10: The Number of Divine Perfection

In the month of October, we have the number 10, which represents the renewal of life, renewal of strength, and self-confidence.
October and 10: The Number of Divine Perfection
October has arrived, bringing new airs because the month is 10. Everyone knows that numerologically, the number ten can be reduced to the number 01: 10 or 1+0=1.
The Number ONE brings the vibration of new beginnings, a pioneer impulse to start again, to take the next step, to have a hard look on our To-do list. Number ten is the symbol of the endless pursuit of Happiness.
The Tao generates the One, the One generates the Two, the Two generate the Three, the Three generate the ten thousand things. TAO TE CHING, 42
Metaphorically, 1 (number One) is the archetype of everything that exists: The Universe, God, the Big Bang, the Quantum Vacuum. In other words, everything we know, including ourselves, is within the 1 of the unit. And then comes the phrase: “We are all one!”
When analyzing the numerical vibration in the timeline, we need to consider the point of the cycle that this number represents, and the larger cycle that it is inserted into.
In the month of October, we have the number 10, which represents the renewal of life, renewal of strength, and self-confidence. The zero to the right of the 1 acts as an enhancer of the characteristics.
10 vs. 1 – The Difference between the Numerology of October 1 and January 1
The most significant cycle that contains the months is the year, which is made up of 12 vibrations – being a complete cycle of 9 plus a small cycle of 3. This makes us repeat the numbers 1,2 and 3 at the beginning and end of the year.
The big difference between the number 1 in January’s numerology to the number 1 in October is the point within the major cycle, the archetype is the same, and the vibration. The vibration of a number never changes; what changes are the intensity and the context in which it manifests itself.
January is the 1st month of the 12th. Its beginning energy is very strong: we feel all the internal and external power to act. October is already in the 10th position of the 12 cycles, coming after 9, so the energy of 1 here represents a new beginning. We are affected by two sensations:
1. The relief of having ended the 9th month (see more in September numerology), the big cycle of the year is over
2. The feeling of “beginning of the end” of the year.
Here, the restarting efforts are for a short period, close to the end of the primary cycle.
10 is a divine number—a number of perfection, fullness, and Divine Order.
10 are the fingers of our hands, and when they come together in “gassho” ( mudra of hands in prayer), we connect with God’s plan; our hands-on Reiki and other healing therapies to perform real miracles.
The Tenth Arcanum in the Tarot is the Wheel of Fortune. It announces changes, opportunities, EVOLUTION (I love it), that turn that we need to take in life, at work, in relationships, in finances. Really, everyone knows that things are not easing lately.
And the PORTAL 10-10 will be the consecration of the spinning wheel, bringing a new perspective. Even a new energetic template to stabilize our world in Turmoil.
Personal Numerology for the Month of October 2020
If you don’t know your Personal Number, scroll down to see how to calculate it.
Number 1: It’s time to start over. You have a lot of energy, and the world has an open the door to your ideas. Wake up early and go after your goals. This is the month of planting.
Number 2: You have already planted, so keep watering. The seeds need water and time to sprout. This is the month to work hard and make the necessary partnerships to nurture your projects. Patience and cooperation are virtues.
Number 3: Wow! the first sprouts are being born, celebrate this moment. October is the month to celebrate the good progress of your plants, accept party invitations. Have fun. You deserve it.
Number 4: Wow, your plants are growing strong, but so did the garden pests. This is the time to organize. You must prioritize what will give you strength and what has the future. Remove the pests from your crops. Otherwise, your plants will weaken.
Number 5: You realize that everything is going well, but some things are out of your control, be prepared for storms to happen. The month of unforeseen events, trips, and unplanned changes. Be versatile and let go of mental rigidity.
Number 6: How beautiful your plants are, they have already grown and are giving flowers. Enjoy the beauty and harmony of nature. Month to take care of your look, decorate your home, and dedicate yourself to maintaining good relationships. Love is in the air! The family too!
Number 7: So, you have already thought about everything you have accomplished in the last few months, you have already walked a lot. Month to reflect on you and your past decisions, contemplate your own life, and how much you deserve to rest. Stay alone for a while, have your space.
Number 8: Congratulations, you won! You worked well in the plantation, the time has come to harvest, and you have a lot of fruit to pick. Material return month, all your effort for the past 8 months will be rewarded, and you will be recognized for what you have done. Celebrate and work a little harder to harvest everything.
Number 9: Say goodbye! It was all beautiful, but it is over, the harvest has passed, and the land needs to be clean for the next growing season. Use gratitude to close this cycle with the frequency of love and clear what no longer serves you, to start the next cycle with clarity again!
How to Calculate Your Personal Number for this Month
First, you need to find your personal number for the year 2020
You find this number adding all the numbers of your birth date. See the example below.
I was born on March 11th, 1965 = 3+11+1+9+6+5= 8
The numerological vibration for the year 2020 will be 2020 =20+20, or 40 or 4+0= 4
Thus, my personal numerological vibration for the year 2020 will be 8+4= 12 or 1+2= 3
Now let’s do the Personal Month calculation! For this, we need the vibration of the Personal Year, which you have already discovered in the previous calculation.
Now you need to add your Personal Year + the month number, in which case we will continue with my Personal Year, which is 3 (as seen above).
Calculation: Personal Year + Month
3 + 7 (July) = 10> 1 + 0 = 1
3 + 8 (August) = 11> 1 + 1 = 2 (or you will be kept as 11-a master Number)
3+ 9 (September) = 12> 1 + 2 = 3
3 + 10 (October) = 13> 1 + 3 = 4
Four is the vibration of my Personal Month.
Ready! We now have enough information to analyze the forecasts for the year 2020 and specifically for the month of October!
If 10: The Number of Divine Perfection resonated, read Tarot Astrology Forecast October 2020 for Each Zodiac Sign
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About the Author
Creatrix from Sirius. Fairly Odd Mother of Saints (Bernards). Fish Tank aficionado by day ninja by night. Liane is also the Editor-in-Chief of OMTimes Magazine and Ministry Earth Magazine, Co-Founder of Humanity Healing International and Humanity Healing Network, and a Board Member of Saint Lazarus Relief Fund.
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Creatrix from Sirius. Fairly Odd Mother of Saints (Bernards). Fish Tank aficionado by day ninja by night. Liane is also the Editor-in-Chief of OMTimes Magazine, Co-Founder of Humanity Healing International and Humanity Healing Network, and a Board Member of Saint Lazarus Relief Fund.