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Nurturing Our Animal Families through the Pandemic

Nurturing Our Animal Families through the Pandemic

Animal Families OMTimes

We’ve been so busy adjusting to our new reality in this pandemic, that we might not have considered how it’s affecting our animal families.  Here are some tips on helping them through it, which will help us as well.

Nurturing Our Animal Families

By Robyn M Fritz



We’ve been so busy adjusting to our new reality in this pandemic that we might not have considered how it’s affecting our animal families in body, mind, and spirit. That’s a mistake since a crisis that affects us affects them as well. Here’s what we can do about it.


How the Pandemic Affects Our Animals

The pandemic has heightened everyday misunderstandings. Our animal families live intimately with us; they know when something is up and respond to our emotions. They not only get upset and worried when we are, but they also try to comfort us. Plus, if they don’t understand what’s up, they may think they’ve done something wrong and don’t know what to do about it. Mindfully dealing with them supports the entire family.


Animal Communication in Crisis

Yes, animal communication is real. Even when you think that you can’t intuitively connect with your animals, they absolutely can understand you. You already know this: for example, when you tell them it’s time for dinner or a walk, they come running.

Turn that awareness up a notch when communicating with them about the pandemic. Approach your animals the same way you deal with your human family: tell them what’s going on and reassure them that you’re taking care of them the best way you can. Assure them they haven’t done anything wrong, but a human illness has changed how we all live. Be precise and straightforward. Reassure. Repeat. Keep it up as long as the pandemic lasts.

It’s important to ask your animals what they want to do to help out. No one likes feeling helpless, and our animals are no exception, so give them a job. My dog Ollie was grumpy when I went grocery shopping before breakfast. “We all have to pitch in and help,” I said, and asked what he would do. He promptly chose the most relevant job he could think of: “I’ll do the eating,” he said.

Humor works, and Ollie relaxed, but do get serious with your animals. Tell them you’ve made plans for someone to take care of them if you get sick—and then make those plans. Now is not the time for complacency.


Body, Mind, and Spirit Tips for Our Animals in the Pandemic

Attending to our animals’ body, mind, and spirit in the pandemic requires more patience, a lot of calm, a bit of “what if,” and a solid understanding of their personalities. How do they routinely react to storms, late meals, your moods, and household disruption? Take that times a billion and know that keeping yourself balanced and grounded will help them, too. Then get—and stay—that way.


Body Tips: Keep your animals clean and well-fed, play with and exercise them, and create enhanced family time. That means sticking to your regular routine while adding whatever your new normal is (and more fun). A new daily activity can keep them (and you) fit. Walk your dogs (leashed, please!), but don’t allow them to socialize with people or animals outside the family.


Mind Tips: If you’re stressed, they’re stressed. And worried. And concerned. They’ve also been specially bred to be our companions, so be their companions. It’s emotionally tough right now for us—and for them. Tell them what you’re doing, from staying home more to worrying. Dig deep to make sure they’re emotionally healthy and encourage patience and trust. Deal with their feelings: given a chance, they’ll make them clear.


See Also
Pets Feng Shui

Spirit Tips: First and foremost, remember that we are all eternal souls. We choose the bodies we need for a particular incarnation. In this lifetime, you’re human, and they’re animals, but we’re all souls. Respect the divinity and the equality in those souls. Ask their spiritual team members for extra care and support, and remind your animals to ask, too—and to count on their teams.

As souls, our animals are also energy healers. Remind them to use energy healing to keep themselves grounded and balanced, and demonstrate how to do that (yes, they’ll pay attention, and most are already active healers). As you go about your daily life with them, extend an energy line or “bubble” around them and other family members. Invite them to pitch in and add their own energy to the bubble for protection and support. Keep that energy moving. It matters.


Finally, remind your animals (and yourself) that all things pass, including pandemics. Staying healthy in body, mind, and spirit will help us all get through it together. When we do, remember what you learned from and with your animal families, and build on that. It will help you in good times—and in tough ones.

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You should also read 7 Tips to Deal with Pandemic Anxiety and The Spiritual Dimensions of the Pandemic



About the Author

Robyn M Fritz MA MBA CHt is an intuitive and spiritual consultant and certified past life regression specialist. An award-winning author, her next book is “The Afterlife Is a Party: What People and Animals Teach Us About Love, Reincarnation, and the Other Side.” Find her at and on Facebook at The Practical Intuitive.

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