The Temperance Card: Tarot Arcane October 2020

The month of October brings the Temperance Card to the front and the spiritual pursuit of balance, stability, and equilibrium, both within and without.
October Arcanum – The Temperance Card and the Energy of Transmutation
Temperance in everything is requisite for happiness. ~ Benjamin Haydon
The Holy Bible talks about transforming water into wine, but never spoke about the opposite, the transmutation of wine into water.
At first, the image of the Temperance Tarot Card suggests the act of “tempering” by adding water to wine, to mitigate its alcoholic effects. The opposite is also true, now making a curious reference to the Wedding at Cana, where Jesus did precisely the opposite, transforming water into wine, to make the wedding happy.
Temperance presents itself as the spiritual pursuit of balance, stability, and equilibrium. In a hostile environment, the Temperance brings us to the point of reflection and balance before the transformation. The winged creature holding the chalices is neither male nor female. Still, It is of an androgynous nature, meaning that that is a celestial being, that begets in itself, the complementary nature of the opposite’s genders.
Meaning of the Tarot Card Temperance
This tarot card reveals the perfect combination between “the things of Heaven and the things of Earth.”
The Flow represented by this archetype, through the more intrinsic and spiritual way, shows us it is possible to harmonize everything. It is possible to conciliate that which belonged to the “old Self” with everything that the “new Self” presents over the prospect of this new journey.
It is a sound, foretelling card. It reveals that the present situation is progressing towards a point of stability and balance. However, it is good to consider that the card does not indicate the result of the actions, nor the advancement of growth. But instead signals us to accept that decisions cannot be made at the moment, as it is still time to reflect and many new elements on the equation that are not yet known.
Temperance to be a virtue, must be free, and not forced. ~ C. A. Bartol
In love, Tarot Card Temperance indicates a happy relationship but somewhat imprisoning, since there tends to become stagnant and too accommodating. It is not a relationship that tends to evolve. Thus, the involved ones themselves do not evolve through the relationship but become dependent on it.
It is important to keep in mind that this whole process has its origin in the exercise of Destiny itself, where man fulfills his Divine function.
The Temperance Tarot Card and the Magic of Togetherness
When Temperance appears, it comes with its Clarion call to all of us, that either consciously or unconsciously, we must accept to work together. We need to re-educate to listen to each other and to accept and embrace our differences. It is imperative to reflect (together) upon the next steps that we must take. Knowing that the path we are taking is the right one does not always indicate that we have all the answers. Here, the “how I would do it” is an incredibly important factor to ensure the best result when genuinely looking for solutions.
Therefore, we must evaluate carefully and act, balancing our conflicting energies, dominating, and taming the ego, managing expectations, and bringing them to the reality of the situation. Temperance reminds us that we are part of the Divine Process of creation. We are tools of the great Divine work. We must have responsibility and pride, as we are agents of Universal Harmony, not the disruptor of Life’s symphony.
What the Temperance card represents to us in October?
The virtue of prosperity is Temperance; the virtue of adversity is fortitude. ~ Francis Bacon
The Arcanum shows that you should not be in a hurry this month. There is an entirely new energetic template coming to replace the old and decayed. It calls us to slow down the speed of our actions and invites us to become more mindful of your personal needs and of the needs of others We should be patient and move forward little by little, paying close attention to everything that goes on around ourselves. Calm is the key to achieving what we want. Haste is the enemy of perfection.
At a loving level, this card gives the green light to everything loving, harmony, romance, sharing, and balance. Give more importance to the dialogue with your partner, the expression of feelings is favored. If you don’t have a partner yet, take it easy because everything will arrive in due time. Take care of yourself, engage in activities that give you pleasure, and don’t let yourself be immersed in depressive thoughts.
In terms of health, this card indicates balance and well-being, brings a slow but safe recovery from an illness, and advises on endowing healthy habits of Life. When referring to money, this Arcanum indicates that you will be able to balance your accounts. This month, you will know how to manage your money to meet all expenses with balance. Although it does not foresee novelties, this tarot archetype brings stability and security to our reality, disarming much of the uproar we have been living under.
Month’s Keywords: Perfect balance; Alchemy; Harmony.
If The Temperance Card: Tarot Arcane October 2020 resonated, read Tarot Astrology Forecast October 2020 for Each Zodiac Sign
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About the Author
Creatrix from Sirius. Fairly Odd Mother of Saints (Bernards). Fish Tank aficionado by day ninja by night. Liane is also the Editor-in-Chief of OMTimes Magazine and Ministry Earth Magazine, Co-Founder of Humanity Healing International and Humanity Healing Network, and a Board Member of Saint Lazarus Relief Fund.
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Creatrix from Sirius. Fairly Odd Mother of Saints (Bernards). Fish Tank aficionado by day ninja by night. Liane is also the Editor-in-Chief of OMTimes Magazine, Co-Founder of Humanity Healing International and Humanity Healing Network, and a Board Member of Saint Lazarus Relief Fund.