Do You Need to Recharge Your Spiritual Connections?

It is a true blessing when like-minded souls find each other, sharing ideas and life together. We can lift each other up during the storms and celebrate the energy we know is still there when we live through our spiritual connections.
Charging Our Spiritual Connections
We are all so much more than the bodies we reside in. The energies that pulse inside us are connected to everything that pulses in the atmosphere around us. Some call it spirit, some call it the soul, it is also considered to reside in our fascinating and miraculous brains. Every cell in our bodies is an energy conductor. When we can understand and practice the routing that keeps us healthy and thriving, we become inspired and empowered.
It can seem the world is out of control and that people disagree with how to go about the art of life and change it for the better. Most of us can only control our own personal environments and how we interact with those in our circle of friends and family. Some have more of a voice than others in which to share thoughts, experiences, and ideas to help shape the future of humanity. Through social media and exposés, we can make a difference and influence people’s think. What we believe can significantly affect how we nurture the spirit that lives inside us.
There are several ways in which we can raise our personal vibrations to help us feel uplifted, gifted, and inspired. Practicing respect for others around us no matter where we are. Practicing patience by waiting for our turn without anger. Taking proper action when we see someone being mistreated or misunderstood. Living the “Golden Rule” has a lot of benefits. It makes our spiritual connections that much more reliable which helps to improve our physical health and gives us the purpose to do things we look forward to every day. Our attitude can make or break a challenging day. Our thoughts create what kind of energy our bodies live in.
Take time to think of all the things we have to be grateful for. Make changes we know are good for us. Ask honestly if we are acting out of fear and anxiety or if we are making positive, healthy decisions for our life missions here. It also helps to take time to think about those past issues we may still be holding onto. Letting go of old ideas and grudges helps us to release old, false energies that block our chakra systems and clog up our thoughts. The past serves a great purpose to grow our souls, but the present can be more powerful if we appreciate what it has to offer.
Letting go of what other people think is a great way to lift yourself above judgment and jealousy. To be free to express yourself in a respectful way around others helps free your soul. Those who love to create are able to send messages of love, peace, hope, faith, and the truth of life as well. When we identify with freedom of expression, we lift our frequency to new heights. We can see a painting, a photograph, or hear an incredible song that sends the energy of joy all through our being. We can read a book about someone’s life of challenges that reminds us others have had the same experiences. This empathy helps to elevate our ability to reach out to help others and intuitively know how to assist.
Our personal vibrations love it when we send out gratitude. Gratitude is the ultimate tool when manifesting energy, and it also strengthens our physical immunity to harmful outside forces. If we are thinking positive, healthy thoughts, our bodies will turn those thoughts into actions that seek to heal us. This includes our intuitive skills as well. The inner knowing of our higher self and the messages sent to us by guides and loved ones we are connected to creates Zen thinking. These energies can help lead us to the right people, places, and things that we need to help keep us thriving.
It is a true blessing when like-minded souls find each other, sharing ideas and life together. The signs and synchronicities put there for us to discover them can be found if we are open-minded and open-hearted enough to see. We can lift each other up during the storms and celebrate the energy we know is still there when we live through our spiritual connections.
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About the Author
Judi Lynch is a psychic medium, intuitive counselor, healing channel, and author. She is president of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc., a 501(c) spiritual charity and writer for OM Times Magazine. She has authored two books, Friends with Lights and Conscious Ascension, and has read for clients all over the world. To learn more or contact for a session see

Judi Lynch is a psychic medium, intuitive counselor, healing channel and author. She is president of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc., a 501(c) spiritual charity and featured columnist for OM Times Magazine. She has authored two books, Friends with Lights and Conscious Ascension, and has read for clients all over the world.