence, or by voice activation, or vibration. She is a popular, gifted speaker on the unknown mysteries, higher realities, and higher wisdom. She has authored ten books, and her latest one, “Backstage,” is now available. Many of her accurate successes have been documented through national media such as “Unsolved Mysteries,” “The Psychic Detectives,” and “Coast to Coast AM.” You can purchase her books at or her website,

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