October 2020 Numerology – New Beginning into the Unknown

October 2020 Numerology will be interesting because it is a number 10 month, on a double number 20 Year: a new beginning into the unknown.
October 2020 Numerology – October Celebrities Mahatma Gandhi, Bill Gates, and Kamala Harris
By Greer Jonas
As we move into October in this extraordinary time around the world, it is an opportunity to take a step into an unknown and unique journey in our lives.

October is the first month with two numbers. Each of these numbers starts with the value of “1” – October, the 10 months, November, the 11 months, and December, the 12 months. The One, according to numerology, represents new beginnings, leadership, and intelligence of the mind. It is a masculine number, so it helps us to have the strength and perseverance to make a move past fear and reluctance.
Zero is the number of potentials. It represents an influence that appears earlier than birth. As babies, we learn about emotions, and depending on someone to feed us and care for us. Zero is the energy before our education taught us to seek knowledge and have belief systems. The phase of “0” is before becoming independent with goals for our future. As we grow, especially now, we have developed a mindset of giving up, losing faith, and staying stagnant.
The zero is open to all possibilities. The openness to the curiosity of what is ahead rather than the dread of what is happening now.
As October is the 10, we lead with potential, walking into the unknown. The zero is androgynous. It is an energy of both feminine (intuition and working with the heart) and masculine (moving forward through the mind and fearless strength).
How will we move through this period of trying times? Right before an election, which will further alter our lives, what can we do?
Yes, we can definitely vote. Yes, we can get involved, even if it is talking to friends and understanding what is at stake in our country.
Along with the political arena, we can take a stand to shift forward. So many of us are moving to new homes and to other styles of working. Rather than at our office, most of us are working online. Companies and restaurants are forced to change their way of servicing the public, or they will belly up. And in New York City, you see many closed stores that were once popular.
Do not despair! This is a moment of perhaps the biggest challenge in our lives. It is time to see and live with new truth and a unique opportunity.
We must trust the adventurous zero inside of us and be creative in our next steps forward. You can thrive if you set your mind to change. And learn to move with a different flow then you have ever had before. Walk with a zero stride filled with adventure and curiosity.
October 2020 Numerology – October Birthday Celebrities
Let’s look at three October birthday celebrities, Mahatma Gandhi, Bill Gates, and Kamala Harris.
In this study, we will examine the destiny or life purpose (calculated by adding all the numbers of one’s birthday). Besides, the catalyst number will be explored to understand what inspires each of these influential individuals on their life’s path. The catalyst number is calculated by adding the numbers of one’s month and day of birth.
Mahatma Gandhi, born on October 2, 1869. Gandhi was a spiritual leader, lawyer, and activist who lead the people of India into overthrowing British rule. He peacefully did this. (Perhaps we need more of Gandhi at this moment.)
Gandhi’s destiny was a 9. (1+0+2+1+8+6+9 = 27 reduces to a 9). The life purpose of “9” is about transformation and completion. It is about reaching a higher goal in life and the lives of others.
His catalyst is a “3”. Gandhi used his creative voice to make a difference in the world.
“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi
Bill Gates, born 10/28/1955, is the entrepreneur who put Microsoft on the map.
Bill Gates’s destiny is four. (1+2+8+1+9+5+5= 31, which reduces to a 4). The life purpose of a four is the builder and innovator who can successfully produce efficiently.
There is no acceptance of skipping a step in the creation of any project. Thus Gates pioneered Microsoft as the leading software company in the industry of computers. His catalyst number is master 11. (1+2+8=11) When two numbers are the same, we do not reduce. In any destiny, the 11 will inspire greatness. Eleven is the master number of leadership and invention. With Gate’s destiny to succeed and be first, he does not accept mediocrity.
Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can’t lose. ~ Bill Gates
Kamala Harris was born on October 20, 1964. She is a successful politician, United States Senator from California, and activist who is now the Vice Presidential nominee joining Presidential nominee Joe Biden in the current election 2020 in the United States.
Her life purpose is a 5. (1+2+1+9+6+4 =32, which reduces to a 5) Five is the charismatic, interpersonal connector to the public, and on stage. Fives are unafraid to take a stand, and they do so with their dynamic personality.
Kamala Harris’s inspiration number is 3. (1+2=3). Three is creative self-expression in all forms (art, writing, speaking, and connecting to others). She is inspired as an orator, to explore and motivate others with her intellect and charismatic personality.
“The American Dream belongs to all of us” — Kamala Harris
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About the Author
Greer Jonas is an intuitive numerologist who conducts readings by phone, online, and in-person in NYC. She is also a teacher and an artist. Find out about classes or to schedule a numerology reading. Numerology Site: http://numerology4yoursoul.com Art site: www.greerjonas.com

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